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10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20101.

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Presentation on theme: "10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20101."— Presentation transcript:

1 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20101

2 Weighing and Numbers Wear crew numbers clearly visible Bow – training outfit and race outfit Cox – cox outfit If a crew has extra weight due to cox weighing, please don’t forgot to take it with you. “It will be checked”. The extra weight has to be as close to the cox as possible. Please turn in crew numbers as soon as possible after your race. 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20102

3 De Amstel (1) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20103

4 De Amstel (2) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20104

5 De Amstel (3) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20105

6 To the start (Vroegopsingel) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20106 Use Poseidon and Skoll pontoons to board Use Willem III Pontoons to get Back on land First Aid Toilets

7 To the start (RIC) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20107 Use blue pontoon To board and go to The start Use green pontoon To go back on land After the race

8 To the start 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20108 NEW: point X1 no earlier then 45 miutes passing Be at alligner point T1 at the latest 20 minutes before the first start of you event/race. Passing T1 too late will result in a penalty Behind the toronto bridge crews must allign according to the following rule: Even crewnumbers in order on port side Odd crewnumbers in order on starboard side Pre-start in one lane, merging just before pre start

9 Regatta course(race) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 20109 The course is 8km Pre start is marked with white flags Start is marked with red flags and START Finish is marked with white flags and FINISH Starting difference is 15 secends per crew. Per event will be a minimum of 5 minutes delay.

10 Race (Bouys 1) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201010 Please note the race course diagrams and memorise the race course and the warm up and cool down areas. Extra warm up capacity is available in the small canals along the Amstel. Passing the bouys on the wrong side can lead to penalty points

11 Race(bouys 2) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201011 There are two colors and two sizes for the bouys Small bouys Yellow: You are allowed to overtake other crews. Orange: It is forbidden to overtake crews in the warm up and cool down area. Large bouys Beware of the size of buoys. There also is a chance that your blades get stuck in the nets covering the bouys.

12 Race(Grote Bocht) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201012 Extra bouys are positioned at starbord side to widen the bend in order to prevent hazardous situations after the bend. Extra bouys

13 De wedstrijd (boeien 4) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201013

14 Bridges(Warmup/cooldown) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201014 Utrechtsebrug Berlagebrug Torontobrug Rozenoordbruggen Nieuwe Amstelbrug

15 Bridges(Race) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201015 Utrechtsebrug Torontobrug Berlagebrug Nieuwe Amstelbrug Rozenoordbruggen

16 Race (Overtaking) 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201016 The fastest crew is free to decide their course. The slower crew must not hinder the faster crew and must allow for the faster crew to continue their race in the preferred route. The faster crew is not allowed to use its rights to create hazardous situations. Security and sportsmanship is always leading.

17 Situation 1 (NO obstacels) B gains on A No obstacels in sight Dotted line is ideal route for B A must gie way for B to follow ideal route A may choose side to give way AB A B 10-10-2015 17Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

18 Situation 2 (change of speeds) B has overtaken A A gains now gains on B No obstacel in sight B Now B must give way B must give way in a timely fassion so A can use it’s ideal route BAA Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 18Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

19 Situation 3 (B decides how A needs to give way) A B B gains on A B decides to go a bit left. For instance because of the bend ahead. B clearly moves left A B A must give way to the right so B can pass on the left. Without too many extra meters. Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 19Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

20 B gains on A Situation 4 (bend) A B A must give way to the outside of the bend. A B Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 20Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

21 B gains on A B prefers outside route, for instance because of the next bend B indicates this by moving clearly visible to the outside while overtaking Situation 5 (bend, B prefers outside) A B B overtakes B must leave enough space for A to continue racing A must stay as close as possible to the shoreline A B Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 21Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

22 Situatie 6 (obstakel) B gains on A An obstacel is in the way A must give way in a timely fassion so B can route aloing its ideal way A must move to the left. ABAB Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 22Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

23 Situatie 7 (obstakel, B heeft voorkeur) B gains on A An obstacel is in the way B prefers to over take A to the left B clearly overtakes on left side B must overtake via the longer left route B must not cut of A and must leave enough space A needs to stay as close as possible to the obstacel, without risk for own safety. A B A B Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 23Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

24 Situation 8 (bridge ahead) B gains on A There’s a bridge ahead. When B is almost overtaking A the bridge is still far away A can give way without the risk of safety and without stopping their race A must give way A must give way to B, choose another bridge passing or wait till B has passed. AB A B Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 24Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

25 Situation 9 (bridge nearby) B gains on A There’s a bridge nearby When B is almost overtaking A the bridge is nearby A can not give way without risking race and safety A can not give way before bridge A passes bridge and gives way quickly and directly after passing the bridge B must let A pass the bridge and then overtake A, or choose another bridge passing if available AB A B Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 25Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

26 Situation 10 (several crews and several bridge entrances B is allready overtaking A and C is starting to overtake B A bridge nearby with one closed entrance A and B cannot give way without risking their own safety C may choose to use the most left entrance or wait for the bridge to pass It’s never allowed to use the closed entrances. This might even be dangerous A B C A B C Dotted line is ideal route for B 10-10-2015 26Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 2010

27 Cool down 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201027 After the finish return to amsterdam as soon as possible if changing boats. Otherwise pass the bridge in ouderkerk to rest en return later to the boathouse area We don’t have enough space for all crews to sit and wait after the finish Rowing back you must row for 1500 meters to be allowed to rest. To help assist crews with problems after the finish there is a pontoon available

28 Protest 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201028 Protests must be made visible by raising your hand when passing the finish. The official after the finish will ask you for some information and inform you to hand in a written protest to the board of the jury. The board of the jury is situated in the board room of rowing club Willem III Please be available to the board of the jury for further questioning or the result.

29 Sportsmanship 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201029 Fair Secure

30 Weatherforecast 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201030 Saturday Rain, little wind 12 degrees Sunday Rain, little wind 12 degrees

31 10-10-2015 Head of the River Amstel – Stuurliedenvergadering 201031 Questions ??? Answers:

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