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2014 Loaned Executive Training NORCAL Region 1. Welcome 2 Francine Roby, M.A., Executive Director San Francisco Bay Area Federal Executive Board (FEB)

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Loaned Executive Training NORCAL Region 1. Welcome 2 Francine Roby, M.A., Executive Director San Francisco Bay Area Federal Executive Board (FEB)"— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Loaned Executive Training NORCAL Region 1

2 Welcome 2 Francine Roby, M.A., Executive Director San Francisco Bay Area Federal Executive Board (FEB) The FEB Office and Gail Castaneda and Francine Roby have moved effective 8/25/14. Please use this contact information below: Email: Phones: Francine: 415-625-7723 Gail: 415-625-2461 Address: SAN FRANCISCO FEDERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD (FEB) 90 7TH STREET, SUITE 18-300 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 CFC Local Federal Coordinating Committee Representative

3 Who are You? Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Loaned Executive Team Introductions  Who you are  What agency you represent  Why you got involved  What you expect to get out of the experience 3

4 Principal Combined Funding Organization (PCFO) Regional Fundraising Support Team Introductions 4 Angela Cleo Smith Hub Director San Francisco & surrounding areas 510-927-7511 Dee Sutton Hub Director East Bay/South Bay 415-571-4285 Antoinette “Toni” Taylor Project Director, Loaned Executive Program Leader Hub Director – AF Bases Northern Calif. & surrounding areas 916-790-4966 Clarence Benjamin Hub Director Sacramento/Central Valley 415-571-4670

5 Principal Combined Funding Organization (PCFO) Administrative Support Team Introductions 5 Doug Bannick Chief Financial Officer (650) 712-1988 Irma Jones Operations Manager 415-571-4149 Barbara Barfield Executive Director (719) 531-5501 Jen Weems Online Giving Support Manager (720)-999-1015

6  CFC Overview  History & Story  Structure  Regulations  Campaign Cycle  Trends & Challenges  Strategic Planning  Loan Executive (LE Overview)  ECQs/Stephen Covey- The Eighth Habit  NorCal CFC Structure  NorCal CFC Overview  Campaign Leadership Preparation  2014 Campaign Theme  2014 Promotional Material/Resources Training Agenda Morning Session Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 6

7  The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the annual fund- raising drive conducted by Federal employees in their workplace each fall.  Only authorized solicitation on federal premises  OPM provides regulations, oversight and guidance  Strict charity eligibility standards  One campaign – once per year  Designation campaign – feds select the charity of their choice  The CFC is exclusively for:  Civilian Federal Employees, Military Personnel, U.S. Postal Employees  Can give through payroll deduction, cash or check CFC Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 7

8  Prior to the 1950’s, on the job fundraising in the federal workplace was an uncontrolled free-for all. Agencies, charities, and employees were ill-used and dissatisfied.  Eliminates year-round solicitation by charitable organizations of Federal employees in the Federal workplace  CFC offers a donor the convenience of using payroll deduction to make charitable contributions.  The magic of payroll deduction; it’s:  Simple  Easy on the pocketbook  Effective Why CFC Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 8

9  Complete history & campaign story:  The Early Years Overview  Fundraising in the early Federal workplace can be traced back to the late 1940’s  Prior to the 1950’s, problems were:  No specific period of charitable solicitation;  They were done throughout the year.  Quotas for agencies and individuals were freely established  Supervisors applied pressure to employees.  Designations were not allowed. CFC History Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 9

10  The Early Years Overview Continued  In 1961 - President Kennedy gave formal authority to permit fundraising in the Federal workplace and authorized the U.S. Civil Service Commission to develop guidelines and regulate fundraising in the Federal service.  In 1964 - The first “combined” called CFC were conducted in select federal locations  In 1971 - President Nixon announced that the CFC would be the uniform fundraising method for the Federal Service.  It continues to be the largest and most successful workplace philanthropic fundraising model in the world. CFC History Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 10

