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Law Jeopardy!!!!. Chapter 1 & 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Hodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 Right Side of Room CenterLeft Side of Room Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Law Jeopardy!!!!. Chapter 1 & 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Hodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 Right Side of Room CenterLeft Side of Room Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law Jeopardy!!!!

2 Chapter 1 & 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Hodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 Right Side of Room CenterLeft Side of Room Final Jeopardy

3 Question: Chapter 1 & 3 100 Points Offense against society

4 Answer: Chapter 1 & 3 100 Points What is a Crime

5 Question: Chapter 1 & 3 200 Points Power of a court to hear certain cases

6 Answer: Chapter 1 & 3 200 Points What is Jurisdiction

7 Question: Chapter 1 & 3 300 Points Legislation at the local level is also known as

8 Answer: Chapter 1 & 3 300 Points What are Ordinances

9 Question: Chapter 1 & 3 400 Points Branch of government that is made up of Congress

10 Answer: Chapter 1 & 3 400 Points What is the Legislative Branch

11 Question: Chapter 1 & 3 500 Points Law based on current standards or customs of the people is called

12 Answer: Chapter 1 & 3 500 Points What is Common Law

13 Question: Chapter 4 100 Points Lying under oath is known as

14 Answer: Chapter 4 100 Points What is Perjury Remember – This is what Clinton got in trouble for

15 Question: Chapter 4 200 Points How many jurors sit on a criminal case

16 Answer: Chapter 4 200 Points What are 12

17 Question: Chapter 4 300 Points How many Supreme Court Justices are there

18 Answer: Chapter 4 300 Points What are 9

19 Question: Chapter 4 400 Points The lowest level of courts that first hear criminal trials

20 Answer: Chapter 4 400 Points What are Trial Courts

21 Question: Chapter 4 500 Points Which court hears cases involving wills, estates, etc.

22 Answer: Chapter 4 500 Points What is Probate Court

23 Question: Chapter 5 100 Points This type of defense is based on problems with the way evidence was obtained

24 Answer: Chapter 5 100 Points What is Procedural Defense

25 Question: Chapter 5 200 Points A crime punishable by more than a year in prison or a fine larger than $1,000

26 Answer: Chapter 5 200 Points What is a Felony

27 Question: Chapter 5 300 Points Offenses committed in the business world are typically called

28 Answer: Chapter 5 300 Points What is White Collar Crime

29 Question: Chapter 5 400 Points What are the 3 elements of a crime

30 Answer: Chapter 5 400 Points What is 1.Duty to do or not do a certain thing 2.An act or omission in violation of that duty 3.Criminal Intent

31 Question: Chapter 5 500 Points List 2 of the 7 Criminal Conducts

32 Answer: Chapter 5 500 Points What are Crimes Against: 1.Person 2.Property 3.Government 4.Public Peace and Order 5.Realty 6.Consumers 7.Decency

33 Question: Chapter 6 100 Points A private or civil wrong is known as

34 Answer: Chapter 6 100 Points What is a Tort

35 Question: Chapter 6 200 Points If a journalist prints a false story they can be charged with

36 Answer: Chapter 6 200 Points What is Libel

37 Question: Chapter 6 300 Points Damages meant to get the victim back to where they were before the incident

38 Answer: Chapter 6 300 Points What is Compensatory Damages

39 Question: Chapter 6 400 Points The most common tort that does not need intent, only carelessness

40 Answer: Chapter 6 400 Points What is Negligence

41 Question: Chapter 6 500 Points What are the 4 elements of a tort

42 Answer: Chapter 6 500 Points What is 1.Duty 2.Breach of duty 3.Injury 4.Causation

43 Question: Hodgepodge 100 Points What are ethics

44 Answer: Hodgepodge 100 Points What is Deciding right and wrong

45 Question: Hodgepodge 200 Points This type of ethics judge the acts themselves as right or wrong

46 Answer: Hodgepodge 200 Points What are Fundamental Ethics

47 Question: Hodgepodge 300 Points The Supreme Court case Miranda v Arizona decided what

48 Answer: Hodgepodge 300 Points What is Being notified of right not to self incriminate (5 th Amendment)

49 Question: Hodgepodge 400 Points People who do not respect the law are known as

50 Answer: Hodgepodge 400 Points What are Scafflaws

51 Question: Hodgepodge 500 Points Obama is what number President

52 Answer: Hodgepodge 500 Points What is the 44 th

53 Final Jeopardy – Make your Wager

54 Final Jeopardy Question What are the five freedoms in the first amendment

55 Final Jeopardy Answer What is Speech, religion, press, petition, assemble Wager

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