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Time Management. An interesting thought: There is no such thing as “Time Management”…why?

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management. An interesting thought: There is no such thing as “Time Management”…why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management

2 An interesting thought: There is no such thing as “Time Management”…why?

3 Because we cannot actually manage time…we manage ourselves within the boundaries of time (24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, etc.)

4 We need to organize a schedule to fit in the various activities in a day ( you may have even more time eaters!) 24 hour day

5 Consider your Goals…such as  Be Healthy  Graduate with a degree  Have a good career  Hobbies (may blossom into a second career!)  Family  Friends  Travel

6 Then consider the tasks that will help you attain your goals…for example  Be Healthy (Goal) –Eat well –Sleep –Exercise –Periodic doctor checkups

7 Another example of tasks that will help you attain your goals  Graduate with a degree (Goal) –Register for necessary courses –Attend classes –Organize and review your notes –Study for tests –Work on assignments –Work on projects

8 Look at how you spend your time  Keep a log to estimate of where your time goes  Categorize the various activities (chores, errands, leisure, work, school, etc.)  Total up the time and see what’s left for school related work  Make adjustments as needed  An example chart: –

9 So…what should you be doing to organize your time?  Find out what’s important to you, and list out all your goals to help you get there  List out all the tasks that will help you attain these goals (Remember to balance – work and at least SOME play! – notice the word SOME)  Make sure you add items that need immediate attention that pop up (car repair, haircut, etc.)  Prioritize!!! Refer to Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix - Set up a schedule to carry out your tasks (weekly and daily)

10 Now that we have set up a schedule, what’s next?

11 Be aware of the roadblocks that might get in the way and see how to reduce them  Watching TV  Computer Games  Cruising the Internet / Chat  Hanging out with friends  General PROCRASTINATION excuses – ( finding ANYTHING to do other than your scheduled things)

12 How can you Reduce Time-eaters?  Schedule them in  Make sure they stay within their allotted time  Save them for LAST – after your important work is done  Be aware of procrastination!

13 How to increase the probability of success with your schedule  Start NOW – right now  Prioritize – do the most important first  Try to establish a routine for consistency –Example: Study time is 2 hours per night – from 7-9pm  Minimize interruptions – turn off phone, tell friends/family that you work between 7-9pm  Reward yourself once your work is done  Re-energize - get some Sleep!!!

14 How to deal with large projects or papers  DON’T wait until the day before it’s due (buildings weren’t built that way!)  Start early … soon after it’s assigned.  Break the job down into small steps, each requiring a small amount of time  Each day, for a couple of weeks, devote ½ hour to getting it done.

15 Good Luck…don’t wait!!!

16 References  Steven Covey – “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”  UB’s Student Affairs website on “Time Management” http://ub- http://ub- Copyright - Counseling Services, State University of New York at Buffalo Copyright - Counseling Services, State University of New York at Buffalo  Career Pharm “How to Manage Time to Attain Your Goals” manage-time.cfm manage-time.cfm manage-time.cfm  Barron’s “A Pocket Guide to Study Tips”  Harry Maddox “How to Study”

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