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Dual economic system Dr
Dual economic system Dr. Dian Ediana Rae Executive Director, Head of Bank Indonesia Regional Office for Sumatra Delivered on : 58th Padjajaran University Anniversary Bandung, September 2015
Outline Background Framework Where are we (BI)? Strategy Timeline
Background Lessons learnt from current and past experience of Islamic economic’s development in Indonesia: Current approach is much more business oriented as it heavily focuses on Islamic banking, so that Islamic banks just mirror that of conventional banks. The use of Islamic terms makes Islamic banking exclusive and limits the chance for Islamic economic to grow universally as rahmatan lil’alamiin Islamic Banking’s asset share stays less 5% of industry. Ignite retention in region where moslem is minority. The need for more strategic, comprehensive, conceptional and pragmatic Islamic economic’s development that leads to a better dual economics system, through: a)Human Capital and market Empowerment, incl. research b)Supporting infrastructure, incl. legal, data and information c)Regulatory and supervisory; d)Product and market development; and e)Efficient industrial structure In such an inclusive manner.
Where are we (BI)? Weakness Strengths Threats Opportunities
Role as authority in monetary & financial stability, both conventional & Islamic Role as Lender of Last Resort (LOLR) & Authority in Islamic money market Pursue active role in developing Islamic economic internationally Has financial inclusive program, including Islamic financing. BI’s policy does not directly affect Islamic economics industry Islamic monetary operation acts as complement, per se. Limited instrument & shallow Islamic money market. There is no synergy b/w BI & Gov. in supporting development financing. Weakness Strengths Threats Opportunities design business model for stimulating Islamic economic and finance Expanding the role of Islamic social institution (Zakat dan Wakaf). Use of Islamic Bills/Bonds as monetary instrument as well as project financing. Develop Islamic money market instrument Eradicate poverty through Islamic financial inclusion Limited mandate on BI, as not stated in UU BI, in developing Islamic economics Limited commitments from government in supporting the development in Islamic economic and finance
Strategy Increasing awareness through soft skill,
Education & Value inducement Technical assistance from int’l body Engagement & ownership by designing business model for Islamic Entrepreneur Pilot project, financing with zakat Market Empowerment HC & Infrastructure Supporting Supervisory Regulatory Market Dev Product & Structure Industrial Efficient Inter-sectoral & authority coordination Islamic Economic & Market Research Informational backbone Money market’s Infrastructures Good Governance -waqf core principle -roadmap BWI -inclusive Islamic financial service board -harmonization Encouraging sukuk issue, both government & corporate, Including waqf management Islamic-Money Market’s Scheme development
Timeline 1. Inisiate shariah’s financial market development through int’l institution (OIC, IDB, IIFM, IILM, IFSB) 2. Suggest optimal financing schemes w.r.t region, and industrial character and local wisdom. 3. Amplify the impact of Islamic social finance through zakat, wakaf, and relevant government and authority’s cooperation. 3. Sending expert on Islamic economic & finance as advisor to newly develop country on Islamic economic and finance. 4. Role model for development of Islamic economic in the world 5. Center of Islamic economics and finance education 1.Intensely involved in Indonesia-Islamic Financial Architecture (AKSI) 2.Establishment of int’l General Zakat in Indonesia 3.Coopertaion w/ stakeholders (MES, IAEI, PKES, etc) 4.Int’l Workshop on zakah and waqaf 2015 1. Amendment UU BI 2. Cooperation w/ other NIFC authority in Islamic economic and finance development in Indonesia 3. Strategic alliance w/ int’l institution incl. the development of Islamic social finance 4. Cooperation w/ university in research, dissemination and education of Islamic economic 5. Empowering skill and knowledge of Islamic financial HR in macroprudensial, financial inclusion, monetary and risk mgt. 6. Initiate international forum for regulator of Islamic economic and finance in regular basis.
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