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What did John L. O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny? (316) Why did Northerners like manifest destiny? (316) Why did Southerners like manifest destiny?

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Presentation on theme: "What did John L. O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny? (316) Why did Northerners like manifest destiny? (316) Why did Southerners like manifest destiny?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What did John L. O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny? (316) Why did Northerners like manifest destiny? (316) Why did Southerners like manifest destiny? (316) Why did some Americans not support manifest destiny? (316)

2 What events led to the Texas Revolution? Read “Trouble Brews” (318-319) STOP READING AT THE ALAMO AND GOLIAD.

3 “The American straggling adventurers were…beginning to work their dark intrigues [plots] against the native families, whose only crime was, that they owned large tracts of land and desirable property.” By Juan Seguin According to the above reading, Why did Seguin think U.S. settlers turned against Tejanos?


5 What present-day states did the Mexican Cession include? (326) What present-day states did the Gadsden Purchase include? (327)

6 Read “Science & Technology” at the top of page 337 and answer these two questions 1.How did Miners pan for gold? 2.What was the environmental impact of hydraulic mining?

7 How did the California Gold Rush affect American Indians? (339)

8 Using the Chart on Page 338 “California Gold, 1847- 1855” answer this question: About how much more gold was mined in 1853 than in 1848?

9 What was the so- called “gag rule” when it came to the issue of slavery? (344)

10 Read “Clay’s Proposal” Pages 346-347 and answer the following question: How did Henry Clay propose to resolve the conflict over slavery?

11 Who won the presidential election of 1848? (345-346)

12 What was John C. Calhoun’s solution to guarantee the South’s rights? (349)

13 Who won the Election of 1852? (350) Was that person a strong or weak leader and why? (350)

14 What is the fugitive slave act? (351) What was the Kansas- Nebraska Act and who introduced this? (354)

15 What was the Northern and the Southern reaction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin? (352)

16 What is the Lecompton Constitution? (357) Why did Senator Stephen Douglas attack the Lecompton Constitution (why didn’t he like it)? (357)

17 What argument did the southerners use to justify their position to secede from the United States? (2 nd Paragraph on page 363) Why did the northerners feel the south could not secede from the Union? (2 nd Paragraph on page 363)

18 Who won the presidential election of 1860? (362)

19 What was the Crittenden Compromise and who proposed it? (368) What was Abraham Lincoln’s position on preserving the Union?(368)

20 Using the map on page 370: Name the Confederate States. Name the Union States. Name the Border States?


22 Who won the First Battle of Bull Run? (373-374) How did the First Battle of Bull Run affect the nation? (374)

23 What did the Southerners call the First Battle of Bull Run? (373) Who was Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson? (373)

24 What is conscription? (380) What is the constitutional right of habeas corpus? (381)

25 Identify and Explain who the Copperheads were? (381)

26 According to the Map on page 384: What battles were fought on Union soil?

27 Who led the Union forces in the West? (382)

28 What was Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation? (386)

29 Read the Historical Documents “The Gettysburg Address” on page 391 What is the “unfinished work” Lincoln mentions?

30 What infantry did many of the first African American Union soldiers serve? (387)

31 What does War of Attrition mean? (392) What is total war? (394)

32 What is Reconstruction? (403)

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