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Thoughts emerging from ITC project about cessation assistance Ron Borland PhD Ron Borland PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Thoughts emerging from ITC project about cessation assistance Ron Borland PhD Ron Borland PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thoughts emerging from ITC project about cessation assistance Ron Borland PhD Ron Borland PhD

2 Quarter to one third of attempts use meds Use rare outside western countries, except Korea Not asked

3 New Zealand has national line and offers subsidized NRT

4 Results Overall, 25% Chinese smokers reported having made at least one quit attempt between Waves 1 and 2. Compared to ITC-4 and ITC SEA countries, fewer smokers in China made quit attempts. Inter Survey Interval: China=16 months, ITC-4 countries=8 months, MY & TH=18 months. Sources: Hyland et al, 2006, Tob Control; Li et al, NTR, in press.

5 Note: Between the two surveys Thailand launched its first large-scale mass media anti-smoking campaign; while no campaign was introduced in Malaysia during this period.

6 Of those attempted in China, 21.7% were still stopped smoking at Wave 2, which is close to the maintenance rates in ITC-4 and ITC-SEA countries.

7 Quit attempt – Predictors Multivariate analyses showed that independent predictors of making quit attempts in Chinese smokers included: Higher quitting self-efficacy; Previous quit attempts; Having at least some intentions to quit; Lower dependence (longer time to first cigarette); Having very negative opinion of smoking; Having smoking restrictions at home *(health concerns not predictive in China) Notes: Underlined factors differ to ITC SEA countries. In China, some city to city variability.

8 Quit success – Predictors Independent predictors of maintenance among those who made attempts included: Older age; Having long previous abstinence from smoking (>6 months); Having more immediate quitting intentions (ie, planning to quit within 1 month); Having some health concerns about smoking (not strong concerns); (dependence, self-efficacy NOT predictive in China) Notes: Underlined factors differ to ITC SEA countries. In China, some city to city variability.

9 Some thoughts The cessation population may change over time Assistance only reaches a minority Those who need it may not want it early on Role of specialist clinics??? Roles for Quitlines Rx access patchy –Access for poor??? Potential of internet Knowledgeable health professionals


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