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Sustainability of Technology Zach Stewart, Noah Hanahan, Brian Moore, Rebecca Poling.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability of Technology Zach Stewart, Noah Hanahan, Brian Moore, Rebecca Poling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability of Technology Zach Stewart, Noah Hanahan, Brian Moore, Rebecca Poling

2 Noah's Personal pessimistic views loving family, close friends don't need much steady job, no desk Grass V-ball tournaments Love idea of Politics, hate execution

3 Zachary Stewart Outdoor Sports (kayaking, hunting, fishing, camping) American Coaster Enthusiast (Yes its an actual club) Cisco Academy Classes and online research

4 Becca Poling From West Chester, PA Dance, photography Close with family and friends Travel Intended major: BioEngineering

5 Brian Sports (Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, etc.) Marching Band and practicing College student, but looking into future jobs already

6 Video Games Multiple Games, Consoles Ragers Causes Procrastination More excited about sequels than breakthroughs Wasting resources estimated 16 billion kwh, San Diego

7 Driving Takes a lot of fuel Is a requirement in today's society Alternate Sources do not affect the world's drivers as a whole Lots of fuel is depleted in traffic (roadways are becoming worse) World debt crisis does not allow much money to research alternate fuel sources United States consumes about 367.08 million gallons of oil a day-even more in China

8 Technology in the Environment Issues with Renewable Energy o cost  cars, wind turbines, solar panels  gov't debt o not enough space  infrastructure in cities for power plants  hydroelectric power o safety risk  pollution, explosions o risk of hurting plants and animals  dams, wind turbines o legal and political considerations

9 Energy Independence Goes along with environmental technology Focus on the wrong side "Doubling down on fossils fuels in the name of self- sufficiency could instead crowd out cleaner, more sustainable fuel sources." o  Presented by Shell

10 Work Cited Hutsko, Joe. "Consumption Study Takes Aim at Game Consoles." Green Consumption Study Takes Aim at Game Consoles Comments. The New York Times, 21 Nov. 2008. Web. 28 June 2013. Gaming. Digital image. CraveOnline. Crave, n.d. Web. 28 June 2013. Alpengeist Coaster at Busch Gardens. N.d. Photograph. Panoramio. Web. 28 June 2013. "Energy Information." Energy Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2013. Kingdaka. N.d. Photograph. Web. "The Energy Fix." Popular Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013. Popular Science Magazine Logo. Digital image. Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2013 "Renewable Enery: Current and Potential Issues." BioScience (n.d.): 1111-112. Research Gate. Web. 28 June 2013. Hybrid Car. Digital image. Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2013. Explosion. Digital image. Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2013.

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