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Philippines 2 First University Phase Welcome to Week 5!

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Presentation on theme: "Philippines 2 First University Phase Welcome to Week 5!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philippines 2 First University Phase Welcome to Week 5!

2 Objectives of the Session To introduce the MPA Governance and Management and Monitoring Timeline Agree on One on One meetings with the CFs To introduce the Week 5 schedule

3 Our Goals (Individual sites of 2 or more MPAs) Level 3 at the end of the Campaign or One Level Higher Improved/Sustained MPA Gov. and Mgt. (management plans inclusion in the ICM/CRM program); Organized and strengthened institutions and institutional networks; enforcement system operational. Resilient/ Productive MPAs More Coral cover More Fish More Invertebrates Increased CPUE

4 But…..

5 Develop/Sustain Best Practices and Bright spots !

6 BR Approach Demand Driven maximum of 2 – 3 regular site visit per year MEAT as the framework for TA Work with BR Team at the TWG and ManCom Level; Lead Office for MPA/CRM; Alternate CF engagement On – Call experts/Consultants BR Inputs during Quarterly retreats

7 Our Implementation Timeline

8 Planning and Implementation 1. Issue identification and baseline assessment [KAP, OD, MPA Effectiveness and etc.] 3. Action Plan Implemen- tation 4. MPA Planning /Network Planning 2. MPA Governance Action Planning (2 MPAs) and adoption (3 years) Monitoring and Evaluation MPA Plan/MPA Network Plan Adoption (Replication and Sustainability)

9 Implementation Timeline Week 5: Prelimininary SMART Objectives for BR, TR and CR Research Plan Implementatio n Timeline Customized BR inputs

10 Research Plan completed MTWG/Mancom Organized (with committees) Policy for the creation of TWG/Mancom issued Governance and Monitoring action plan prepared by Mancom/TWG Adoption of MPA Action Plan Mancom/TWG Regularly meeting Enforcement system set up (guardhouse, marker buoys, logbooks in place, other site development MPA Governance and Management Monitoring Team organized as integrated committee in the TWG/Mancom Organizational meetings of Local Reef monitoring Team Training for Local Reef Monitoring conducted (Clusterized) Monitoring template/needs filled up and submitted by CFs (Non KAP) Vulnerability Assessment Workshops conducted (3 sites) SMART Objectives validated Monitoring Finalize BR/TR and CR SMART Objectives Finalize BR, TR and CR ToC Targets MPA Governance Action plan Adopted Customized BR Inputs Monitoring Inputs and Data management tool updates

11 Implementation of MPA Governance and Monitoring Action Plans Joint ManCom Meetings (Core plus expansion MPAs) Maintenance of Enforcement set up/assets, preparation and implementation of Enforcement plans, Complans, Intel plans, Implementation Plans MPA Based enforcers and Municipal based enforcers coordinating regularly and conducting regular patrols Informing and updating of logbooks – shared during ManCOm Meetings LGUs and partners providing budget Other stakeholders engage in MPA Management Budget allocated Catalyst Fund Proposal Submissions MPA Management/MPA Network Planning MPA Governance and Management

12 Monitoring team regularly meeting Monitoring boards in place in the guardhouse (optional) Local Reef Monitoring Team practicing M and E Incentives for Local Reef M and E inplace Regular submission of Monitoring data Final MEAT Survey Final Biophysical Monitoring and Fisheries Surveys Monitoring

13 Draft and finalize MPA Network Plan Monitoring Data Completion & Analysis BR, TR and CR activities and data analyzed Analysis on the effectivity of BR Strategies Best practices and campaign bright spots documented/shared Adoption of MPA Network Plans Alumni Program application

14 Questions??

15 Support Meeting (Afternoons of Week 5) Participants : –Conservation Fellow –Brooke Sadowsky, Associate Director –Your Dear PPM –BR Staff –Ronet Santos Schedule : –October 1 : Caramoan, Siruma, Tigaon, Sagnay –October 2: Ipil, Pilar, Bindoy, Ayungon –October 3: Lianga, Marihatag, Ubay –October 4: Roxas, Samal, Panabo City

16 Support Meeting (Afternoons of Week 5) Agenda: Check in and Recognition (5 minutes) High level review of Implementation Timeline and Schedules (10 minutes) Review of Research and Planning Timeline (5 minutes Review of MEAT Results/Priority BR Activities including monitoring (5 minutes) and Cost Site-based Need and Support Needed (5 Minutes) Agenda and Schedule of Site Visits (5 minutes) Next Steps and Other Matters (5 minutes)

17 Questions??

18 Back to Week 5


20 Overall Design of RARE Pride Campaign (Phils 2) Ecological stream Institutional stream Social stream MPA Governance and Manageme nt Social Marketing Monitoring and Evaluation, Vulnerability Assessments

21 Overall Design of RARE Pride Campaign (Phils 2) Institutional stream Social stream MPA Governance and Manageme nt Social Marketing Ecological stream Monitoring and Evaluation, Vulnerability Assessments

22 Climate Change : Introduction and Effects to Communities

23 Learning Objectives Be informed on the current changes in the global and Philippine climatic conditions Gain knowledge on the effects of Climate Change to the natural resources (coastal) and some adaptation and mitigation measures Gain appreciation on the conduct of Vulnerability Assessment and the tools behind the conduct of the VA Understand the framework on making communities resilient to Climate Change effects using MPAs as a Core Strategy

24 Activities relative to CC as input to the MPA Governance and management Action Plan Inclusion of VA schedule for pilot sites

25 BREAK (10 Mins)

26 Marine Protected Area Management and MPA Networks in the Coral Triangle

27 Learning Objectives Gain information on the history of MPA establishment and management and MPA Network in the Coral Triangle Be informed on the status of the MPAs and MPA Networks in the coral triangle Gain knowledge on the best practices in the management of MPAs and MPA Networks in the CT countries Gain knowledge on climate related adaptation measures for MPAs in the CT countries

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