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District Response to Instruction and Intervention Reflection and Planning.

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1 District Response to Instruction and Intervention Reflection and Planning

2 Our goal By 2017, the RTI 2 Framework will reduce the number of students scoring below basic on the NAEP. 2

3 3 Guiding Question One: How do you use data? What are your sources of data? What data do you use when? Guiding Question Two: How do you ensure that RTI 2 is running with fidelity? Guiding Question Three: How are interventions different than what happens during regular instruction? Guiding Question Four: How do I create a space for skills instruction to occur regularly for all students at different grade levels and with different needs?

4 Material Walk Through Next Steps Action Planning Toolkit Agenda (p. 3-4) Four Guided Question section tabs Discussion protocol Notes page Discussion Tool, SWOT, Guided Question Planning Resources (p. 15) Next Steps Action Planning documents tab 4

5 Our Guiding Principles 1. Leadership at the state, district, and building level is essential for ensuring the success of ALL students throughout the RTI 2 Framework 2. A culture of collaboration that is focused on student achievement, for both struggling and advancing students, should include educators, families and communities 3. RTI 2 is a process focused on prevention and early intervention that uses assessment data for instruction, intervention and transitions between tiers 5

6 Objectives Develop/revise an RTI 2 action plan with clear next steps that is tailored to district capacity and meets state requirements. 1.Respect for diverse needs of district teams in whole group discussions. 2.Engage fully and avoid personal technology use. 3.Use planned agenda items fully and respect the air time of whole group to ensure agenda timeline is followed. 3.Transparent collaboration during district work time and whole group discussions. 4.Utilize work time effectively to clarify district needs and plan steps to move forward. 5.Parking Lot for unanswered questions and return answers sent through CORE office in one week. 6 Norms

7 The why of RTI 2 Rucker-Stewart Middle School student Sumner County 7

8 Guiding Question Four: Guiding Question Four: How do I create a space for skills instruction to occur regularly for all students at different grade levels and with different needs? 8

9 WHAT Prioritizing the WHAT of the additional time Priorities based on student needs 9 3 rd Enrichment 2 nd Standards remediation 1 st Skills deficit Intervention Tier II, III, and special education intervention Re-teaching support Core Curriculum +

10 Using the Time Inventory Protocol (p.128) Log instructional minutes by content area.Log non-instructional time by topic. Are there simple swaps to recommend? Creative solutions? –Use other samples. 10

11 Using the Personnel Inventory Protocol (p. 129) Which staff members fit where?Considerations in shifting personnel rolesWhat are district resources to leverage? 11

12 Discussion Scenario Four 1.Turn to the discussion scenario on page 114 of your Action Planning Toolkit. 2.You have a sample middle school building schedule before RTI 2 and a sample middle school building schedule after RTI 2. 3.The scenario questions walk your team through an analysis of how the usage of time and staff changed in these sample schedules. 4.How could some of these changes work in your district with some of your buildings? 5.What ideas might be tweaked to fit your schools? 12

13 District Discussion Time 1.Discussion Protocol (p. 123) analyze the existing data tools what are you using the data results for how the data drives decisions for different tiers of instruction 2.SWOT Protocol (p. 124) what are the strengths of using data where are your gaps how can you use your strengths to overcome your gaps what are threats to success 13 15 minutes End

14 SWOT Sharing 14 StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats 1.Count off at table. 2.Move to the Post It note that matches your number and share with others. 3.Return to district group to share experiences from other districts. 4.Prepare post it for shared.

15 Action Planning (p. 125 and 144) 1.Resources Walk (p. 127) 2.Planning 3.A Focus on Key Messages and General Rules of Practice 15 20 minutes End

16 Points to Consider and Culminating Work Time Points to Consider and Culminating Work Time (p.143) 1.First, review the key points to consider as these are areas of fidelity that a district needs to ensure. 2.Prioritize the issues from each of the four guided questions. 3.Begin to develop a cohesive next steps plan for RTI 2 from a district perspective. 4.Review the roles, timelines, and statements of success to ensure that the overall plan is doable. 5.Do your key messages need to be shifted to align with your holistic needs? 6.Create an overarching timeline, responsibilities, and key messages planning document. 16

17 What is your biggest implementatio n strength? 17 What are your key next steps? What are your district key messages that need to be clear?

18 frameworkhigh quality instruction all ensuring core curriculum instruction intervention RTI 2 is a framework for high quality instruction for all students ensuring equal access to the core curriculum through differentiated instruction and intervention supports. 18

19 Contact Information Suzanne Keefe, Director of Special Projects Lisa Coons, Deputy Director of Instructional Leadership Support 19

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