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Presentation on theme: "R EADINESS C OORDINATOR N ETWORK October 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Change Management – Preparing WIC Families WIC card art User Acceptance Testing – Testers/Super Users Detailed Roll-Out Schedule 10/23/20142

3 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES Ciber (Ceres contractor) and Xerox (eWIC contractor) are preparing to do “contractor to contractor testing” – connections and messages IT personnel working with contractors on security, network, etc issues WIC Central staff still finalizing configurations (set up) of Ceres 10/23/20143

4 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION EBT Retailer Readiness Work Group at WIC Central created work plan to carry out: 2015 Retailer Authorization – new agreements, site visits, training. (Thanks for “new” store recommendations.) Certification of retailer eWIC Readiness Retailer Handbooks, eWIC decals and posters Xerox making personal contacts with all current and potential retailers – Xerox reports strong support 10/23/20144

5 C HANGE M ANAGEMENT : P REPARING WIC F AMILIES 10/23/20145 These are the WIC CARD options that families will be asked about for the next few weeks. Copies of this survey and stacks of sample cards will be sent to DOs next week.

6 U SER A CCEPTANCE T ESTERS Before we accept Ceres for production, we need to make sure it works as it is supposed to. Testers will get 1 week of training & then spend 3 weeks trying out all of the features. Benefits of being a tester Sneak preview! Early hands on experience! A chance to identify potential enhancements & improvements (to be submitted later on) Winter “staycation” in beautiful downtown Burlington! 10/23/20146

7 Participate in your district’s rollout training During rollout, super users will not have special assignments – central office staff will be on hand to help answer questions After rollout, super users will support staff in their own district by: Answering basic questions about how to use Ceres Keeping track of the most common questions so we can identify general need for added training Referring questions you can’t answer to central office for follow up S UPER U SER R ESPONSIBILITIES 10/23/20147

8 OrderMonth/YearLocal Agency PilotMay 2015Rutland 2October 2015Bennington 3October 2015Springfield 4November 2015Brattleboro 5November 2015White River 6December 2015St. Johnsbury 7January 2016Newport 8January 2016Morrisville 9February 2016St. Albans 10February 2016Burlington 11March 2016Barre 12March 2016Middlebury R OLL O UT – THE TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 10/23/20148

9 CereseWICClinic Readiness NovContractor tests Retailer integrationRutland planning DecSet up for UATRetailer integrationRutland planning JanUATDistrib stand-besides Rutland authorizations Rutland prep FebUATRutland/chain authorizations Rutland prep Oct RO planning MarUATRutland/chain certifications Rutland & Oct RO prep Nov RO planning AprSet up for pilotNon-R authorizationsRutland & Oct-Nov RO prep Dec RO planning MaySet up for pilotNon-R authorizationsRutland & Oct-Dec prep Jan RO planning I MPLEMENTATION S CHEDULE W HAT ’ S HAPPENING NEXT ? 10/23/20149

10 N EXT RCN M EETING : O CTOBER 23 12:30 PM -1:30 PM If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 10/23/201410

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