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Princettia Euphorbias Culture Clinic and Market Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Princettia Euphorbias Culture Clinic and Market Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Princettia Euphorbias Culture Clinic and Market Opportunities

2 Introducing Princettia to growers Plantpeddler sample program with 100 growers in 2014

3 Like Calibrachoa vs. Petunia Million BellsSurfinia Slight adjustments in culture make the difference in final plant quality.

4 Production Observations: Compared to standard poinsettia Overall, easier to grow with less height, disease and pest management Most applicable for 4” to 6.5” production, along with bowls and pans Similar production timing schedules Stronger root system that establishes quickly, good root health Long sales window and easily timed through the seasons

5 More Production Observations: Compared to standard poinsettia Pinks are more compact and mounding Max White is the purest white, higher vigor New look. Flower feathering, especially in Max White Positive consumer feedback Naturally free branching Less to no PGR for pink varieties Produced in Europe and Asia without pinch

6 Scheduling: Christmas or October (for breast cancer awareness promotions) Times as an 8 week, with gradual maturity. Colors early, long peak, holds late. – Natural season is late November, depending on location. – For early finish, black cloth must be used, 12+ continuous short days until color. – Lighting is required for late crops. Night interruption or day-length extension.


8 Princettia likes warmer temperatures (especially at early stages, like Calibrachoa) Starting temps of 72-75F Day/Night Then 70-72F days with 65-68F nights as bracts expand For maximum bract expansion, maintain warm temperatures into finish.

9 Do not overwater and overfeed! Princettia is a more compact, low vigor plant. Plants will use less feed and water compared to standard poinsettias. But also use care not to underfeed when reducing irrigation. Princettia is still a poinsettia at heart. Maintaining higher fertility will promote maximum growth.

10 Princettia is very free branching Plants have a tendency to “over branch.” More branches means smaller overall bract size. Keep in mind this is a different look. Count nodes – The number of bracts desired plus one node is typically plenty. Many European and Asian producers do a no pinch production. Potential Augeo, Florel trials.

11 Max White Tips from University Trials: University of Florida, North Carolina State, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Based on 2014 trials of Max White: “Cuttings may split early, but pinching below the split creates a normally branched plant habit.” -- Drs. James Barrett, John Dole and Wayne Brown Additional notes for Max White: Branching is good, but stem strength is average. Plants can be controlled with PGR sprays and drenches. It is important to control growth and provide adequate support in larger pot sizes.

12 Pest & Disease Control Monitor and control pests and diseases typical for poinsettia production. Fungus gnat control, especially at the start, is critical. Water management plays a role. Princettia root systems are stronger, but constant inspection is recommended. Apply fungicides as needed. Botrytis can be a risk near or at harvest, especially on very ripe plants.

13 Managing Growth Pinks are naturally compact and mounding. Maintain adequate space to achieve this form. Minimal to no PGR is required on Pink varieties. (Possible CCC post pinch to even up.) Max White is in a different vigor class. We have found success with CCC at 750-1250 ppm when breaks are 1- 1 ½ inches.

14 Managing Growth: Finishing Grow this crop all the way to finish, as it will size up late in production (like Premium). Do not cool unless bracts fully expanded. We have successfully trialed Fascination at 3-5 ppm for bract expansion 2 weeks from shipping. Trial at your facility. Cyathia hold well and mature slowly.

15 Takeaway Advice for Success: Keep it Simple. This is an easier crop to grow!

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