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Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

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1 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Lecture 1 By Juthawut Chantharamalee

2 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Description Course Outline Administrative Brief History of Computers Overview of Computer Organization Overview of Computer Performance Case Study: Intel Processors Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

3 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Description from ISIS Basic concepts; computer evolution, register transfer level design, simulation techniques, instruction sets (CISC and RISC), assembly language programming, ALU design, arithmetic algorithms and realization of arithmetic functions, hardwired and micro-programmed control, memory hierarchies, virtual memory, cache memory, interrupts and DMA, input/output; introduction to high-performance techniques, pipelining, multiprocessing; introduction to hardware description languages (Verilog, VHDL); students design and simulate a simple processor. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

4 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Outline Introduction [chap 1] (2) Brief History Overview of Computer Organization Architecture: Instruction Set Design [chap 2] (6) Information representation & arithmetic operations Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes Assembly language Programming Basic input/output operations Subroutine linkage Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

5 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Outline, cont’d Case Studies of Instruction Set Architecture [chap. 3] (4) Motorola M68000 ARM Intel Pentium Computer Arithmetic and ALU Design [chap. 6] (6) Addition (Subtraction) Multiplication (Division) Shifting and Rotating Floating Point Arithmetic Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

6 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Outline, cont’d Verilog / VHDL Tutorials [Supplemental material] (6) Memory [chap 5] (6) Semiconductor Memory Technology Cache Memory Virtual Memory Memory Management and Case Studies Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

7 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Outline, cont’d Processor Design [chap 7] (6) Datapath design Control Unit Design Microprogramming Exception Handling Input/Output [chap 4] (4) Device Interfacing and Addressing Interrupts Bus Design Additional topics [selected from chapters 8-12] Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

8 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Administrative Lectures Time: M/W/F 8:30 - 9:20 AM Room: 4030 SC Instructor James Maxted: Design engineer for Rockwell Collins (35 years) Office: 1126 SC, hours M/W/F 9: :20 AM TA Dakai Jin: Office: 1313 SC, hours Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

9 Administrative (cont’d)
Grading Approximately 1 homework per week 1 multi-part project 2 exams (1 mid-term, final) Weighting Attendance 10% Project and Assignment 40% Midterm 20% Final 30% Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

10 Administrative (cont’d)
Course webpage Place to find syllabus, lecture notes, homework, etc Project Design and simulate a simple processor Mentor Graphics tools VerilogHDL Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

11 Administrative (cont’d)
Collaboration Discussion of the material is encouraged, but… All students are expected to do their own work Disabilities Please contact me (office hours or ) Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

12 Brief History of Computers
Computing Aids Abacus and Counters Abacus: Greek for board or slab Probably originated in Middle East Invented years ago Napier’s Rods (Bones) Assisted multiplication, square roots, and cube roots Invented around 1600 Chalk Board Interest Table Shows interest for varying principles and periods of time Napier --also logarithms and the chessboard calculator Often thought to be the inventor of the slide rule (based on algorithms) Oughtred the inventor of the multiplying slide rule but the additive existed before Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 4

13 Brief History of Computers
Machines that Calculate or Control Adding machines Blaise Pascal’s “Pascaline” 1642 Automatic loom Punch cards used to control a manufacturing process 1800 Cash register “Incorruptible cashier” 1900 Napier --also logarithms and the chessboard calculator Often thought to be the inventor of the slide rule (based on algorithms) Oughtred the inventor of the multiplying slide rule but the additive existed before Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 4

14 Brief History of Computers
Electromechanical Devices Hollerith 1890 Census Tabulator Punch, tabulator and sorting box International Business Machines (IBM) Accounting Machines Changed circuits by moving cables in plugboards Early 1900s Ciphering and deciphering Encode and decode secret messages during World War II Enigma and Bombe Napier --also logarithms and the chessboard calculator Often thought to be the inventor of the slide rule (based on algorithms) Oughtred the inventor of the multiplying slide rule but the additive existed before Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 4

15 Brief History of Computers
Electronic Computers Vacuum tube ENIAC: 17,000 tubes, 30 tons, 1800 ft2 1945 Transistor IBM System/360 Family Compatible processors, Standardized peripherals and connections 1962 Integrated circuit IBM PC Intel 8088 1981 Napier --also logarithms and the chessboard calculator Often thought to be the inventor of the slide rule (based on algorithms) Oughtred the inventor of the multiplying slide rule but the additive existed before Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 4

16 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Brief History of Computers The First Programmer Ada Augusta or Charles Babbage Robert Campbell, Richard Bloch, Grace Murray Hopper, or Howard Aiken Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 5

17 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
John von Neumann - IAS vN in front of the IAS -- his version of the EDVAC Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 9

18 von Neumann Architecture
Sequential operation Automatic (without human intervention) Five elements: Input Output Memory Arithmetic Unit Control But von Neumann’s original design (see next slide for reference) discussed the concept of parallel computation, independent units synchronizing their work, and did not restrict the computer to sequential execution. Five elements -- Lee’s law of computing -- everything in CS can be grouped in five-tuples -- corollary -- if not fix it. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 10

19 Revised von Neumann Architecture
But von Neumann’s original design (see next slide for reference) discussed the concept of parallel computation, independent units synchronizing their work, and did not restrict the computer to sequential execution. Five elements -- Lee’s law of computing -- everything in CS can be grouped in five-tuples -- corollary -- if not fix it. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 10

