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District Systems to Support School Implementation of Tier 2 & Tier 3 PBIS: Applying implementation science Chris Borgmeier, PhD February 14th, 2013 NorthWest.

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Presentation on theme: "District Systems to Support School Implementation of Tier 2 & Tier 3 PBIS: Applying implementation science Chris Borgmeier, PhD February 14th, 2013 NorthWest."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Systems to Support School Implementation of Tier 2 & Tier 3 PBIS: Applying implementation science Chris Borgmeier, PhD February 14th, 2013 NorthWest PBIS Webinar Contact:

2 Welcome  On Behalf of the North West PBIS Network Welcome!  Thank you to the Oregon Department of Education and Martha Buenrostro.  We Hope to See You in Person Feb 27 th -Mar 1 st at our 11 th Annual PBIS Conference in Eugene, OR.


4  To ask questions during the session “CHAT”

5  To answer poll questions click on the poll box w/ the “a” in it

6 Poll Question #1  How many hours/week (FTE) are recommended for a school to run a CICO system in your school? a) 3 hours/week b) 6 hours/week c) 10 hours/week

7 Poll Question #2  What is a recommended number of different Tier 2 interventions to implement in your school at one time? a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7-9

8 Poll Question #3  When implementing CICO with fidelity, what does the research suggest are success rates at the elementary and middle school level? a) 35% b) 50% c) 65%

9 Poll Question #4  When implementing Tier 1 SW-PBIS effectively… what percent of students in a school would be a meaningful ‘scale’ of implementation for Tier 2 system interventions (e.g. CICO)? a) 30% b) 10% c) 2%

10  You can also show your feelings by choosing an emoticon

11  If we have the chance to open up for oral questions, you will have to hit “Talk”

12 Trying to Keep it POSITIVE Tier 2/ Tier 3 Supports

13 Evidence-based Fixsen, D. L., Naoom, S. F., Blase, K. A., Friedman, R. M. & Wallace, F. (2005). Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, The National Implementation Research Network (FMHI Publication #231). Download all or part of the monograph at: Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature

14 Schools adopting SWPBIS by year 2013 –16,000+ Schools Adopting Schools Adopting School-wide PBIS 2013 –16,000+ Schools Adopting Schools Adopting School-wide PBIS

15 SW-PBIS Implementation Blueprint

16 Challenge = Implementation  Limited focus on Implementation Need to define the systems to support sustained, accurate implementation of Tier 2 & Tier 3 Behavior Supports Starts with strategic, long-term district planning & commitment

17 GOOD FASTCHEAP When implementing an innovation, you may pick any two. Wexelblatt’s Scheduling Algorithm

18 Solution Effective intervention practices and programs + Effective implementation practices Good outcomes for students No other combination of factors reliably produces desired outcomes

19 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Integrated & Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership AdaptiveTechnical Improved Outcomes for... Program/Initiative (set of practices)

20 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Integrated & Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Improved Outcomes for... Program/Initiative (set of practices) Competency Drivers are mechanisms that help to develop, improve, and sustain one’s ability to implement an intervention to benefit students.

21 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Integrated & Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Improved Outcomes for... Program/Initiative (set of practices) Organization Drivers are mechanisms to create and sustain hospitable organizational and systems environments for effective educational services

22 SW-PBIS District Planning

23 Implementation: Leadership Drivers Managing the Stages of Implementation Exploration  Installation  Init’l Implementation  Continual Regeneration  Sustainability

24 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Integrated & Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership AdaptiveTechnical Improved Outcomes for... Program/Initiative (set of practices)

25 Leadership  COMMITMENT!! Grounded in understanding  Understand the Systems Tier 2  Data Teaming  Tier 3  Understand Implementation Progressive Implementation

26 Leadership  Construct & Oversee Implementation effort Commitment & Consistency over time  Champion - Active advocate w/ a strong understanding of Tier 2/Tier 3 continuum and plan  Formalize a clear link to district priorities Consistent topic in District Leadership team discussions Policy considerations Align District (CIP) & School Improvement goals (SIP) Disproportionate Discipline & Achievement Gap

27 Implementation Lens  Start with the Intervention -- What is “IT”?  the evidence-based intervention for students with challenging behavior Tier 2  Check-In/Check-out Data Based Decision Making  Early Identification, Intervention & Progress Monitoring Tier 3  Function-Based Intervention & Support (FBA/BSP)


