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10/9/20151 RAINWATER HARVESTING MASTER PLAN IN JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA CAMPUS NEW DELHI (First of its kind in India with the Proposal to develop Rainwater.

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Presentation on theme: "10/9/20151 RAINWATER HARVESTING MASTER PLAN IN JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA CAMPUS NEW DELHI (First of its kind in India with the Proposal to develop Rainwater."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/9/20151 RAINWATER HARVESTING MASTER PLAN IN JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA CAMPUS NEW DELHI (First of its kind in India with the Proposal to develop Rainwater Harvesting Master Plan of INDIA)

2 Presented By Prof. Gauhar Mahmood Dept. of Civil Engineering Jamia Millia Islamia

3 10/9/20153

4 4 The Master Plan 2001 for Delhi, suggests the water consumption norm of 364 litres per capita/day (lpcd) S. No. Water Use Consumpt ion litres/capita/d 1Domestic226 2Industrial, Commercial and Community requirement based on 45000 litres per hectare per day 47 3Fire production based on 1% of total demand04 4Garden based on 67 litres per day35 5For floating population & special uses52 Total364 Delhi at a Glance

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6 6 INTRODUCTION: Jamia Millia Islamia occupies 205 acres of land at Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. It has 25% Roof top area,17 % Roads and 58 % Open Green. Rainwater Harvesting Master plan was Executed in 2003 and continuous monitoring indicates the drastic improvement in groundwater Quantity and Quality. We have Harvested 100 % Rainwater unlike Roof Top Only and there is no contamination with controlled design. We have completely avoided Water Logging, Flooding, Tube Wells failure and Salinity have been improved. We are applying this Concept to Gurgaon. Our Attempt is to develop Rainwater Harvesting Maser Plan Atlas for the entire country provided we get financial assistance from the government. Rainwater Harvesting Master Plan needs coordination among Hydrogeologist, Civil Engineers and Architecture which the rare combination available in Jamia

7 10/9/20157 The basic concept of the Rainwater Harvesting Master Plan is to capture every drop of water without contaminating groundwater otherwise only single Roof Top harvesting does solve the purpose of proper groundwater recharging. We have applied Remote Sensing, Geophysical, Hydrogeological techniques along with Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Earthquake Engineering along with Urban Planning and Design in order to provide the safety of the foundation and buildings, Roads from Erosion due to Flooding and Water logging, improvement in the Quality and quantity of groundwater and Landscape and revitalization of water bodies. Apart from these many other ideas will be of great interest for the Architect Planner, Engineers, Social Workers and common people working in this direction. We hope that this opportunity will definitely help us to develop Rainwater Harvesting Master Plan Atlas for Bharat.

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10 10 The fundamental idea of Rainwater Harvesting Master Plan was to develop the technique for capturing every drop of Rainwater because the dependability of the Jamia university is entirely on the groundwater. The situation were further deteriorating due to unplanned development in the surrounding area where the Jal board water is limited to 20 % only. Being Jamia is the only place where lot of Open Space is available the surrounding the recharging benifited a lot and Jalboard tube wells are also surviving apart from tube wells in Jamia Camus. Comparative Study of –groundwater quantity and quality test results every pre monsoon and post monsoon in order to ascertain the overall impact of Rainwater Harvesting on groundwater quality and quantity of the campus area since the inception of its execution in 2003 till date. Apart from these the Dilution of Salinity, control on water logging and Flooding, Safety of Foundation of building and response to earthquakes in rainwater harvesting areas apart from the improvement in vegetation density and pattern with overall heath of the vegetation. SCOPE OF STUDY:

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12 10/9/201512 SUB SURFACE GEOLOGY

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14 10/9/201514 Green Space Potential for 25mm rainfall / 15 Minutes To Design the Injection Wells:

15 10/9/201515 Pakka Area and Road Potential for 25mm rainfall / 15 Minutes To Design the Injection Wells:

16 10/9/201516 Zonewise Total Open Space Potential for 25mm rainfall / 15 Minutes To Design the Injection Wells:

17 10/9/201517 Design of Ponds For The Roof Top Areas:

18 10/9/201518 Design of Ponds for Open Space Harvesting ]

19 10/9/201519 Rooftop Rainwater Potential & Design of The Injection Wells *Single bore well structures S. No. Injectio n Well No. Covered Area (sq. m) Rainwater Potential (cu. m) Dispe rsion rate (cu. m. /h) Annual ( 61 cm ) Design ( 25 mm )/ day Depth (m) Drilling Rig dia (inches) Injectio n Well (inches) 1.No. 17186.24386.53152.711520 188 2.No. 26987.174261.79148.481520 188 3.No. 37985.164306.47169.681520 188 4.No. 411407.726958.43242.411520 188 5.No. 54629.012805.2698.3715 20 188 6.No. 611764.254980.15250.0015 20 188 7.No. 78145.844968.81173.1015 20 188 8.No. 83241.81970.7868.8915 20 188 9.No. 98078.194827.68171.6615 20 188 10.No. 105304.043232.36112.7115 20 188 Design of Injection Wells

20 10/9/201520 S. No. Injection Well No. Open Area (sq. m) Rainwater Potential (Cu.m.) Dispersion Rate (cu. m. /h) Design of Injection Well Design at (25 mm)/ day Depth (m) Drilling Rig Dia. (Inches) Injection Well Dia. (Inches) 1.No. 160968.9583.17 15 20 84 2.No. 260011.5601.5615 15 20 84 3.No. 3 & 4 112403.01230.61 20 84 4.No. 586703.5767.66 1520 84 5.No. 619508.5205.85 15 20 84 6.No. 7 & 8110308.21179.29 15 20 84 7.No. 981003.20852.71 15 20 84 8.No. 1059304.0583.17 1520 84 9.No. 11108002.3601.56 1520 84 10.No. 12 & 13 57000.01230.61 1520 84 Open Space Rainwater Potential & Design of The Injection Wells



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31 10/9/201531 RECOMMENDATIONS 1.The Rainwater Harvesting has been tested in Jamia campus and now The Rainwater Harvesting Master Plan must be developed for entire INDIA in a phased mannure begning with MOST NEEDY AREAS upto District, Tehsil, Block and Village level 2. The Master Plan should have the coordination from Ministry of Water Resources, Urban Development, Rural Development, Agriculture, Human Resources, Panchayati Raj, Environment & Forest, Science & Technoogy and Local Development Authority with Jamia Millia Islamia 3. The regular Training should be provided from the gross root level with Gram puchayat,Tehsildar, SDM, ADM, DM and local engineers and NGO’s 4. The researches in the universities and must be shared with ministeries and should be made publich for their own area through websites and training. 5.The regular monitoring must be put on the Website and Rainwater Master Plan should be improved accordingly

32 10/9/201532 Thanks..!!

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