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Mrs. Berry Phone: 970-686-8100 x3610.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Berry Phone: 970-686-8100 x3610."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Berry Email: Phone: 970-686-8100 x3610

2  Creating Web sites using ◦ Dreamweaver ◦ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

3  Daily Attendance ◦ Each lesson will build upon the previous lesson. Therefore, it is very important to be in class ◦ Unless you have Adobe Dreamweaver at home, you will need to complete all assignments in class  Make-up work ◦ Needs to be completed within 2 weeks of due date. ◦ Up to you to get it done  Tardies ◦ Must have a tardy slip before coming back to class

4  Assignments ◦ Daily assignments are worth 30 points each  Tests ◦ Each test will be worth 100 points ◦ Final project will be worth 400 points A: 90 – 100 B: 80 – 90 C: 70 – 80 D: 60 – 70 F: 0 – 59

5 Must be very careful with food and drinks in the computer lab No games at any time No downloading files unless instructed to do so by the teacher

6 No internet usage for anything other than for school purposes No streaming of music/videos You may bring in your own mp3 player and listen to music. You may not stream music or videos off of the internet.

7 No use of chat rooms or social media (facebook, etc.) No cheating 1st offense - “0” on the assignment for both the cheater and the “cheatee” No pornography or inappropriate pictures allowed on computer Violation: Loss of internet privileges and classroom suspension for the remainder of the school year.

8  No tank tops or “bro tanks”  No undergarments showing (bra straps, boxers…)  No hats  Shorts and skirts must be a “reasonable” length.  No inappropriate t-shirts (pictures, sayings….)  No low cut tops or low hanging pants

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