29 Tier 2 Check-In/Check-Out For Research see:

30 Check-In/Check-Out Research Support  Pre schools Sandy Chafouleas, et al 2007  Elementary Schools Anne Todd et al in press Sarah Fairbanks et al, 2007 Amy Kauffman-Campbell, dissertation Doug Cheney et al, 2006; 2007 Leanne Hawken et al. 2007 Filter et al., 2007   Middle Schools Leanne Hawken et al 2003 Rob March et al 2002  High Schools Jessica Swain-Bradway, in progress CICO is an Evidence-Based Practice 1.At least 5 peer reviewed studies 2.At least 3 different researchers/settings 3.At least 20 different participants

31 Student Referred for CICO CICO Plan/ Initial Meeting Teach/Role Play Skills CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Exit Program Bi-weekly Progress Monitoring Meeting Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in Revise Program BASIC CYCLE Check In Check Out (CICO)

32 CICO-SWIS Tier 2 OREGON 2011-12

33 CICO-SWIS in Oregon 2011-12 SchoolsStudents Elem1142001 MS35674 HS133 Pre-8 th 697 Others166 TOTAL1572871

34 >=80% Elem1750 MS510 HS20 K-878 Other57 TOTAL2415 Over 84% of CICO students succeeding!

35 Averaging 20 students/school suggests Implementation of a System, rather than a practice

36  What constitutes a Tier 2 System? (EFFICIENCY) Systemic Implementation requires the intervention:  Serves multiple students at one time (15-25 student at once)  Identifies students early & can get students started w/ intervention almost immediately upon referral (almost no legwork for referring staff)  School-wide training is used to ensure all school staff know about the intervention & understand their responsibilities SYSTEMS NOTE: Resources Required:  Allocation of FTE & resources  Job descriptions that include CICO coordination & implementation Tier 2 SYSTEMS CICO System v. Point Card Intervention

37 District Planning for Tier 2 “Getting the Order Right” Commitments – District & School Set Goals/Expectation – all schools implementing system of CICO by...  Selection First need to Understand the Commitments (District & School level)  School Readiness & Commitment  Personnel CICO Coordinator & CICO Mentor 10 hrs/wk Right Personnel – requires flexibility in Role

38 District Planning  Training Develop the CICO System – 2 days of training  Who? CICO Coordinator, CICO Mentors, Administrator, “Behavior Specialists”  Initially - Pilot (3-5 students) & plan for systemic implementation (15+ students) in upcoming year

39 District Planning  Coaching Supporting implementation & problem solving  On-site coaching support Support CICO Coordinator & Mentors w/ accurate implementation Keep things moving between trainings  Data monitoring & feedback

40 District Planning for Tier 2  Performance Assessment Develop a pre-planned evaluation calendar Annual feedback  Monitoring implementation (CICO Self Ax, MATT) Quarterly feedback  # of students on CICO (Capacity)  Student outcomes (% of students w/ mean >80%

41 Implementation: Organization Drivers Mechanisms that create and sustain hospitable organizational and systems environments for implementing the evidence based intervention

42 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Integrated & Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Improved Outcomes for... Program/Initiative (set of practices) Organization Drivers are mechanisms to create and sustain hospitable organizational and systems environments for effective educational services

43 Data Support Data System Purposes: Provide information to assess effectiveness of new educational practices strategies, celebrate success & engage in continuous quality improvement Be accountable for quality infrastructure (are Drivers ‘working’) and for outcomes

44 Decision Support Data System  I-PBS is a data-based system!  Without an effective data system, teams will not use data and struggle to provide effective secondary & tertiary support E.g. CICO-SWIS & ISIS-SWIS @  Data is used to inform: Student identification Student progress monitoring To inform intervention changes

45 SWIS-CICO Report Daily Points Graph

46 Systems Interventions & Facilitative Administration Purposes: Identify barriers & facilitators Remove Barriers & Create a “hospitable” environment for new way of work Engage active communication cycles and use data for improvement Looks for ways to make work of teachers and staff easier and more effective!!

47 Systems Interventions  Maintaining strong Tier 1 systems Progressive implementation  based on progress monitoring of school teams  Keep focus reasonable – not all at once  Regular forums to encourage regular communication of barriers, needs and facilitators across stakeholders  School implementers, administrators, district specialists/coaches to District Administration

48 NO TIME!!! -- Structuring/ restructuring positions & priorities  District PBS Coach  Tier 1  Tier 2 – Tier 3??? Behavior Specialist(s)  Redefine roles & responsibilities  Identify expertise & skills needed  Specify clear targets for progress monitoring job responsibilities  Building Person(s) with FTE & skills to carry out responsibilities of Tier 2 & Tier 3 implementation  CICO Coordinator (Counselor/ Inst. Asst/ Librarian, etc.)  Flexibility in schedule for meeting times & data collection  Organized w/ data skills  Behavior Specialists (SPED teacher/ SPSY/ Counselor, etc.)  Behavioral expertise & skills Flexibility for data collection, coaching & implementation fidelity checks

