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Dietary Supplements Be informed before you begin supplementing.

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Presentation on theme: "Dietary Supplements Be informed before you begin supplementing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dietary Supplements Be informed before you begin supplementing.

2 Dietary supplements Info  vitamins, minerals, herbs, and many other products.  They can come as pills, capsules, powders, drinks, and energy bars.  calcium and vitamin D are important for keeping bones strong.  Pregnant women can take the vitamin folic acid to help child development.

3 Dietary Supplements are:  Not regulated  May contain illegal substances  Could be expensive  Could have negative side affects.

4 Dietary Supplement Regulations  No requirements for proof that they actually do what they claim.  No requirements for proof that they do not cause harm.  FDA may remove a supplement after the FDA has proven it’s unsafe or false.

5 Educating our youth  Express the difference between advertising and truth.  Explain negative side effects.  Teach organic food health facts so they don’t need supplements.

6 Choose wisely  USP on the label  Consumer Lab seal of approval  Research drug companies  Check with you healthcare provider.

7 Supplement Stacking  Using multiple supplements during the same time  Popular among body builders  Negative side-effects multiplied by size of stack  Could damage the liver.

8 Eamples of side-effects Creatine  muscle cramps  diarrhea  stress on kidneys  Gastrointestinal pain Ephedra  Irregular heart beat  Heart attack  Stroke  Psychosis  High blood pressure

9 Examples cont. Ginkgo  Restlessness  Diarrhea  Nausea  Vomiting American Ginseng  birth defects  Lower blood sugar  Insomnia  Hormone sensative conditions

10 Amino Acid Supplements  Claim – they absorb fetter because they are pre-digested protien.  Fact – Body gets more use our of amino acids that are from whole foods.

11 Important facts!  Supplements are not needed with a balanced diet.  Supplements are not regulated.  Check with you healthcare provider.  Come see me of you need help!

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