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1 Operating Systems. 2 Course Information 1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Prentice Hall,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Operating Systems. 2 Course Information 1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Prentice Hall,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Operating Systems

2 2 Course Information 1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2. 操作系统教程(第三版),孙钟秀等,高等 教育出版社,本书的电子版教材和讲稿会被 放在网络教学平台上 3. 推荐学有余力的同学自行阅读:关于 MINIX , LINIX , UNIX 内核分析的书籍

3 3 课程学习目标  明确计算机操作系统的作用与功能  掌握操作系统实现的基本原理与方法  在微观上,掌握设计实现各个操作系统 模块的方法、策略与算法  在宏观上,掌握操作系统的结构和设计 实现方法,进一步了解大型软件系统的 结构和设计实现方法  掌握并发程序设计的基本方法

4 4 Syllabus  An introduction to the principles underlying the design and the implementation of contemporary computer operating systems.  Class designed for students majoring in Computer Science or in areas having a strong emphasis in Computer Science.

5 5  At the end of the course, the student should have a basic understanding of:  Design and implementation issues of contemporary operating systems  Detailed analysis of process, multithreading, symmetric multiprocessing, and microkernels  Memory management techniques, including virtual memory  Various approaches to process scheduling  Operating system control of Input/Output  Operating system management of files Syllabus (continued … )

6 6 Prerequisites  Knowledge of C, C++, Java  Ability to complete large programming project  Understand existing framework  Design system solutions to particular problems  Able to use Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS, …

7 7 Organization and Grading  This class consists of lectures, homework, programming assignments, and a final exam. Each has a weighted contribution to your final grade.  Homework and Participation : 10%  Programming Assignments: 30%  Final Exam: 60%

8 8 Homework and Participation (10%)  Homework is designed to reinforce class material and help in exam preparation.  Each homework consists of 10+ questions and covers the material from the previous class discussion.  Any homework submitted after the due date will lose 50% per week. (After 1 week, an assignment has no grading value!).

9 9 Programming Assignments (30%)  There are three programming assignments (10% each) designed to emphasize topics discussed in class.  The programming assignments are done in teams of 3 students.  Programming assignments can be found on the class web site (  Programming assignments must be passed off by a TA during regular TA hours in the TA offices or class programming labs.

10 10 Programming (continued … )  To receive full credit, programming assignments must be completed and passed off with a “ Date Modified ” timestamp on or before the due date.  Any assignment completed and passed off after the due date will lose 10% per school day. (After 2 weeks, an assignment has no grading value!).

11 11 Final Exam (60%)  The final exam are administered in the school.

12 12 Programming Environments …  Programming of the assignments will be done in any programming language.  The choice of the software tools and programming environment is left to the student ’ s discretion.  In any case, it is the student ’ s responsibility to present their work to a TA in the designated lab for pass off.

13 13 Academic Honesty  Academic honesty includes completing your own homework, labs and final.  Students should work together to help each other understand material, but should always turn in their own work.  Examples of academic dishonesty include sharing code for labs with other students, turning in someone else's writing as your own report, and cheating on an exam.

14 14 Miscellaneous  TA ’ s  Help sessions  Office hours  Linux vs Microsoft users  Questions?

15 15 Abstract View of System Components

16 16 Operating Systems  What is an operating system?  Hard to define precisely, because operating systems arose historically as people needed to solve problems associated with using computers.  How about … “ Software that makes computing power available to users by controlling the hardware. ” “ Software executes when nothing else is happening. ” “ A collection of software modules including device drivers, libraries, and access routines. ”

17 17 What does a modern operating system do?  Provides Abstractions:  Hardware has low-level physical resources with complicated, idiosyncratic interfaces.  OS provides abstractions that present clean interfaces.  Goal: make computer easier to use.  Examples: Processes, Unbounded Memory, Files, Synchronization and Communication Mechanisms.  Provides Standard Interface:  Goal: portability.  Unix runs on many very different computer systems.

18 18 What does a modern operating system do?  Mediates Resource Usage:  Goal: allow multiple users to share resources fairly, efficiently, safely and securely.  Examples:  Multiple processes share one processor. (preemptable resource)  Multiple programs share one physical memory (preemptable resource).  Multiple users and files share one disk. (non-preemptable resource)  Multiple programs share a given amount of disk and network bandwidth (preemptable resource ).  Consumes Resources:  Solaris takes up about 8 Mbytes physical memory.  Windows XP has 40 million lines of code.

19 19 Where are OS’s Used?  In more and more places!  Desktop and Server Computers  DOS + Windows 95/98/ME  Windows NT/2000/XP  Free Unix variants: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc.  Commercial Unix variants: Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, etc.  MacOS  Some Game Consoles  Xbox: Cut-down Windows 2000

20 20 Where are OS’s Used?  Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)  PalmOS  Windows CE Windows Mobile  Embedded Linux  Mobile Phones  Symbian OS  Windows Mobile  Cars (fancy ones)

21 21 Where are OS’s Used?  In the future also:  Digital Cameras (fancy ones)  MP3 Players (iPods, etc.)  Refrigerators!  Others?

22 22 Example OS: PalmOS  Used for PalmPilot PDAs and successors  Multitasking since PalmOS 5  CPUs: Intel XScale,Texas Instruments OMAP, Motorola Dragonball MX  Wireless: 802.11b, Bluetooth, GSM, CDMA  320×320+ displays  Good battery utilisation

23 23 Example OS: PalmOS

24 24 Example OS: Symbian OS  Designed for mobile phones  Gives access to graphics, multimedia, networking, telephony, crypto,  PC connectivity, etc.

25 25 Example OS: Symbian OS

26 26 The Future …  In the future, computers will continue to become physically smaller and more portable.  Operating systems have to deal with issues like disconnected operation and mobility.  Media rich information within the grasp of common people - information with psuedo-real time components like voice and video.  Operating systems will have to adjust to deliver acceptable performance for these new forms of data.

27 27 Finally  Operating systems are so large no one person understands whole system. Outlives any of its original builders.  The major problem facing computer science today is how to build large, reliable software systems.  Operating systems are one of very few examples of existing large software systems, and by studying operating systems we may learn lessons applicable to the construction of larger systems.

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