49 Facilitative Administration  Increasing awareness and buy-in with Administrators & Gen Ed staff members Train general educators on roles and responsibilities in intervention  Basics of ABC & behavior support

50 Data Teaming Tier 2/ Tier 3 Intensive PBIS

51 What is “IT”? – I-PBS  Team Based Process of Data Based Decision Making Progress Monitoring & Decision Making  Students w/ Behavioral Concerns (Tier 2 & 3)  Systems (Tier 2 & Tier 3) Implementation Fidelity & Scale Student Identification  Team members Administrator, Tier 2 Coordinator(s) & Tier 3 – Behavior Specialists/ Case Managers

52 Teams in a School FBA Team Progress Monitoring Team Plans SW & Class- wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity of Tier 2 Interventions (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Sept. 1, 2009 Universal SWPBIS Team Tier II Tier I Tier III Could responsibilities of an existing team (TAT/SST/etc.) be shifted?

53 Screening Coordinator Tier 2 Intervention Coordinator Tier 3 Intervention Coordinator Facilitator Process Monitor Notetaker 30-45 min. meeting Review Tasks

54 SWIS-CICO Report Daily Points Graph

55 District Planning for Tier 2/3 Data Teaming Commitments – District & School Set Goals/Expectation – all schools implementing system of CICO by...  Selection First need to Understand the Commitments (District & School level)  School Readiness & Commitment  Personnel – Team members Administrator, Tier 2 Coordinator(s) & Tier 3 – Behavior Specialists/ Case Managers

56 District Planning – I-PBS Teaming  Training Training teaming is challenging (Add’l Coaching Required)  When? – most helpful when teams have CICO data and can start using the teaming process right away  Who? - Administrator, Tier 2 Coordinator(s) & Tier 3 – Behavior Specialists/ Case Managers  Video model is helpful – w/ Meeting Feedback form

57 I-PBS Meeting Feedback Form

58 District Planning – I-PBS  Coaching On-site coaching support Identify & train specific coaching targets  Support I-PBS team implementation (model & feedback)  I-PBS meeting feedback form  Prompt for meeting preparation (facilitator and data specialists)

59 District Planning for Tier 2  Performance Assessment Develop a pre-planned evaluation calendar Annual feedback  Monitoring implementation (MATT) Quarterly feedback  Feedback on I-PBS Meeting Feedback (observation)  Meeting Minutes (review form)  Feedback on Decisions made on students  Feedback on systems capacity, fidelity & outcomes

60 SWIS-CICO Report Daily Points Graph 1/19 – change mentor 2/10 – additional incentive Monitoring Team Decision Making

61 CICO/I-PBS Coaching & Performance Assessment Evaluation Schedule (District & School) As the District Coach…. What does this data tell you?

62 % of Students Enrolled in CICO x School District -- End of Year Data % of Students Enrolled in CICO Schools % of Students Enrolled in CICO Schools What does this data say about the “scale” of implementation across schools in this district? a) High b) Medium c) Low

63 % of Students Enrolled in CICO x School District -- End of Year Data % of Students Enrolled in CICO Schools % of Students Enrolled in CICO Schools What is the implementation “scale” for this school? a) High b) Medium c) Low

64 Mean % of Points Earned by Students on CICO Elementary School A Students 6 of 13 (46 %) students are responding to CICO % of Points Earned Based on the Data, what might you guess about implementation “FIDELITY” this school? a) High b) Medium c) Low

65 Percent of Students Enrolled in CICO by School 2011-12 End of Year Data School District % of Students Enrolled in CICO Schools % of Students Enrolled in CICO Schools

66 % of Points Earned by Students on CICO Elementary School 24 of 31 (77 %) students are responding to CICO % of Points Earned Students What does data suggest re: Fidelity? a)Hi b) Med c) Lo

67 Tier 3 FBA/BSP For Research Support see:

68 What is “IT”? – FBA/BSP  Develop & Implement a Function-Based Positive Behavior Support Plan based on assessment information  Individualized assessment & planning  Monitor progress & revise (ongoing, as needed) Student outcomes & Implementation

69 Implications for Behavior Support Problem Behavior Functional Assessment Content of Support Plan Fidelity of Implementation Impact on Behavior and Lifestyle *Team *Specialist *Hypothesis statement *Competing Behavior Analysis *Contextual Fit *Implementation Plan *Technical Adequacy *Person-centered planning * Wraparound

