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Part 1 Review 1.1 Sentence patterns 1.2 Dialogues 1) Conversation A 2) Conversation B.

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1 Part 1 Review 1.1 Sentence patterns 1.2 Dialogues 1) Conversation A 2) Conversation B






7 1.1 Sentence Patterns 1.Where are you from? 你从哪里来? 2. Which country are you from? 你从 哪个国家来的? I am from China. 我来自中国。 I am from Korea/ Malaysia/ Japan. 我从韩国 / 马来西亚 / 日本来。 3. How many people are there in China? 中国有多少人? There are about 1.3 billion people in China. 中国有大约 13 亿人。 4. What languages can you speak? 你会说什么语言? I can speak Chinese and English. 我会说中文和英文。

8 1.2 Conversation A : 介绍国家 Jenny: Good morning. My name is Jenny. What’s your name?Jenny: Good morning. My name is Jenny. What’s your name? Sarah: Good morning, Jenny. I am Sarah.Sarah: Good morning, Jenny. I am Sarah. Jenny: Hi Sarah. I am from China. Where are you from?Jenny: Hi Sarah. I am from China. Where are you from? Sarah: I am from Korea. Do you know Korea?Sarah: I am from Korea. Do you know Korea? Jenny: Yes, I do. Korea is very near China. And I like Korean food. Is this your first time to come to China?Jenny: Yes, I do. Korea is very near China. And I like Korean food. Is this your first time to come to China? Sarah: Yes. I don’t know much about China. Can you introduce your country to me?Sarah: Yes. I don’t know much about China. Can you introduce your country to me? Jenny: Sure! China is a very large country. It is the third largest country in the world.Jenny: Sure! China is a very large country. It is the third largest country in the world. Sarah: China is such a huge country! How many people are there in China?Sarah: China is such a huge country! How many people are there in China? Jenny: There are about 1.3 billion people in China.Jenny: There are about 1.3 billion people in China. Sarah: Wow! That’s a lot!Sarah: Wow! That’s a lot!

9 1.2 Conversation B : 介绍语言 Sarah: What language do Chinese people speak?Sarah: What language do Chinese people speak? Jenny: We speak Putonghua all over China. There are also about 1 hundred dialects.Jenny: We speak Putonghua all over China. There are also about 1 hundred dialects. Sarah: Oh, that’s amazing! How many languages can you speak?Sarah: Oh, that’s amazing! How many languages can you speak? Jenny: I can speak Putonghua and English. I also speak Cantonese because I am from Guangzhou. What about you?Jenny: I can speak Putonghua and English. I also speak Cantonese because I am from Guangzhou. What about you? Sarah: I can speak Korean, English and a little bit Chinese.Sarah: I can speak Korean, English and a little bit Chinese. Jenny: I am happy to know that you can speak so many languages!Jenny: I am happy to know that you can speak so many languages! Sarah: We all need to learn the languages in other countries. Oh. What’s the time now?Sarah: We all need to learn the languages in other countries. Oh. What’s the time now? Jenny: Oh. The meeting is going to start soon. Let’s go into the meeting room now.Jenny: Oh. The meeting is going to start soon. Let’s go into the meeting room now. Sarah: It is really nice to meet you. Jenny: Nice to meet you too!Sarah: It is really nice to meet you. Jenny: Nice to meet you too!


11 介绍广州的美食 Lesson 7 Introducing the food in Guangzhou

12 Part 2. Conversations 对话 Conversation A: Introducing the food in Guangzhou 介绍广州美食 Conversation B: In the dining room 在 餐厅

13 1. Conversation A 1. capital city ['kæpitəl] ['siti] 省会城市 2. province ['pr ɔ vins] n. 省 3. be famous for ['feiməs] 以 … 著名 4. Chinese saying 中国的谚语 / 老话 5. Dim Sum ['dim's ʌ m] n. 点心 6. morning tea 早茶 7. many kinds of 很多种类的,各式各样的 8. sweet [swi:t] adj. 甜 ( 蜜 ) 的 9. salty ['s ɔ :lti] adj. 咸的 10. delicious [di'li ʃ əs]adj. 可口的, 美味的 11. can’t wait to do sth. 等不及(做某事) 12. dining room ['dainiŋ] 就餐室,餐厅 13. ASAP (As Soon As Possible) 越快越好

14 Practice 1 1. Name: Miss He From: Hongkong Visit times: 3 Knowledge of GZ: the biggest city in Guangdong Province Favorite food: dim sum 2. Name: Mr. Use From: Indonesia Visit times: 1 Knowledge of GZ: Pearl River Favorite food: egg tarts 3. Name: Mrs. J From: Malaysia Visit times: 2 Knowledge of GZ: Garden Hotel Favorite food: wife pies

15 wife pies husband pies

16 2. Conversation B: In the dining room 在餐厅 14. yellow ['jeləu] adj. 黄色的 15. pie [pai] n. 派, 馅饼 16. call [k ɔ :l] v. 把 … 叫作 17. an egg tart [t ɑ :t] 蛋挞 18. over there 在那边 19. wife pies [waif] 老婆饼 20. husband pies ['h ʌ zbənd] n. 老公饼 21. interesting ['intristiŋ] adj. 有趣的

17 Practice 2 1. Miss Wu had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tea yesterday. 2. Brisbane is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city of Queensland. 3. China is _ _ _ _ _ _ for china. 4. Ms. Lee buy many _ _ _ _ _ of food. 5. My _ _ _ _ _ _ _ likes _ _ _ _ _ wife pies very much. 6. Mr. Liu is so _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

18 3. Sentence patterns 句型 Questions 问题 Answers 回答 1. Is this your first visit to Guangzhou? 这是你第一次来广州吗? Yes, this is my first visit to. 是的,这是我 第一次来广州。 No, this is my second visit to Guangzhou 不,这是我第二次来广州。 2 . What do you know about Guangzhou? 你知道有关广州的什么东西? Guangzhou is famous for its food. 广州的食物很有名。 3. What food do you like best ? 你最喜欢什么食物? I like sweet/salty Dim Sum best. They are delicious. 我最喜欢甜的 / 咸的点心。它们很 美味。 I like egg tarts best. 我最喜欢蛋挞。 I like wife pies best. 我最喜欢老婆饼。 I like morning tea best. 我最喜欢老公饼。 4. What is this called? 这个叫什么? It is called … 它叫做 … 5. Can I have one more …? 我可以再吃一个 … 吗? Sure. Here you are. 当然可以。给!

19 dim sum served in morning tea

20 the dining room

21 egg tarts

22 husband pies

23 wife pies

24 Homework 1. 熟读对话,掌握主要句型 2. 综合对话内容,口头介绍广州的美食。 3. 介绍一样你喜欢吃的广州小吃,包括它的名字, 它的味道,它的颜色,它的价钱以及在什么地方 可以买到。 Eg. My favorite Guangzhou food is called “rice noodle roll”. It is salty. It is white. It is only 3 to 5 yuan. You can buy it in many small restaurants such as “Huahui Lachang”.

25 Thank you for coming! See you next time!

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