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KOSOVO TRIP REPORT January 31st – February 1st, 07.

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Presentation on theme: "KOSOVO TRIP REPORT January 31st – February 1st, 07."— Presentation transcript:

1 KOSOVO TRIP REPORT January 31st – February 1st, 07

2 IFRC - Current situation in Kosovo   Political situation fully dominated by the process to determine the final status   No progress in improving the critical situation in economic, health, social welfare, education etc. sectors   Increasing need for Red Cross assistance to the most vulnerable groups   High rate of unemployment (over 50%), lowest income per capita in the region (1.250 EUR/year)

3 Large problem with corruption in all segments of life Week and ineffective law enforcement Health system not able to cover the needs weak management under investment in structure/staff poor access to health care outside Pristina only basic medicines provided for free hospital expenses high, covered by relatives living abroad or loans from banks Current situation in Kosovo

4 ICRC  no general proceeding/organization dealing with forced returnees  no organized reception/transfer to places of origin  no reconstruction programme for houses (UNHCR`s only for voluntary returnees)  lack of ID  security problems – as for local population

5 Potential crisis  massive return - at least 100.000 living abroad (non Albanians), total 300-400.000 Albanians), total 300-400.000  municipalities not able to address the needs  Collapse of the system!!!

6 UNHCR MISSION HQ in Pristina and 5 Field Offices More policy making work  capacity building  helping in civil registration and issuance of documents of documents Not promoting but facilitating return

7  Core activities: - monitoring return - supporting inter ethnic dialogue - free legal aid - shelter assistance (repairing houses)  Cooperation: - lack of response from local authorities to support the needs of returnees to support the needs of returnees

8 National Societies presentations  Germany  Italy  Switzerland  Norway  Denmark  Sweden  Serbia

9 Meeting with RC Kosova  Not recognized National Society - 36 professionals, 5.000 volunteers - lack of vehicles, problems with custom - Law on Red Cross soon to be passed  Cooperating with all major partners, bilateral cooperation with many RCs bilateral cooperation with many RCs  Aid distribution (food and non-food items), psycho-social support psycho-social support  Needs in education, health care system access, housing… access, housing…

10 FIELD VISITS  PECH - visit to two families - returned from Germany after more than 15 years than 15 years - problems in housing, finding job, health problems, language barriers, health problems, language barriers, education… education…

11  KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Town split into South Mitrovica (Albanian) and North Mitrovica (Serbian) (Albanian) and North Mitrovica (Serbian) - Tensions present on daily bases - Visit to Collective Centre for Returnees (former military barracks) (former military barracks) - Same problems as in Pech…








19 Serbian Red Cross – Kosovo and Metohija Provintial Organization  covering 28 branches, not having access to two  mainly distributing humanitarian aid (food and non-food items)  health care  cooperation with all major international partners  lack of office space (now renting), vehicles, good in Human Resources due to large number of volunteers


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