70 Competency Drivers  Performance Assessment/ Selection/ Training/ Coaching  Need to Apply this to: District level Behavior Specialist(s) & Building level roles  Behavior Specialist  Administrator  BSP Implementer (teachers & staff)

71 District Planning – Tier 3 Selection  Selection becomes Increasingly important as complexity of skills required of the job increase Tier 3 (individual student support) require more specific knowledge and skills than Tier 1 support  Start w/ job description that clearly outlines responsibilities & roles required Requires a district & school vision for Individual Student Behavior Support Systems Be clear on skills & expertise required in role

72 District Level Behavior Specialist  Clear job description outlining responsibilities & skills required Conduct complex FBAs/BSPs & provide support to teams for complex behavior cases Provide coaching & support to school FBA/BSP teams to build local expertise Support schools with implementation and development of tier 2 systems & progress monitoring teams Monitor school and district data systems to evaluate school use and effectiveness of tier 2 and 3 behavioral support systems x school & district

73 District Level Behavior Specialist  Selecting for expertise in behavior analysis & function-based support, implementation & evaluation Use an interactive interview process w/ behavioral vignettes & rehearsals that provide opportunity to evaluate:  Specific targeted skills required for the position  How candidate responds to feedback Examples  Submit examples of previously completed FBA/BSP w/ data  Have interviewee complete an FBA interview  Provide FBA Summary Statements & ask to develop interventions suggestions for a BSP (check technical adequacy of interventions identified)  Vignette requiring response to teacher or principal resistant to implementing FBA/BSP

74 District Level Planning – Tier 3 Selection  Which Buildings to start with? & How many? Suggest piloting w/ more complex interventions v. district-wide  Building level Tier 3 Building principal invested in supporting students with challenging behavior  Commitment to provide school-wide training in basics of ABC’s and Function-Based Intervention Building Behavior Specialists  Flexibility to collect FBA data, lead teaming process and support implementation

75 District Planning – Tier 3 Training  Training should be linked to clear, measurable outcomes related to performance (assessment)  Skills-based & knowledge-based training should include: Behavioral rehearsal of target skills Practice with real cases immediately following training Coaching & Feedback

76 Format of Practical FBA/BSP Training Sessions Objectives Review Activities Checks for Understanding Comments/ Questions Tasks Key Points 76

77 District Level Planning – Tier 3 Coaching  District Behavior Specialist  Initially, serve as Systems coach for implementation of: Coach Building behavior specialists and team members to effectively perform required tasks of PBS process  Once teams are implementing Tier 2 & IPBS effectively, then: Provide more intensive support to develop FBA/BSP skills in schools Provide direct support for students requiring most intensive behavior support (in school intervention & community supports) Evaluate and provide specific feedback on FBA, BSP and implementation documents

78 District Level Planning – Tier 3  Performance Assessment  F ocus on individual student plans (FBA/BSP)  Is effective FBA data being collected?  Do Behavioral Interventions match function of behavior? Are they positive (focus on prevention, teaching & reinforcement)?  Is student outcome data collected consistently? Is data measuring correct behavior?  Is intervention being implemented accurately & consistently?  Is the plan being reviewed and are appropriate decisions being made?

79 District Level Planning – Tier 3 Performance Assessment  BSP Critical Features Checklist data Could be used to: Monitor progress of Tier 3 systems implementation Inform professional development needs (by individual & collectively in the district)  Training topics  Coaching needs


81 District Level Planning – Tier 3 Performance Assessment  Monitoring District Implementation related to Tier 3 Behavior Supports Performance Use district aggregated results of BSP Crit’l Features Checklist to assess performance Effectiveness in collecting, monitoring & using data related to school performance assessment measures Increasing completion of Tier 3 interventions with efficacy & student outcomes

82 Poll Question #1  How many hours/week (FTE) are recommended for a school to run a CICO system in your school? a) 3 hours/week b) 6 hours/week c) 10 hours/week

83 Poll Question #2  What is a recommended number of different Tier 2 interventions to implement in your school at one time? a) 1-3 b) 4-6 c) 7-9

84 Poll Question #3  When implementing CICO with fidelity, what does the research suggest are success rates at the elementary and middle school level? a) 35% b) 50% c) 65%

85 Poll Question #4  When implementing Tier 1 SW-PBIS effectively… what percent of students in a school would be a meaningful ‘scale’ of implementation for Tier 2 system interventions (e.g. CICO)? a) 30% b) 10% c) 2%

86 Thank you! Any Questions? Get PPT Slides at Chris Borgmeier --

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