11  Choice – Employees designate to the charity than means the most to them  Convenience – Most agencies provide electronic pledging through payroll deduction which make larger gifts possible  Confidence - OPM and LFCC oversight; annual independent audit; random OIG audits 3 Cs of CFC Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 11

12 CFC Structure: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Key Workers 1 per every 25 Executive Committee Federal Agency Heads & Military Senior Commanders LFCC Regional Federal Agency and Military Reps Charitable Organizations PCFO Regional Director Ms. Barbara Barfield Hub Directors Dee Sutton Clarence Benjamin Angela Cleo Smith Antoinette “Toni” Taylor Agency Coordinators & Installation Project Officers Department/Unit Project Officers OPM 12

13 Charity Structure: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Fed Members LocalNationalInternational Online Universal Giving IndependentsFederations Independents Fed Members 13

14 Universal Giving  Beginning with the 2014 Combined Federal Campaign, all campaign regions must offer donors the opportunity to give through Universal Giving—the ability to donate to any national, international, or local charity not denied participation in the CFC.  Universal giving provides federal employees with the option to give to any participating CFC charity they choose, without regard to geographic boundaries.  Universal Giving is available in the Federal eGiving portals— Employee Express (EEX) and myPay—  It is also available in the web-based NEXUS eGiving platform.  For traditional paper pledging the universal charity list is located on the OPM website:  14

15  5 CFR 950 5 CFR 950  OPM Directives OPM Directives  B-325023, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission--Refreshments for a Combined Federal Campaign Event, July 11, 2014  CFC Guidance (Memoranda) CFC Guidance (Memoranda)  DoD Directives 503501 DoD Directives 503501  DoD Directive 503505 DoD Directive 503505  Air Force Regulations (AF36-3101)  Army Regulations (AR600-29)  Guidance from Specific Agencies  Ethics Officer  General Council CFC Regulations Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 15

16  100% Awareness  100% Opportunity  100% Follow Up  No Coercion  No PII Breaches CFC Rules Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 16

17 PII Compliance OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  OPM defines OSI as any information:  Related to the Federal donor or charitable entity that could alone, or combined with other information, be used to commit fraudulent acts against the Federal donor or charitable entity. For example, a donor’s home address, bank account number or routing number would constitute other sensitive information.  Campaign Responsibilities  It is the local campaign’s responsibility to ensure it has implemented adequate controls to protect against the unauthorized release and misuse of personally identifiable and other sensitive information. Local campaigns are responsible for the proper handling of PII and OSI, regardless of location.  Restricting access to PII and OSI to only those individuals who have a business need for it  Keeping paper documents with PII or OSI in locked storage rooms or safes which can only be accessed by authorized users or security personnel Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 17

18 PII Compliance  Reporting PII Breaches  A breach of PII or OSI includes the actual or suspected loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, or unauthorized access of PII or OSI. In accordance with 5 CFR § 950.104(b)(13) a LFCC is required to immediately report to OPM all potential PII data and OSI breaches -- whether they involve paper documents or electronic information. Potential PII data and OSI breaches must be reported within 30 minutes of discovery via telephone on (202) 606-2564 or email at to OPM.  OSI whether physical or electronic  Both actual and suspected breaches should be reported, even if it is believed the breach is limited, small, or insignificant. In addition, the LFCC is reminded of its obligation to report all security incidents involving PII to US- CERT within the Department of Homeland Security (see US- CERT web site at and providing notification to victims of PII or OSI breaches, as appropriate. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 18

19  Mar 2014 – June 2014: Charity applications; Strategic Planning, Campaign Theme Selection; Select Gifts;  July 2014 – Aug 2014: Approve Gifts; Installation Campaign Plans; Plan Events, Approve Campaign Materials; Agency & Installation Team Recruitment; Campaign & Solicitation training  Sept 2014 – Dec 2014: Support Campaign Team; Promotional Events; Campaign Solicitation; Collection/Reconciliation/Campaign Reports; Event Evaluations; Pledge Processing; Donor Follow–Up; Gift Track & Distribution  Jan 2015 – Mar 2015: Data Processing; Campaign Reconciliation Campaign Hot wash;  Mar 2015 – Sept 2016: Charity Reports; OPM reports; Distributions; Compliance Audit; Financial Audit CFC Campaign Cycle Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 19

