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EUDET WEB FACILITIES Yan Benhammou Tel-Aviv University Eudet web team

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Presentation on theme: "EUDET WEB FACILITIES Yan Benhammou Tel-Aviv University Eudet web team"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUDET WEB FACILITIES Yan Benhammou Tel-Aviv University Eudet web team

2 How it works ? Possibility to upload/download web pages into the site via web interface : Need to have a login/pwd to plone : just send me a mail -> 1 responsible for 1 activity ? Then I create the links to your pages

3 TOOLS Plone : graphic layer between user and APACHE server. Allows to send file directly to the server Frontpage/Dreamweaver : html editor. Allows to create, modify web pages –FrontPage : microsoft product –DreamWeaver : Macromedia

4 How to proceed 1.Open your browser 2.Download the template from plone 3.Create your document on your own computer using FP/DW (or create on from scratch) 4.upload it to your plone account on the site 5.Send me a mail ( to tell me where to link it

5 2 download the template …

6 To obtain a login/passwd Just send me a mail : 2 download the template …

7 2. go to the template file Halina directory Template file already installed

8 2. Open the template Halina/template.html

9 2. Open the template

10 3. Edit with FP/DW

11 4. Export to plone Halina/template/edit

12 4. Export to plone

13 5. Links 1.Send me a mail with the new page address within your plone directory 2.I will create the link from the main page 3.You can update your own page whenever you want

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