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PRHS Boys Lacrosse Kick off Meeting September 25 th, 2012.

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1 PRHS Boys Lacrosse Kick off Meeting September 25 th, 2012

2 Agenda Welcome and Introduction of Board (Barbara Young) Introduction of Coaching Staff (Jim Vollberg) Team Liaison role (Joan McKee) Communications (Chuck Davis) 2012 Budget Overview (Bill Leone) Fundraising (Amy Levier) Registration (Kim Means) Helmets (Todd Novelli) Impact Testing (Barbara Young) Fall and Winter Conditioning (Jill Wagner)

3 2012-2013 PRHS Board Members President – Barbara Young Vice-President-Jill Wagner Treasurer-Bill Leone Secretary-Rodney Skirpan Registration-Kim Means Operations-Todd Novelli Communications-Chuck Davis Fundraising-Amy Levier Team Liaison-Joan McKee Contact information can be found at PRHSBL

4 2012-2013 Coaching Staff Head Varsity Coach – Jim Vollberg Sabbatical for Fall Lacrosse Interim Head Varsity Coach – Mike Courteau Head JV Coach – Don Bryant New Coaches: Eric Jenkins Ryan Wallace Fall Asst Coach- Taylor Takacs Fall Asst Coach – Ryan Mayeda

5 Season Dates Optional Conditioning Fall September 10 th – November 18 th Winter- January 6 th – February 28 th Season Begins Mandatory Practice Begins March 4 th Try outs- *Estimated Date March 4 th, 5 th and 6 th 1 st Scrimmage March 15 th Varsity/JV will have 17 games ( 7 home/10 road games) Freshman will have 14 games (estimated) Practices Monday-Friday 6-8 or 7-9 at PRHS Stadium (approximate) Saturday -TBD

6 Tryouts 2013 Team structure Varsity, JV and 9/10 9/10 name change from Freshman –Schedule will include NA, Peters and Division II JV Teams Tryouts are for team assignment –Every player is placed on a team

7 Team Liaison 1 Team Liaison for the entire program. Team Liaison will recruit and coordinate with Team Managers for each team – Freshman, JV and Varsity. Team Managers coordinate activities surrounding home and away games to include: –Field set-up/Game operations/Water and Game Balls (Home) –Water/Bus Snacks (Away) Team Managers are to communicate questions or concerns to the Team Liaison – Team Liaison is responsible for getting issues addressed and getting back to the appropriate party. The experience of our opponents and the game referees when competing at/against Pine Richland reflects a great deal on our organization and community – the Team Managers need to do their part to ensure things run smoothly on game day.

8 Communications The organization’s primary communication tool will be email with most information also posted on web. Information will be posted on the website In Season Communication for concerns and problems will be the following: Parent contacts Team Manager Liaison with problems or concerns, who is responsible for getting answer and getting back to parent

9 2013 Budget Overview 2013 Budget includes the following costs: Coaches, game fees (trainers, refs, site manager & clock personnel), bus transportation for away games, field rentals, uniforms, storage space, insurance, equipment, website Out of Season cost are built to break even

10 Fundraising Fundraising will be done to offset cost of playing lacrosse –Ladies Night Out and Holiday Shopping –Boathouse Sale –Banner Sponsorships –Concessions –Gate Tickets

11 Ladies Night November 3 th Time: 7:00-9:00pm Location: Pine Community Center Come enjoy an evening of holiday shopping with local Artisans and vendors as well as catch up with friends before the holiday season Raffle Baskets will be available Ticket Price: $25 We are strongly recommending each player buy/sell 2 tickets to help reach our goal of 130 tickets You can purchase your tickets on the website or before you leave this evening. Pick up a flyer on your way out to see some of the beautiful items that will be available for purchase.