20  Average gift continues to increase while participation continues to decrease  Baby Boomers Retiring – transitioning demographics  Decreasing Volunteer Base - Downsizing government personnel/more contracting  PII Security Issue & Processing Inefficiency – Traditional paper pledges  Inefficiency – Local campaign geographic boundaries  Ineffective – Lack of immediate donor feedback CFC Trends & Challenges Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 20

21  Campaign region consolidation  Oversight consolidations  Centralized training  Website consolidation  Pledge processing consolidation  Young donors forum  Social Media Communications  Develop an electronic campaign (100% Online Giving within 5 years)  Immediate Disaster Relief (2016)  New hire giving within 90 days of hire CFC Strategic Planning Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 21

22  Virtually Connect Personnel to CFC Charity Causes  Engage Newer Personnel & Young Federal Employees  Team Development/Training Focus: Campaign Engagement Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 22

23  Loaned Executive Program: The Loaned Executive program was initiated in 1971 by Presidential Order.  A Loaned Executive is a Federal Employee that is "loaned" by their agency to work on the CFC.  The Loaned Executive is usually relieved of all work duties for the period they are working on the CFC.  The role of a Loaned Executive is to conduct all solicitations among the federal employees in a campaign area.  They are usually trained by the PCFO and work out of the PCFO during the campaign period. OPM Loaned Executive Program Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 23

24  ECQ’s  ECQ 1: Leading Change  ECQ 2: Leading People  ECQ 3: Results Driven  ECQ 4: Business Acumen  ECQ 5: Building Coalitions CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 24

25 Getting out of that “Comfort Zone” Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 25

26 Thinking “Outside the Box” Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  Do you feel trapped? OR Are you thinking you should try getting out: 26

27  Campaign Region Identifier: 0106  40 Counties: AlamedaHumboldt PlacerSiskiyou AlpineLake PlumasSolano AmadorLassen SacramentoSonoma Butte Marin San BenitoStanislaus CalaverasMariposa San FranciscoSutter ColusaMendocino San JoaquinTehama Contra CostaMerced San MateoTrinity Del NorteModoc Santa ClaraTuolumne El DoradoNapa ShastaYolo GlennNevada SierraYuba  Approximately 100,000 Federal Employees & Military Personnel  Nationally Recognized for Innovation Award NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 27

28 NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  PCFO Strategic Plan  To educate donors on the impact, benefit and effectiveness of their contribution through the CFC (increase donor awareness)  To integrate workplace and personal core values into campaign (“service before self,” “leaving a legacy”.)  To develop a working campaign theme that employees can relate to and identify with  To increase participation by attracting/cultivating new donors  Develop younger donor engagement  To increase donations  To enhance the giving experience  To link donors and human health & welfare program recipients 28

29  Strategic Plan Implementation – Apply Covey’s 8th Habit NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Stephen Covey: “When you engage in work that taps your talent and fuels your passion—that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn by conscience to meet—therein lies your voice, your calling, your soul’s code.” 29

30  “Find your Voice…” The 8th Habit Applied Thank you for partnering with the CFC! The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey 30

31  …“And inspire others to find theirs” The 8th Habit Applied Thank you for partnering with the CFC! The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey  The leadership challenge 31

32 The 8th Habit Applied Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  Covey Voices  The Voice of influence and drive  The Voice of trust  The empowering Voice  The Voice of execution  Using our Voices wisely to serve others The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey Many Voices 32

33 The 8th Habit Applied Talent Your natural gifts and strengths Conscience That still, small voice within that assures you of what is right and that prompts you to actually do it Passion Those things that naturally energize, excite, motivate and inspire you Need Including what the world needs to pay you for VOICE Unique, personal significance Thank you for partnering with the CFC! The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey 33

