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Welcome to Curriculum Night! Ms. McCombs 4 th Grade (480) 541-4104 Please make sure you have signed in. It is located on the table.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night! Ms. McCombs 4 th Grade (480) 541-4104 Please make sure you have signed in. It is located on the table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night! Ms. McCombs 4 th Grade (480) 541-4104 Please make sure you have signed in. It is located on the table on the tile. Take a yellow standards sheet and copy of the PowerPoint.

2 Philosophy and Mission Statement “You are not alone. I believe in you, and I will not give up on you. You can do this.” I work very hard to create a safe learning environment in which all voices are valued. Students are taught to broaden their perspectives by listening, asking questions, and exploring. A successful classroom is only as effective as the cooperative and courageous leaders inside of it. Students are pushed every day to uncover something unique and helpful within themselves. It is my great hope that my students will leave my classroom with not only new information but new eyes. New eyes to rediscover the world they live in and ask two questions: Why and how can I make it better?


4 Classroom Management Behavior Plan (if needed) In the classroom…  Natural and logical consequences  One size does not fit all  Love and Logic…teaching responsibility for actions  Seek Restitution for mistakes…reflection sheet (if needed)  Take a self-check: 1) Body 2) Mouth 3) Thoughts  Ubuntu: I am what I am because of what we all are. (Your best is my best)  Positive Leadership Model

5 Home/School Routine Blue Folders –homework, school mail, Master Spelling List, Agenda sheet Email updates/newsletters Phone calls Class webpage

6 Daily Schedule Specials (Monday: Art, Tuesday: Music, Wednesday: P.E., Thursday: Computer Lab, Friday: Library) Reading Reading IFG Writer’s Workshop (P.O.W. and W.W.W.) Recess/Lunch Math Math IFG Science/Social Studies/Health

7 College and Career Readiness Standards- a shift in thinking

8 Reading/Writing Focus 1: Read as much non-fiction as fiction

9 Reading/Writing Focus 2: Learn about the world through reading

10 Reading/Writing Focus 3: Read more complex material carefully

11 Reading/Writing Focus 4: Discuss reading using evidence

12 Reading/Writing Focus 5: Writing from Sources

13 Reading/Writing Focus 6: Academic Vocabulary

14 Math- The Priority Work for a 4 th Grader (1) developing understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and developing understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends (2) developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers (3) understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry

15 Math Focus 1: Learn more about less

16 Math Focus 2: Skills Across Grades

17 Math Focus 3: Speed and Accuracy


19 Math Focus 4: KNOW IT! DO IT!

20 Homework How it helps meet the core curriculum:  Common Core teaches the “why” and the “how” of problem solving…not just the “what”.

21 Math Focus 5: Real World

22 Math Focus 6: Think Fast/Solve Problems

23 Social Studies Arizona History History-Ancient Arizona tribes, Mountain Men/Explorers, How Arizona became Arizona Colonization Physical Attributes History/Government Salt Dough Maps- Coming in Sept. for brown bag dinner to view our Arizona Maps

24 Science Water & Weather Animal Classification Renewable & Nonrenewable Energy Magnetic and Electrical Energy Hands-on experiments in class

25 Homework Reading: Read 20 minutes each night Practice Reading Strategies Writing: opinion, informative/explanatory, narrative, P.O.W., W.W.W. Math: 1 Sheet (single/both sides)-due next day Math games, fact fluency Spelling: Test on Wednesdays, 21 words, 2 starred words on each list –must know definition and part of speech (noun, verb, adjective)

26 Homework- HELP! It is my expectation that the children are completing their homework and turning it in on a timely basis. If there is an issue, please inform me with a note or email. I understand how things come up in life! If they need to finish an assignment and there is no note, they will be finishing it at recess Agenda is filled out daily! This can always be found in their blue take- home folder. I am here to support you too! If you have questions you can call, email, or a schedule a meeting. Phone: (480) 541-4104. Email: If your child needs support with homework have them circle the problems they are struggling with. If it’s 3 or more, I need a note from a parent. No fights or tears. I will help them the very next day.

27 Grades and Assessment Report Cards  Letter Grades State and District tests  AIMS (Science), AZ Merit, Fall/Spring District Summatives * Please make sure you are present for all tests.  Learning goals/scale  Self-assessing, predicting and reflecting

28 Upcoming Dates: Math Night –Learn about common core strategies for 4 th grade Thursday, September 3 In the library from 6:00pm – 7:00 pm Brown Bag Dinner –Students share AZ salt dough map/eat dinner in teacher’s classroom (Rm. 4) Tuesday, September 15 In teacher’s classroom (Rm. 4) from 5:30pm – 7:00pm

29 Communication Email (weekly updates, bi-weekly newsletters, questions or concerns) Voice mail: 480.541.4104 Kyrene Website (  Kyrene del Milenio  “Ms. McCombs” class page

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