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Year 1 Our class names are Firebirds and Pegasus.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 Our class names are Firebirds and Pegasus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 Our class names are Firebirds and Pegasus

2 English In English we have been learning the story; ‘The Three Little Pigs’

3 We learn this version of the story – we make up actions to help us remember it.

4 We also draw the story – this is called a story map and helps us remember the written version.

5 We built a 3D brick, stick and straw house We dressed up as the pigs and the big bad wolf – we then acted out the story!

6 We wrote the Three Little Pigs story

7 We then changed the story – This story is called The Three Wizard and the nasty troll!

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