34  Covey: From Effectiveness to Greatness  Create Significance  Provide Fulfillment  Develop Excitement  Implement a Shared Vision The 8 th Habit Applied Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 34 The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey

35  Campaign Statistics Review  2013  Raised $3,147,469  10.7% Participation  $341.34 Average Gift  Culture: Sequestration, Furloughs, Government shut down  2012  Raised $4,093,173.34  18.6% Participation  $302 Average Gift NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 35

36  Campaign Set-Backs  2013  Administration Transition  New Practices, Policies & Procedures Put in Place  Underwent a Multi-Year OIG Audit ( 2005 – 2012)  Campaign Reboot following Government Shut Down  Fostering of Online Giving NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 36

37 Campaign Set-backs cont…  Current Social & Economic Conditions  Economy  Campaign Impact  Charity Impact  Federal Agency/Military Installation Culture  Budget reductions  Hiring Freezes  Pay Freezes  DoD Pink Slips NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 37

38  Next Steps!  2014  Continue Administration Transition  Additional Leadership Support Personnel  Corrective Action OIG Report  Focus Areas – Young/New Employees  Social Media  Universal Giving  Deeper Integration of Online Giving  Green Campaign (paperless a much as possi ble) NORCAL CFC OVERVIEW Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 38

39  Stakeholders:  Who are our Stakeholders?  Federal Employees & Military Personnel  Donors  Non Donors  Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC)  Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  Charity Partners  Determine  What are their needs  How do we meet their needs through the CFC? Campaign Leadership Preparation Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 39

40 Campaign Leadership Preparation 40 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  Timeline Synopsis Aug PREPARE NovOct Sept Dec RUN CAMPAIGNREPORT LE Campaign Training Begin Solicitation 10/01/14 Prepare Campaigns Wrap Up Solicitation 11/26/14 Final Pledge Forms to Payroll Offices Official End of Campaign 12/15/14 Thank Yous! Campaign Events Jan Donor Follow-Up Campaign ECC/KW Training Team Recruitment

41 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Overall Timeline Aug - September  Team Building & Training  Materials Distribution – boxing completed ASAP  Traditional Materials  Posters & Flyers – Distributed at Coordinator/Keyworker Training  Brochures & Pledge forms boxed according to personnel strength  Also available in PDF format on website  Thank you gifts – provided at turn-ins  LE Materials Distribution Campaign Leadership Preparation 41

42 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Overall Timeline Cont… Oct– Dec  Promote Campaign  Posters/Flyers  Email Blasts  Internal Newsletters  Ongoing Website Activities Updates  Social Media Communications  Young Forum Activities  Volunteer Opportunities  Leadership Opportunities Campaign Leadership Preparation 42

43 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Overall Timeline Cont… Oct 1– Nov 26  Implement Solicitation  Kick Off Events  Agency Rallies  Group Presentations  Charity Speakers  Employee Testimonies  One-on-One Solicitation  One-on-One Solicitation Follow Up Campaign Leadership Preparation 43

44 Campaign Leadership Preparation Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Overall Timeline Cont… Mid Campaign Blitz: Nov 17 - 24  Get Your Give ON-Line  National promotion  Keeps Campaign Momentum Strong  Simplest means of giving  CFC Nexus  Employee Express  myPay  Fun Reminder to complete pledging  Second opportunity for campaign marketing:  Post It Note Reminder  E-blasts - Agency Head/Department Head Encouragement 44

45 Campaign Leadership Preparation Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Overall Campaign Cont… Final Campaign Blitz: Dec 1 - 15  Last call for Contributions  E-blasts - Agency Head/Department Head Encouragement  Website  Tax Deduction Reminder  Schedule Final Turn-in with Hub Director  Distribute all Donor Recognition Coins 45

46  Where do we start?  Create the Culture  Make the Connection  Feds and their Stories are featured 2014 Campaign Theme Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 46 My Story…My Choice…My Pledge

