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Published byNorah Atkins Modified over 9 years ago
The aim of this project is to investigate and compare life in Britain during the 1950s to life today. This project should take you about an hour and a half each week for about 6 weeks to complete. Some of the activities may take you longer than others. The activities are set out week by week but you can complete them in a way that suits you best.
2 To help you with this section you need to watch the following clips on Youtube: Using the film clips that you have watched and your own research write a detailed diary finding out what life was really like in 1950. In your diary you MUST talk about: The money people earned and spent in 1950 Were private cars common? What was public transport like in 1950? What were the fashions in 1950? What were the latest gadgets in 1950? What did children do and wear in 1950? To find the answers to these questions you should do some research, perhaps on the internet but also remember to interview the older members of your family friends or neighbours, personal stories from the period are often the most interesting.
LevelWhat I need to do to reach the level Level 3I can give simple statements explaining what the 1950s was like For example: My Grandad thought the 1950s were better Level 4I can make a developed comparison between Britain today and in the 1950s For example: Britain seemed to have a much calmer, slower pace to have lived in then Level 5I can give a clear comparisons between Britain today and in the 1950s which are supported with examples that support my points. For example: In areas such as communication Britain is almost unrecognisable in the 1950s compared to now
In this section of your project you are required to interview someone who was living in Britain in the 1950s. This can be a family member or a family friend. The outcome of this is for you to write up the interview as a journalist or radio presenter might as a comparison to Britain now. For your interview to be successful the following questions need to be directed at the interviewee: A.What were you doing in the 1950s? B. How were things different in the 1950s? which things do you think were better, and which worse? C. What were the key issues in the country at that time? D. Do you believe Great Britain is a better place to grow up and develop in now or back then? You will need to hand in your written feedback and reflections on this interview.
LevelWhat I need to do to reach the level Level 3I can give simple statements explaining what the 1950s was like For example: My Grandad thought the 1950s were better Level 4I can make a developed comparison between Britain today and in the 1950s For example: Britain seemed to have a much calmer, slower pace to have lived in then Level 5I can give a clear comparisons between Britain today and in the 1950s which are supported with examples that support my points. For example: In areas such as communication Britain is almost unrecognisable in the 1950s compared to now
To help you with this section you need to watch the following clip on Youtube: You must design a new town from the 1950s! You should include 1950s: schools houses shopping parades businesses factories public transport entertainment (remember there were no discos and nightclubs in most places in 1950). Write a set of notes explaining the main features of your design. Now you have a go!
LevelWhat I need to do to reach the level Level 3I can show a developing knowledge and understanding of new towns Level 4I can show some knowledge and understanding of features of new towns Level 5I can show more detailed knowledge and understanding of new towns Level 6I can use the knowledge and understanding of new towns to begin to analyse them
To help you with this section you need to watch the following clip on Youtube: 7ho 7ho Although Britain is considered to be a Christian country it is very clear that we live in a multi-cultural society. Since the 1950’s there has been a steady growth in the number of Muslims living in Britain, with it now being the second largest religion in Britain as we can see from the clip. Your task Carry out a study into Islam. Produce a report on your findings which uses a variety of visual and written information, and covers at least two of the following; Beliefs Festivals Key Figures/leaders Sacred Buildings/places Holy Books/Writings Moral Codes.
LevelWhat I need to do to reach the level Level 3I can describe why Islam is an important Religion. I can explain why different images are important to Islam Level 4I can use key words to explain Muslim beliefs and teachings I can show good knowledge and understanding of at least two areas of Islam I can explain the importance of specific images in Islam Level 5I can use key words and ideas to explain at least two areas of Islamic beliefs and teachings I can describe why it is important to Muslims to follow these teachings I can suggest the importance of symbolism in Islam through images
You are going to write a report on school life and career opportunities in Britain in 1950. the following information should help guide you through what you need to do Objectives: To further develop our skills in research. To develop knowledge on how school life and work has changed since 1950. To evaluate whether career opportunities are better now for all pupils than they were in 1950. Planning 1a) Was school life and career opportunities better for children in 1950 compared to now? This will be your “question” you will be looking to answer by the time you have collected your research. How will I find out the information? What tools/ equipment/ help will I need? How long will it take? Issues to find out about 1b) Areas you will need to find out about are: How did pupils apply to get into secondary school (what was the 11 plus exams)? How could the school you went to have an impact on your future career? Did girls and boys do the same subjects? What was meant by the “3 Rs”? How were pupils punished for doing something wrong? Are there any subjects that were taught then, but are not taught now? Are there any subjects that are taught now, but was not taught then? How were the career opportunities for girls different to what they are now? Include work, sixth form college and university.
Your report should be a summary of what you were researching, how you researched it, and what the answers were. Your basic outline of the report should be as follows: Say what your research question is (My research question is…). Write what you were going to find out. Where did you plan to get your information from and did you manage to get it? What did the information say about school life and career opportunities in the 1950s Britain? How is this different to now? Include people’s experiences of their life at school and the careers that were available to them? Include different views and opinions from the people you have spoken to and what you have read on what things are better now than they were in 1950, and the other way round. Has this exercise changed your view in anyway about how you see your life at school and what opportunities you have for your future? Write a conclusion at the end of the report that clearly relates to your research question (i.e., in two or three sentences what was the answer to your “research question”?)
LevelWhat I need to do to reach the level Level 3 I can find information on school life and careers in 1950s Britain I can show some understanding of what school life was like in 1950 I have described some features of school and work in 1950s Britain but I have not compared them to the present day Level 4 I can find out detailed information on school life and careers in 1950s Britain I can show a good understanding of what school life was like and what career opportunities were available I can explain one view in detail of school life and work in 1950s Britain Level 5 I can use different sources to find out information on school life and work in 1950s Britain I can show a clear and detailed understanding of what school and work life was like in 1950s Britain I can write and explain different views and opinions in detail about the comparison of work and school life in the 1950s to now
You have found out lots of information about Britain during the 1950s. Now you need to use this information to help you prepare a presentation on the 1950s for the class. You must include: A visual aid: This can either be a very detailed A3 poster, a PowerPoint presentation or a presentation produced on Movie Maker Information on each section that we have covered in the project
You have just completed your investigation into Britain in the 1950s. It is really important that you think about what you have learnt from this project. You haven’t only learnt facts but you have also developed skills that you can use in other projects such as research and presentation skills. You need to answer the following questions: A)What do you think was the most important thing you learnt by completing this project? (This does not need to be about the tasks themselves. It could be about how you completed the work) B)What was the most interesting thing you learnt by completing this project? C)If you had complete this project again what would you do differently? D)What would you do to improve your project? How much did you enjoy this homework?
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