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Methods/Variable Table. In order to conduct research, investigators should first understand what exactly needs to be documented, analyzed and/or measured.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods/Variable Table. In order to conduct research, investigators should first understand what exactly needs to be documented, analyzed and/or measured."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods/Variable Table

2 In order to conduct research, investigators should first understand what exactly needs to be documented, analyzed and/or measured. In most cases this is done by identifying the key issues or variables that are central to the subject under inquiry.

3 Methods / Variable Table The aim of this exercise is to identify the issues or variables, and determine the methods for data collection and analysis which will be used to gather and process information.

4 Methods / Variable Table In this exercise you will: Identify key variables / issues Identify specific variables or issues related to key variables Identify type of data to be collected and analyzed Identify methods of data collection and analysis.

5 Elements in the table Main Variables Specific Variables Data Tools Methods Write in this column your two main variables Write in this column the specific variables related to your main variables. This is the detail of the variables. Name in this column the method that is best suited for the collection of the corresponding data set. Write in this column the specific data that you will collect to describe the corresponding variable. Name in this column the tools that you will use to collect the data

6 Identifying the Key Variables In positive research the investigator looks for existing or potential relationships between two variables. For example, a research project interested in school performance will look for the factors determining success or failure. These factors are variables in the research, just as school performance itself. The main variable is likely to be key to understand the social phenomenon or issue studied. What follows is an example:

7 Identifying the Key Variables Main Independent The main variable or issue likely to be key to understand the social phenomenon or issue studied Dependent The main variable or issue constitutive of the social phenomenon being studied

8 Identifying the Key Variables Could you tell in these examples if the selected variable is dependent (D) or independent (I)? For example in example “1” you ask yourself: is the running car engine the reason why there is gasoline or it is because there is gasoline that the engine is running. The engine depends on gas and not vice-versa. D I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Gasoline in a running car engine 2. Medicine in the process of healing 3. Time in the process of wine aging 4. Flavor in the process of wine aging 5. Health in the process of healing 6. Speed in the fall of an object

9 Identifying the Key Variables The response usually indicates which factor is the one determining the other under given circumstances. D I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Gasoline in a running car engine 2. Medicine in the process of healing 3. Time in the process of wine aging 4. Flavor in the process of wine aging 5. Health in the process of healing 6. Speed in the fall of an object

10 Key Variables (An Example) Main Independent Support resources and services Dependent High rate of student attrition at a university Research Problem: What are the main reasons for student attrition? Start with your research problem. Highlight variables. This variable is the one affecting, conditioning. This is the one modified or caused.

11 Key Variables (An Example) Main Independent Dependent Now try your own research problem: Start with your research problem. Highlight variables. Identify the variable affecting, conditioning. Identify the variable modified or caused.

12 The Specific Variables Once you have identified the main variables and their inter-relationship, list the specific variables related to each one. Dependent  Student Attrition Independent  Support Services One way of identifying specific variables is to ask yourself: what do I need to know to describe the variable?

13 The Specific Variables In this research example, the researcher is looking for the relationship between student attrition and support services: Dependent  Independent  High rate of student attrition. How is the rate defined? What are the components of the measurement? Support Services. What are the different type of support services? How are they defined in relationship to student retention?

14 The Specific Variables (Dependent Variable) High rate of student attrition at a university Specific variables  “What is going on?” Questions that will lead to identify the specific variables: What is “Attrition”? What are the different aspects determining attrition? How can attrition be measured? What are the different groups affected by this variable?

15 The Specific Variables Attrition: Percentage of students transferring at the end of an academic period Percentage of students transferring at the end of an academic period Percentage of students taking fewer units per academic period Group by Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Income Level, Academic Background, Parent Education Level (Dependent Variable) High rate of student attrition at a university Specific variables  “What is going on?”

16 The Specific Variables (Independent Variable) Support Resources and Services Specific variables  What makes it happening? Weak Academic Programs Quality of Housing Quality of Campus Life Quality and availability of services, support Quality and availability of Funding, Employment... (Other)

17 The Specific Variables Percentage of students transferring at the end of an academic period... Academic Programs... Specific Variables Main Variables Student Services Student Attrition The main variables will be related to a number of specific variables. In this examples one of the specific variables related to student services is academic programs. On the other hand student attrition can be related to percentage of students transferring to other universities at the end of a given academic academic period.

18 The Specific Variables Research Problem Hypothesis Main Variables Independent Support Dependent Attrition Data to be Collected Methods For Data Collection Methods For Data Analysis Tools Percentage of students transferring at the end of an academic period... Weak Academic Programs... MethodsDataVariablesTools

19 Data Sets Once you have identified the specific variables you will identify, for each variable, the sets of data that need to be collected and analyzed. Collection  Analysis  Program Description. Program Goals, Program Criteria. Program Performance. Program evaluation Compared to other programs, Clarity of goals, Evaluation based on its own criteria and independent criteria... Example variable: [Weak] Academic Programs

20 Data Sets Research Problem Hypothesis Main Variables Independent Support Dependent Attrition Methods For Data Collection Methods For Data Analysis Tools Weak Academic Programs... Program Description Program Goals Compon- ents. Criteria for measuremt. results MethodsDataVariablesTools

21 Methods Once you have identified the specific sets of data you will collect and analyze it is possible to determine the most appropriate method. Collection  Analysis  Program Description Program Performance Compared to other programs. Evaluation. Example variable: [Weak] Academic Programs Archival Research Interview / Survey Content Analysis / Stat.Correlation Statistical Analysis

22 Research Problem Hypothesis Main Variables Independent Support Dependent Attrition Methods Weak Academic Programs... Program Description Program Goals Archival Research Statistical Analysis MethodsDataVariablesTools Index Cards SPSS

23 Methods Narrative The completed table will be comprised of many elements, as many as variables you see related to your project. The table will enable you to write a specific timeline of actions to complete your research The methods section is a narrative explaining the table.

24 Methods Narrative Methods Section Sample Paragraphs. This section describes the steps and tools that I will be using in this project to gather information necessary to address my main hypothesis... One of the main variables involved in determining the levels of attrition in colleges and universities that I will consider in this work is the presence and quality of the support programs. To obtain data I will first rely on archival research, that is on the revision of material, published and technical records available related to the research...

25 Armando A. Arias, Jr., Ph.D. Professor & Founding Faculty

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