47  Where do we start?  Campaign Promotional Materials  Make the Connection  Brochure Cover  Poster  Pledge Form Cover 2014 Campaign Promotional Materials Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 47

48  Where do we start?  Campaign Promotional Materials  Make the Connection  Sticky Note Reminder 2014 Campaign Promotional Materials Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 48

49  Where do we start?  Campaign Promotional Resources  Make the Connection  Norcal website:  Campaign information & updates  Campaign calendar of events  Campaign training materials  Campaign promotional materials  CFC Foundation:  Campaign materials, videos, national best practices  OPM Website:  Campaign overview, history FAQs 2014 Campaign Promotional Resource Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 49

50 Lunch Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 50

51 Agenda Afternoon Session Campaign Team Roles Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  Charity Speakers  2013 LE Mentors  OPM  Federal Agency Heads  LFCC  PCFO  Loaned Executives  Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) or Military Installation Project Officer (IPO)  Department or Mission Element Project Officers  Key-Workers (1:25)  Event & Activities Volunteers  Finance Officer//Payroll Coordinator  Event Participants  Other Volunteers  Wrap-Up 51

52 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Regulates & Audits Campaign Local Oversight of Campaign Administers Campaign OPM Support Implementation of Campaign PCFO Charity Partners Beneficiaries of Campaign Agency Heads LFCC 52

53 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM  OPM  Publishes CFC Regulations  Establishes Timelines  Provides Direction and Guidance  Develops & Disseminates National / International List  Establishes Rules on Local Applications  Final Appeal  Audits 53

54 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LFCC Agency Heads LEs Coordinators Keyworkers Support Volunteers  Agency Heads  Supports Implementation of Campaign  Provides LFCC Membership  Reviews Giving Trends  Initiates Internal Communications  Recruits & Allocates Time for Agency Campaign Team  Provides Loaned Executives to PCFO  Coordinator/Chair/Project Officer; Finance Officers  PR Leader; Keyworkers; Event Volunteers 54

55 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LFCC  Local Federal Coordinating Committee  Hires & Oversees PCFO  Determines Local Charity Eligibility  Authorizes Campaign Plan  Approves Campaign Materials  Conducts Compliance Audit  Reviews Financial Audit  Reports to OPM any Significant Campaign Issues 55

56 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! PCFO  Principal Combined Fund Organization  Daily campaign Operations  Facilitates Eligibility Process  Develops Campaign Materials  Train Campaign Team  Maintains an Even and Level Playing Field For All Charities  Serves as Fiscal Agency  Collects, Processes, Distributes Pledges  Submits to Financial and Compliance Audits 56

57 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  Charities  Vetted Annually for Eligibility  Verified Annually to be in Good Standing with the IRS  Partners in Campaign  Materials Packing  Participate in Kick Off Events  Speak on Behalf of the Campaign  Support Campaign Celebration  Substantial Regulation Training Charity Partners 57

58 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Loaned Executive  Team Leader!  Confirm Recruitment of the Agency Coordinators/Chairs  Create the Campaign Plan for designated Federal Agencies  Inspire Team  Motivate Team  Materials Packing & Distribution  Develop & Implement Campaign Activities  Pledge Reconciliation & Reporting  Campaign Reporting  Overall Campaign Activities  Pledge & Giving Activities  Campaign Reporting & Follow Up LEs 58

59 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Agency Coordinator/Chair Military Installation Project Officer  Team Leader!  Recruit the Department/Directorate/Division Chairs  Create the Campaign Plan for Facility/Installation  Implement Campaign Activities  Kick Off Event  Rally  Fundraisers  Oversee Keyworkers (solicitors)  Recruit Volunteer Assistants  Finance Officer  Public Relations/communications Coordinator  Events Coordinator  Motivate & Inspire Team  Contribution Collections, Reconciliation & Reporting  Campaign Reporting  Overall Campaign Activities  Pledge & Giving Activities Coordinators Keyworkers Support Volunteers 59