12 Boathouse Sale Boathouse Sale starts October 1 st Delivery for apparel will be approximately 4 – 6 weeks. We will be offering the Mission Style Jacket and the Lined Black Blast Wind Pant. Visit the website: – PRHS tab –Online store to place your

13 Sponsorships We will not be doing a program book this year. We are looking into sponsorships possibly through banners – more information to follow

14 Concessions Concessions will be available for all home games We need individuals to volunteer to help organize the Concessions All parents will be required to help with concessions; Sign up for concessions will be on picture day March 10 th JV and 9/10 parents work Varsity games Varsity and 9/10 parents work JV games All parents will be required to submit a volunteer check of $250 which will returned to you after you complete your volunteering

15 Registration New online Registration System –Everything will be managed online –Eliminates need to re-enter information repeatedly –URL: Spring registration starts October 1 Spring season requirements –Player must be registered and in good financial standing in order to try out for the team –Current US Lacrosse High School membership with expiration date > June 30, 2013 –Completed PRHS Athletic Packet turned into Athletic Director Office by February 15, 2013 –Current Impact Test

16 Program Fees Total fee for Regular season: $720 –First payment $200 due October 15, 2012 Will receive 40 raffle tickets –Balance due by February 28, 2013 Raffle –Raffle tickets are being sold to help off-set program costs –Ticket cost $5 –2 Prizes 2 tickets: Steelers vs Cincinnati Sunday December 23 @ 1:00 or 2 tickets Steelers vs Cleveland Sunday December 30 @ 1:00 –Raffle to be held December 1 –Additional tickets may be available –Tickets will be distributed AFTER practice on October 6 and October 13 –Email KMMPIT@GMAIL.COM if you cannot pickup tickets at these practicesKMMPIT@GMAIL.COM Deposits –Uniform Deposit $250 –Volunteer Deposit $250 –Checks will not be cashed unless you do not fulfill your requirements –Checks should be post dated June 15, 2013

17 Uniforms Game Uniforms –Players will be given a uniform once try outs have been completed Players required to sign a form that indicates they have received uniform and pinney for the season –Uniform deposit will be returned once the player has returned their clean uniform and pinney –Players will NOT be allowed to keep any uniform items - game jerseys, shorts, and pinney Practice Uniforms –Practice Uniform package included in program fees –Includes: Performance wicking tee, shorts, hooded sweatshirt, sweatpants, wicking polo –Enter size information when you register

18 Helmets and Equipment Helmet Configuration and Price Cascade Pro 7 Helmet - Super Mono Silver Viso Cal - Forest Green Pro Face Mask -Chrome Pro Chin - Forest Green No stickers should be placed on players helmets. Ram Horns are given to Varsity players once tryouts are completed for the spring season. The club purchases helmets in bulk to provide a discounted price. The club has 3 Cascade Pro 7 helmets available for purchase for $190.00. A new order have been placed for 20 should be available in two weeks. Players/Parents may purchase helmets by contacting Todd Novelli at All checks should be made payable to PRHSBL for $

19 Helmet Recertification It is strongly recommend for helmets to be recertified yearly Helmets will be collected on 11/14/2012 following the last weekend of fall practice and returned before Winter ball begins Estimate cost $25 per helmet

20 Impact Test The club received a grant from Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation through the Pace Program for 90 test to be completed from August 1 st –July 31 st Players in grades 9 and 11; plus players that missed last year as well as identified by the trainer will be given the baseline test Michelle Pcsolyar (Trainer)will monitor the test Players will receive an email with 2 test dates Email will be sent after October 5 th

21 Fall and Winter Conditioning Fall Ball, Saturday’s from 11-1pm -Treesdale fields Fall Tournaments: Seneca Valley Pumpkin Classic –Oct 14 th Registration closed The Ohio State 7v7 Tournament – Oct 27 th Registration closes on Wednesday, September 26 th Bus transportation will be provided Pre-Season Conditioning –Phase I September 10 th – November 18 th Monday –Weight Lifting Sunday – Footwork, agility and endurance Winter Conditioning – Sunday’s January 6 th – February 24 th -Indoor Butler Family Sports Complex - Information will be available in late November

22 Fall and Winter Conditioning Pre-Season Conditioning – Phase II –January – March –Days of week TBD –Information will be available in late November

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