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Medicaid Initiatives to Improve Maternal and Infant Health

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1 Medicaid Initiatives to Improve Maternal and Infant Health
Marsha Lillie-Blanton, DrPH Chief Quality Officer & Director, Division of Quality, Evaluation, and Health Outcomes Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, CMS HRSA’s Region IV and VI Infant Mortality Summit

2 CMS Aims: Coverage as Pathway to Better Care, Better Health, Lower Costs
Through Improvement Better Care of Individuals

3 Medicaid/CHIP’s Role in Achieving the “Three Part Aim” for Mothers and Children in Medicaid
At least 2 of 3 adult women covered by Medicaid are in their reproductive yrs Medicaid covers 4 of 10 births and about 2 of 3 publically-funded family planning services, including Prenatal and post-partum care Gynecological services Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases Medicaid/CHIP cover about 34% of all children under age 18 Sources: National Institute for Reproductive Health; Kaiser Family Foundation: Health Reform: Implications for Women’s Access to Coverage and Care, December 2009; Dubay et al, Health Affairs 2007.

4 The Challenge & Opportunity

5 Infant Mortality Rates for Mothers Age 20+, by Race/Ethnicity and Education, 2003-2005
Infant deaths per 1,000 live births: African American, Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native White, Non-Hispanic Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Hispanic Less than High School High School College+ NOTES: Data reported for 37 states, DC, and NYC. DATA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. SOURCE: Health, United States, 2008, Table 19.

6 What Factors Influence Health and Health Care Disparities?
Economic & Social Opportunities and Resources Living & Working Conditions in Homes and Communities Medical Care Personal Behavior SOURCE: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Commission to Build a Healthier America, 2008

7 CMS Efforts Underway to Improve Maternal and Infant Health

8 Neonatal Outcomes Improvement Project
3 Pilot States – Arkansas, North Carolina, Ohio AR telemedicine outreach program (TOUCH), decrease in inappropriate deliveries of VLBW and early-gestational age babies in TOUCH sites by 5%, $10K savings per transport NC showed a 43% decrease in the rate of elective preterm deliveries, NICU admissions and newborn complications; 75 % reduction in NICU catheter infections in participating hospitals OH reduced the number of statewide pre-term births by 8,256; decreased NICU admissions by ~200

9 Perinatal Outcomes Symposium, June 2011: Where Are We? Where Can We Go?
Profile of Interventions to Improve Perinatal Outcomes Ascension Healthcare Case Study Nurse Family Partnership Healthy Start Program & Freestanding Birth Centers Key Components of an Agenda to Advance Perinatal Outcomes Primary preventive strategies Preconception/interconception care Linking data sets across systems (Medicaid & Public Health) Women and children’s accountable care homes Engaging communities 9

10 Webinars Patient Safety in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - May 2011
Joe McCannon (Senior Advisor to CMS Administrator) Mary Applegate, MD (OH Medicaid Medical Director) Improving Birth Outcomes in Medicaid: Healthy Babies, Lower Costs - June 2011 Jeffrey Schiff, MD (MN Medicaid Medical Director) Scott Burns, MD, FAAP (March of Dimes Foundation Senior VP) 10

11 New Ideas: Maternity Care Measures in CMCS Core Set of Quality Measures
Voluntary, State Report of Measure Sets Initial Core Set for Children in Medicaid/CHIP: Frequency of ongoing prenatal care Timeliness of prenatal care Cesarean rate for low-risk first birth women % of live births weighing < 2500 grams Initial Core Set for Medicaid Eligible Adults Elective delivery prior to 39 weeks completed gestation Appropriate Use of Antenatal Steroids Postpartum Care Rate 11

12 New Ideas: Testing of Promising Practices
Working with the CMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) to test interventions and/or new models of care that address medical and social factors that contribute to prematurity-related poor birth outcomes, including new or not widely used approaches to: maternity care psycho social support systems payment strategies 12

13 New Ideas: Encouraging and Supporting Use of Evidence-Based Maternity Care Practices
Share successful experiences of State Medicaid agencies with other States (e.g. Breastfeeding Issue Brief to be released in Jan 2012) Offer financial incentives to State Medicaid agencies that achieve improvements on a national set of performance measures for maternal and infant health Create opportunities for Medicaid agencies to implement models of care or interventions that show promise in bridging multiple determinants of pregnancy outcomes (e.g., medical, social, nutrition) Encourage States to include maternity care performance measures in Medicaid managed care contracts

14 Medicaid/CHIP Partners in Improving Maternal & Infant Health
Collaboration with States within CMS (CMMI,OCSQ,OMH, CCIIO) with other HHS agencies (AHRQ, HRSA, CDC) outside Government (Providers, Advocacy Groups, Professional Associations) 14

15 How Should CMS Target Its Resources to Improve Maternal & Infant Health?
Submit your ideas to: Subject line: Improving Perinatal Outcomes 15

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