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Welcome to Lifeskills. Alcohol: Myth and Reality  What is alcohol?  Is alcohol a drug?  Is alcohol a stimulant or a depressant?  How does it affect.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Lifeskills. Alcohol: Myth and Reality  What is alcohol?  Is alcohol a drug?  Is alcohol a stimulant or a depressant?  How does it affect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Lifeskills

2 Alcohol: Myth and Reality  What is alcohol?  Is alcohol a drug?  Is alcohol a stimulant or a depressant?  How does it affect the body?

3 Points to Ponder  Alcohol is a drug contained in beverages (drinks) such as wine, beer, wine coolers, or hard liquor.  After you drink it, alcohol is absorbed through the walls of your stomach and intestines, directly into your bloodstream. The alcohol then travels through the blood to the brain.  Alcohol is a depressant. Once it reaches the brain, it depresses the brains activity, which in turn affects the body.

4  If alcohol is a depressant and slows down the brain activities, what do you think are some of the physical and behavioral affects it has on the body?

5  Small doses of alcohol will…  Slow down he ability to think clearly and to make decisions  Make you feel a little more relaxed  Make you feel more loose and daring than you usually do  Larger doses of alcohol will…  Slow down other area of the brain and nervous system  Cause dizziness  Decrease coordination  Cause difficulties in speaking, walking, and staying awake  Cause emotional behavior

6 Some people may  Pass out temporarily or lose their memory because of the drug’s action on the brain Behavioral effects include:  Fighting/arguing/violence  Talking loudly or more than usual  Obnoxious behavior  Silliness/ giggling/ giddiness

7 Patterns of Drinking  Abstinence: About 30% of Americans don’t drink at all. Reasons: religion, alcoholism; allergy  Ritual Drinking: This is the drinking of alcohol in the context of a religious service of family rite. For Example: Church, Sabbath services, toast, Bar Mitzvah

8 Patterns of Drinking  Social Drinking: Many Americans call themselves social drinkers. The drinking is appropriate to time and place.  Compulsive or Problem Drinking: Alcohol is used as a way to cope with problems or negative feelings. It involves drinking too much too often. This kind of drinking is destructive and frequently increases a person’s problem instead of decreasing them.

9 Lets Summarize  Many people (30%) don’t drink at all.  There are several different kinds of drinking.  Some types of drinking( ritual or social drinking) are generally considered acceptable to most adults.  However some type of drinking is dangerous and destructive.  Most high school student report that they would disapprove if a friend drank regularly

10 Reasons for Not Drinking  Reasons for not Drinking  Don’t like the taste  Don’t like getting drunk  It’s fattening  Religious or family prohibitions  Need to stay in shape for sports  It’s illegal

11 Reasons for Drinking  Look grown up  Be more popular  Look cool  Feel less nervous in social situations  Like the taste  Get high to have fun  Peer pressure  boredom

12 Reasons why people become problem drinkers  Cope with problems  Cope with stress  Cope with negative emotions  Physical and psychological dependence  Have friend who are problem drinkers

13 Myth or Reality  Our whole society is concerned with getting a “high”.

14 Myth or Reality  It takes a real tough guy or girl to hold a lot of alcohol.

15 Myth or Reality  My friends will think I’m a “--------” if I don’t drink a lot.

16 Myth or Reality  I just drink beer or wine.

17 Myth or Reality  Lots of creative and successful people drink too much.

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