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Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 1 Back to School Brief Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03.

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Presentation on theme: "Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 1 Back to School Brief Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 1 Back to School Brief Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03

2 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 2 Agenda  Commander’s Comments  Operations  Recruiting  Admin  Policy  Logistics  Wrap up

3 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 3 Commander’s Comments  Set your goals now! APFT=300 by the end of the school year (latest) GPA=3.0 and above Leadership performance=SAT moving to Excellence Recruit one person who should be in ROTC (Scholar, Athlete, Leader)  The local heroes/heroine! NALC Graduates NALC Performance results RECONDO; ABN CTLT/NSTP  Communicate ideas (The Black Box)

4 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 4 Commander’s Comments  Extra-effort stuff matters: Cadets recruiting Cadets=incentives MSIV’s receiving credit for staff work/leadership work Four ten-hour work study positions: Supply, XO, Admin functions, Alumni affairs New policies: Admin suspension=loss of scholarship Training plan: Rappelling, Marksmanship, Paintball STX, Staff Ride, Ski trip, Dining-In, Parent’s Day Breakfast NALC low point was Land Navigation=more training

5 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 5 Commander’s Comments  Additions: Student Handbook New Logistics officer, CPT Miraco New CSULB APMS, MAJ Summy New XO, MAJ Ortiz New Admin NCO, SSG Bailey New Admin OIC, MAJ Howe New Admin Assistant, Ms Navarro New ROO, MAJ Barclay Departures: MAG Maddi, SFC Kerr

6 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 6 Training Briefing Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03

7 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 7 August 03 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24/31 252627282930 A-CO ORIENTATION WEEK USC CLASSES BEGIN B-CO ORIENTATION WEEK CADRE OFF-SITE TRAINING HOLIDAY ARNG Paintball SLO/ SFC Johnson CPT Lawrence Paintball Hollywood Park, Bellflower BN Social

8 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 8 September 03 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 1 23456 789 1011 12 13 1415 16 17 1819 20 2122 23 24252627 28 2930 Labor Day RAPPELLING LBFD B-CO LAB Academic Counseling B-CO LAB A-CO LAB Academic Counseling A-CO LAB Awards Ceremony Military Customs & Courtesies Awards Ceremony Military Customs & Courtesies IN RANKS INSP D&C IN RANKS INSP D&C CSULB 1 ST DAY BEGIN USC FOOTBALL (parking) USC FOOTBALL (parking) A-CO APFT B-CO APFT A-CO LAB Land Nav (1) B-CO LAB Land Nav (1) TRAINING HOLIDAY ARMY

9 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 9 October 03 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 1234 567891011 1213 1415 16 17 18 19202122232425 2627 282930 31 Columbus Day Halloween B-CO LAB First Aid (1) B-CO LAB 1 ST AID (2) A-CO LAB First Aid (1) A-CO LAB 1 ST AID (2) LAND NAV (2) USC FOOTBALL NAVY PCI USC HOMECOMING FALL FTX, SLO FTX A-CO APFT B-CO APFT POST OPS TRAINING HOLIDAY Parent’s Day Breakfast

10 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 10 November 03 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 1 2 3 45678 9101112131415 1617 18 19202122 23/30 242526272829 Thanksgiving Veterans Day RANGER CHALLENGE USC Homecoming Football (Tri-Service parking) Alumni event B-CO LAB SQD Tactics Formations B-CO LAB Call for Fire B-CO LAB 1 ST AID STX A-CO LAB 1 ST AID STX A-CO LAB Communications A-CO LAB SQD Tactics Formations A-CO LAB Call for Fire USC FOOTBALL (Navy parking) BLOOD BOWL TRAINING HOLIDAY A-CO APFT B-CO APFT TRAINING HOLIDAY TRNG HOLIDAY RANGER CHALLENGE

11 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 11 December 03 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 1 23456 789 1011 12 13 1415 16 17 1819 20 2122 23 24252627 28 2930 Christmas Day 31 Award Ceremony USC FINALS USC WINTER BREAK CSULB FINALS USC/ UCI CLASSES END B-CO LAB CLASS A INSP A-CO LAB CLASS A INSP B-CO LAB Camouflage/ IMT USC & CSULB WINTER BREAK CSULB WINTER BREAK ½ Day Schedule Block Leave Trng Holiday ½ Day Schedule/ Block Leave A-CO APFT B-CO APFT Fall Commissioning

12 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 12 January 04 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 New Years Day USC & CSULB WINTER BREAK A-CO Classes Begin USC & CSULB WINTER BREAK CSULB WINTER BREAK A-CO LAB Welcome Back CSULB WINTER BREAK MLK Holiday A-CO LAB Camouflage/ IMT B-CO Classes BeginB-CO LAB Welcome Back A-CO LAB Battle Drill 1/A2 STAFF RIDE (All MSIV’s) A-CO APFT Cadre-Led Ski Trip TRAINING HOLIDAY Ski Trip Trng Holiday

13 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 13 February 04 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 1234567 8 9 1011 12 1314 15 1617 18 19 2021 22232425262728 B-CO LAB BRM (1) A-CO LAB BRM (1) B-CO LAB Battle Drill 1/A2 B-CO LAB Battle Drill 5 B-CO LAB RECON A-CO LAB Battle Drill 5 A-CO LAB RECON A-CO LAB AMBUSH LAND NAV (All MSIII’s) Presidents Day A-CO APFT B-CO APFT TRAINING HOLIDAY 29 TROJAN GAMES Joint Service Organization Day

