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NOEL-Learning to 18 Project Pathways to Aboriginal Student Success (P.A.S.S.)

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1 NOEL-Learning to 18 Project Pathways to Aboriginal Student Success (P.A.S.S.)

2 The Learning to 18 Funding $18 million in funding was announced by the Ministry of Education in the fall of 2004. Boards were asked to submit project proposals that enhanced the knowledge and understanding of effective programs and instructional strategies for students who are struggling in school.

3 The Learning to 18 Funding (Cont.) The ultimate goals of the program is to: Reduce the Drop-Out Rate. Re-engage youth who have left school. Provide successful school-to-work and school-to-apprenticeship programs.

4 The Learning to 18 Funding (Cont.) Two types of projects were funded: Program Pathways-proven effective projects that were already in place. The funding allowed these projects to be expanded either at a board level or across the province. New and Innovative Programs-Pilot projects that go beyond current practices.

5 NOEL P.A.S.S. Project Northern Ontario Education Leaders group submitted a joint proposal with the overall goal of addressing the needs of First Nation students throughout the North-Western Ontario. The boards involving included: Keewatin-Patricia DSB Superior-Greenstone DSB Kenora Catholic DSB Rainy River DSB NorthWest Catholic DSB Thunder Bay Catholic DSB Lakehead DSB Superior North Catholic DSB Northern Resource Alliance

6 NOEL P.A.S.S. Project (Cont.) The project was funded for $1.5 million, the largest single amount given to a specific project. Our projects addressed the needs of First Nation students within all of the participating boards. The money funded a number of unique project components: Later Literacy Alternative Education Credit Recovery Transition Classes Research in effective practices

7 NOEL P.A.S.S. Project (Cont.) For the 2005-2006 school year, the funding continued as long as boards matched the amounts provided by the Ministry. Also, the funding for continuing projects could only be used for staffing and transportation. For the 2005-2006 school year, NOEL again received $1.5 million in funding. Additional funding allowed for the expansion of the Later-Literacy program.

8 Sample Programs Aboriginal Alternative Education Program- Sioux Lookout TAG Program-Rainy River DSB STA-Kenora At-Risk COOP Program-Thunder Bay Later-Literacy Program-Across the Region

9 Gigendaasoo’ow-Wido’Win Aboriginal Alternative Education Program-Sioux Lookout Program is located in the adult education center. The program is designed to address the specific needs of First Nations students in the community and region Students have been unsuccessful at QEDHS or have been out of school for more then a year. Students work on credits at their own pace. Multiple credits are tied to assignments and are granted when the student has completed the course work.

10 Gigendaasoo’ow-Wido’Win Aboriginal Alternative Education Program-Sioux Lookout (Cont.) The program began with 7 students in 2004-2005. This year, there is 25 students in the program. The students participate in a number of extra curricular activities: Drivers Education Program Confederation College Career Exploration Trip Cultural Activities in conjunction with Pelican Fall High School Guest Speakers Work Skills Programs

11 TAG-Rainy River DSB The program is running in all three of the high schools in the Rainy River District School Board. The program combines Later-Literacy, Credit Recovery, and Modular-Based ILC courses. The Later-Literacy program is funded through the Learning to 18 Project. Students work in the TAG classroom for one or two periods in a semester.

12 TAG-Rainy River DSB Student work with the same intensive Later- Literacy program followed throughout the region and either complete credit recovery or a ILC course. There is a teacher and a number of Educational Assistants in each classroom. For the remainder of the day, students work in a regular classroom setting.

13 STA-Kenora The STA (Striving Toward Achievement) is a Transition class based at St. Thomas Aquinas High School. There are currently 25 First Nations students in the program. The program is designed to help students who are at least 2 grade levels behind in Literacy and/or Numeracy. The students attend the class for one or two periods a day.

14 STA-Kenora The students in the program are taking ENG 1P, Math 1L and HIF 10. The students will be completing their credit by mid-November and may be working on a Learning Skills credit. Students in the HIF 10 are working on life skills. The students participate in Cultural Activities and career awareness programs. One student is currently participating in the E- Spirit Aboriginal Business Competition.

15 At-Risk COOP-Thunder Bay This program provides At-Risk with the opportunity to receive on the job work experience. The program is run at both high schools in the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board. There are currently 18 students involved in the program, generating over 36 credits. Approximately 10 First Nations students are involved in the program.

16 At-Risk COOP-Thunder Bay (Cont.) Students usually do two work placements and two community service placements. The students will be involved with a week-long student shadowing activity in conjunction with Confederation College. Students also have regular guest speakers and visits from former students. Currently, this program has a continues intake of students.

17 Later-Literacy-Across the Region All of the board are involved with the Later- Literacy program. The program is run both at the Elementary (Grades 7 and 8) and the Secondary (Grades 9 and 10) levels The program is based on a model developed by Joyce MacDonald. All of the teachers or educational assistants have been trained to use this specific program.

18 NOEL Coordinator The Coordinator’s role is to promote the program, to complete all of the Ministry reports, and to ensure that the projects meet the funding requirements. In the future, we will be developing a website and a monthly newsletter.

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