60 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Support Volunteers Finance Officer  Collect Contribution Envelopes from Keyworkers  Verifies Content  Provides Thank You Recognition Gifts  Records Envelope Contents on Ledger  Reconciles myPay Donor Report  Processes NEXUS Payroll Contributions  Verifies EEX Contributions  Maintain PII Compliance 60

61 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Support Volunteers Administrative Assistant  Team Support  Assists Agency Coordinator/Chairs or Military Installation Project Officer  Assists with coordination of campaign  Assists with delivery of materials  Assists with team contact information  Assists with campaign communications  Supports keyworker group meetings  Enlists charity speakers  Tracks all assigned unit information &activity  Create the Campaign Plan for designated Federal Agencies 61

62 Campaign Roles Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Keyworkers - 1:25 Ratio  Solicits Personnel  Inspires & Motivates Giving  Group Presentation  Charity Speakers  Employee Testimonials  One-on-One Solicitation  One-on-One Follow up  Collect Traditional Pledge Form  Prepare Reporting Envelope  Verify Contents with Finance Officer/ECC/IPO  Distribute Thank You Gifts  Donor Follow Up 62

63 LE Administrative Activities/Responsibilities Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2014 Campaign Activities Outline (3 Ps)  Planning – Today – Early Sept (two weeks)  Campaign team recruitment  Goal Setting  Activities/Events  Kick-off  Presentations  Preparation –Mid Sept (Two Weeks)  Meet with team  Coordinator & Keyworker Training  Determine activities to support campaign  Set internal reporting schedule  Promote & Execution – Late Sept – Dec 15 63

64 LE Administrative Activities/Responsibilities Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LE Campaign Planning:  Determine the best approach & campaign plan for Achieving Overall Regional Goals:  To connect people to people  To connect people to their values  To connect people to their beliefs  To make a difference  To produce passion  To feel good about accomplishments 64

65 LE Administrative Activities/Responsibilities Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LE Campaign Planning:  Determine the best approach & campaign plan for Achieving Overall Regional Goals:  Integrate workplace core values into campaign  Air Force Example: “Service Before Self”; honor; valor;  Integrate personal core beliefs into campaign  Covey Example: Life’s Purpose; Leaving a Legacy  To increase participation  To attract/cultivate new donors  Young/New Feds  To enhance the giving experience  To emphasize choice/directed giving  To link donors to human health & welfare programs  To run a quick and effective campaign 65

66 Campaign Activities Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LE Campaign Planning:  Best Practices  Plan Agency Activities/Events  Kick-off Fair  Charity Speakers at a Group Presentation  Chili Cook-offs  Bake Sales  Penny Wars  Your Ideas? LE Administrative Activities/Responsibilities 66

67 LE Administrative Activities/Responsibilities Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LE Campaign Preparation:  Present Approach & Campaign Plan for Achieving Goals  Share your campaign recommendation with ECC  Use CFC presentation template for detailing how you reached the campaign parameters  Encourage ECC buy-in on campaign approach  Develop campaign strategies within the agencies to enhance the campaign achievements  Request Agency Head support 67

68 LE Campaign Preparation:  Event Kick-off/Activity  Work with PCFO Hub Administrators  Confirm Logistics – set up/ break down  Secure Charity Involvement – work with PCFO Hub Administrator  Charity Fair  Charity Speaker  Fun Element – set up/ break down  Recruit Event Volunteers  Confirm Employee Testimonial  Request Agency Head/Dept Head to speak  Promote On-line Giving  Materials Distribution LE Administrative Activities/Responsibilities 68

69 Day One Wrap Up Thank you for partnering with the CFC! What We Accomplished Today  New LE Team Membership  CFC Overview  History  Structure  Regulations  Campaign Cycle  Trends & Challenges  Strategic Planning  Norcal CFC Overview  Geographic Area  Covey’s 8 th Habit Integration  Regional Assessment  3 Ps of Campaign Overview  Campaign Roles  LE Team Leadership 69

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