14 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 14 March 04 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 1 23456 789 1011 12 13 1415 16 17 1819 20 2122 23 24252627 28 2930 B-CO LAB BRM (2) A-CO LAB BRM (2) B-CO LAB AMBUSH B-CO LAB MTC B-CO LAB 30 Min Drill A-CO LAB MTC A-CO LAB 30 Min Drill B-CO LAB 30 Min Drill LAND NAV (All MSIII’s) A-CO APFT B-CO APFT A-CO SPRING BREAK BRM 31

15 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 15 April 04 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 2526272829301 SPRING FTX, FT. IRWIN FTX B-CO LAB PCI A-CO LAB PCI A-CO LAB 30 Min Drill B-CO LAB 30 Min Drill A-CO APFT EASTER B-CO APFT B-CO SPRING BREAK A-CO LAB 30 Min Drill POST OPS SQUAD STX Start CER’s Complete CER’s DINING IN Awards Ceremony A-CO LAB Class A Insp. B-CO LAB Class A Insp.

16 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 16 May 04 Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday 2345678 9 10 1112 13 1415 16 1718 19 20 2122 23242526272829 3031 1 LAND NAV (All MSIII’s) Memorial Day B-CO FINALS USC Commencement A-CO FINALS TRAINING HOLIDAY CSULB Commencement A-CO LAB Recovery B-CO APFT B-CO LAB Recovery

17 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 17 ROO Briefing Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03

18 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 18 Recruiting Operations  MAJ Jim Barclay: Recruiting Ops Officer  2LT Chris Barber: Gold Bar Recruiter

19 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 19 Objectives  Recruit:  Scholar  Athletes  Leaders … that will propel the Trojan Battalion into the top ranks of the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps nationwide.  Mentor:  Assist academic advisors in mentoring and teaching AROTC Cadets. Retain and train qualified Cadets and prepare them to undertake leadership positions in the U.S. Army

20 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 20 Recruiting Incentives  Cadets are encouraged to “lead by example” and assist in strengthening the Trojan Battalion by recruiting new candidates  Quality recruits enhance the reputation of the Battalion  Battalion incentives can include: lunches, movie tickets, certificates, etc.  Best recruiter has inside track for “Goldbar”

21 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 21 Administration Briefing Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03

22 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 22 Staff Members  MAJ Howe: Admin Officer  SSG Bailey: Admin NCO  MS Navarro: Human Resources Assistant  MS Bell: Human Resources Assistant

23 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 23 Administrative Processing  CC Form139-R  DD Form 93  DA Form 597-3/597  SGLV 8286  Direct Deposit Forms  DD Form 4 series  Cadet Pay  Security Clearances  NALC Packets

24 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 24 Administrative Processing  Cadet Orders/Travel Arrangements  Travel Vouchers  ID Cards  General Support

25 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 25 Battalion Policy Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03

26 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 26 Policy  Probation, Admin Suspension Policy  Infractions: Semester or cumulative GPA below 2.0 Less than 12 units per semester Failed APFT or height/weight standards Misconduct or civil conviction ROTC GPA below 3.0 for scholarship students; below 2.0 for non- scholarship Unexcused absences, discipline problems

27 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 27 Policy  Probation, Admin Suspension Policy  Non-scholarship First time at cadre level – Academic Advisor recommendation, possible probation Second time at cadre level – Probation, possible disenrollment Third time at cadre level – Disenrollment  Scholarship First time at cadre level – Academic Advisor recommendation and probation Second time at cadre level – Admin suspension (loss of scholarship) Third time at cadre level – Scholarship termination, possible disenrollment Cadets on Admin Suspension or Scholarship Termination are still under the full terms of the scholarship contract

28 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 28 Policy  Attendance Policy  Unexcused absence-no notification of absence; always give 24 hours notification if possible  First unexcused=TAC counseling  Second=Cadet Battalion Commander/XO  Third=Academic Advisor makes recommendation to PMS

29 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 29 Policy  APFT Policy  Meet class APFT standard=A Plan MS IV class standard--280 MS III class standard—260 MS II class standard—240 MS I class standard—220  Fail to meet class standard A Plan=Wednesday PT only B Plan=T/W/Th (Does not meet class standard but above 220) C Plan=M/T/W/Th (Below 220)  1st time or Record APFT/height/weight failure=Probation  Fail Record APFT makeup 30 days later=Academic Suspension  Consistent APFT failure=scholarship termination and possible disenrollment

30 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 30 Logistics Briefing Trojan Battalion Fall Semester ‘03

31 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 31 Logistics  Procedures  New Resources  Individual Duties and Responsibilities  Key Events and Suspense's

32 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 32 Procedures  Text books will be issued at supply for MS I & II  All cadets need to update their hand receipts  All items that are drawn from the supply room will be signed for  Upon completion of any training events, thorough inspections of all equipment will take place  Cadet lounge will be signed for

33 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 33 New Resources  New shoes and boots have arrived and are ready for issue  New BDUs have arrived and are ready for issue for MSIII and cadets going to special schools next summer

34 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 34 Individual Duties and Responsibilities  Individual is responsible for care and service of personnel equipment and uniforms  Individual is responsible to bring shortages to the attention of the Cadet S-4  Cadet S-4 is responsible for coordinating with supply for bulk issue of supplies, TA-50, uniforms, class I, and training equipment

35 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 35 Key Events and Suspense’s  Work study position available working in Supply  Wearing of Class A & B’s throughout the year  Issue summer BDUs (April)  Issue all class A uniforms

36 Fortitudo Et Fides Strength and Honor29 Jul 03 36 Modeling Values; Developing Leaders; Building Traditions

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