20 The Stored Program Concept
Programming the Harvard Mark I was by external paper tape The ENIAC was “programmed” by rewiring it completely! The potential authors were J. Presper Eckert, John Mauchly, Arthur Burks, Herman Goldstine, and others. Von Neumann was just drafting the report! 1982 meeting in Houston -- discussion of concept -- Eckert, Goldstine, Wilkes, Clippinger Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 11

21 The First Business Computer
LEO — Lyons Electronic Office — 1950 Modeled after the EDSAC UNIVAC — Universal Automatic Computer — 1951 for the Census Bureau Perhaps the first mass produced machine ERMA — Electronic Recording Means of Accounting —1957 for Bank of America LEO sold only a few (in England) UNIVAC sold 46 through 1958 ERMA included since it was the first machine to be primarily designed for banking AND introduced MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) and use of checks as DP documents. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 13

22 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
The First Bug Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 14

23 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Basic functional units of a computer I/O Processor Output Memory Input and Arithmetic logic Control Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

24 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Connections between the processor and the memory Processor Memory PC IR MDR Control ALU R n 1 - MAR general purpose registers Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

25 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Single-bus structure Input Output Memory Processor Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

26 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Sharing the processor Printer Disk Program routines OS Time t 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

27 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
The processor cache Main memory Processor Bus Cache Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

28 Basic Performance Equation
N is the actual number of instruction executions S is the average number of basic steps needed to execute one machine instruction R is the clock rate T is the processor time required to execute a program that has been prepared in some high-level language For N remember that the number of instructions to be executed is different from the number of instruction executions. Example: A cycle with one instruction to be executed 7 times: instructions to be executed=2 (cycle + regular instruction) , instruction executions =8(cycle +7 times the regular instruction).

29 Instruction Sets: CISC and RISC
RISC – Reduced Instruction Set Computers (smaller S likely leads to larger N) CISC – Complex Instruction Set Computers (larger S likely leads to smaller N) The jury is still out.

30 Performance Measurement
System Performance Evaluation Corporation n is the number of the benchmarks programs in the suite

31 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 4004 First microprocessor (1971) For Busicom calculator Characteristics 10 mm process 2300 transistors 400 – 800 kHz 4-bit word size 16-pin DIP package Masks hand cut from Rubylith Drawn with color pencils 1 metal, 1 poly (jumpers) Diagonal lines (!) Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

32 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 8008 8-bit follow-on (1972) Dumb terminals Characteristics 10 mm process 3500 transistors 500 – 800 kHz 8-bit word size 18-pin DIP package Note 8-bit datapaths Individual transistors visible Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

33 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 8080 16-bit address bus (1974) Used in Altair computer (early hobbyist PC) Characteristics 6 mm process 4500 transistors 2 MHz 8-bit word size 40-pin DIP package Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

34 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 8086 / 8088 16-bit processor (1978-9) IBM PC and PC XT Revolutionary products Introduced x86 ISA Characteristics 3 mm process 29k transistors 5-10 MHz 16-bit word size 40-pin DIP package Microcode ROM Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

35 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 80286 Virtual memory (1982) IBM PC AT Characteristics 1.5 mm process 134k transistors 6-12 MHz 16-bit word size 68-pin PGA Regular datapaths and ROMs Bitslices clearly visible Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

36 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 80386 32-bit processor (1985) Modern x86 ISA Characteristics 1.5-1 mm process 275k transistors 16-33 MHz 32-bit word size 100-pin PGA 32-bit datapath, microcode ROM, synthesized control Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

37 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Processors: 80486 Pipelining (1989) Floating point unit 8 KB cache Characteristics 1-0.6 mm process 1.2M transistors MHz 32-bit word size 168-pin PGA Cache, Integer datapath, FPU, microcode, synthesized control Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

38 Intel Processors: Pentium
Superscalar (1993) 2 instructions per cycle Separate 8KB I$ & D$ Characteristics mm process 3.2M transistors MHz 32-bit word size 296-pin PGA Caches, datapath, FPU, control Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

39 Intel Processors: Pentium Pro/II/III
Dynamic execution (1995-9) 3 micro-ops / cycle Out of order execution 16-32 KB I$ & D$ Multimedia instructions PIII adds 256+ KB L2$ Characteristics mm process 5.5M-28M transistors MHz 32-bit word size MCM / SECC Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

40 Intel Processors: Pentium 4
Deep pipeline (2001) Very fast clock KB L2$ Characteristics 180 – 90 nm process 42-125M transistors GHz 32-bit word size 478-pin PGA Units start to become invisible on this scale Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

41 Intel Processors: Core 2 Duo
2006 Characteristics 65nm and 45nm 291 million transistors 2.5 GHz+ operation 32-bit word size LGA775 Dual core 14 stage pipeline Each gets L1 instruction and data caches Shared L2 cache Source: Intel Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

42 Transistors in Intel Processors
Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

43 Clock Frequencies of Intel uP
Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

44 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Intel Summary 104 increase in transistor count, clock frequency over 30 years! Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

45 Clock Increases Have Slowed
Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

46 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
Levels of Abstraction n+ S G D + PHYSICAL TRANSISTOR GATE RTL DEVICE A <= B + C; Adapted from “Digital Integrated Circuits” copyright 2003 Prentice Hall/Pearson Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

47 Levels of Abstraction (cont’d)
Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

48 The End Lecture 1

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