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Standards, Regulations and Liability Philip Cordeiro Research Associate – ECE Department EE 2799 December 7, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards, Regulations and Liability Philip Cordeiro Research Associate – ECE Department EE 2799 December 7, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards, Regulations and Liability Philip Cordeiro Research Associate – ECE Department EE 2799 December 7, 2006

2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2 Overview  Introduction  Standards Classes  Standards Anatomy  Standards Development  Standards Applications  Standards Compliance

3 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3 Introduction  What is a standard?  Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary: something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary  Standards Refer To: –Hardware –Software –Protocols –Processes

4 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 4 Introduction  Who defines a standard?  United Nations (U.N.) –ITUITU  Government Agencies –FCCFCC –FDAFDA –NISTNIST –CPSCCPSC –OSHAOSHA

5 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5 Introduction  National Standards Organizations –ANSIANSI  International Standards Organizations –ISOISO –IECIEC  Professional Associations –IEEEIEEE

6 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 6 Introduction  Industry Trade Groups –PCI-SIGPCI-SIG –1394 Trade Association1394 Trade Association –USB Implementers ForumUSB Implementers Forum –ETSIETSI –IETFIETF –ZigBee AllianceZigBee Alliance

7 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 7 Introduction  Notified Body –TÜVTÜV  Military –MIL-SPECMIL-SPEC

8 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 8 Standards Classes  Three Classes of Standards –Voluntary –Interoperability –Safety

9 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 9 Standards Classes  Voluntary –Not required by law, often encouraged by government agencies –Often a marketing tool –Examples ISO 9001 ISO 9003 ASTM D4236 NHTSA Crash Ratings

10 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 10 Standards Classes  Interoperability –May be required by law or be mandatory –Guarantee interoperability between products FCC Part 68 W3C SOAP –Help to prevent interference, or provide immunity, between products FCC Part 15

11 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 11 Standards Classes  Safety –Usually a legal requirement, mandatory –Intended to provide safe products –Examples CPSC Part 1205 IEC/CLC TR 62102 ITU-T K.20

12 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 12 Standards Classes  Open/Closed –Open standard is publicly available, either free or for a fee IEEE standards IETF Recommendations –Closed standard is not publicly available Microsoft DOC format

13 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 13 Standards Anatomy  Scope –Defines applicability of standard  References  Definitions and Abbreviations  Specifications and Requirements  Testing Methodology and Compliance Criteria

14 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 14 Standards Anatomy  Example Specification:  Example Test Method:

15 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 15 Standards Development  Individual or Company Developed Standards –Developed due to a business need –May or may not be public (open) –Widespread acceptance de facto standard Submission to a standards body

16 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 16 Standards Development  Standards Body Process –Most technical work performed in committees (working groups, task groups) –Generally have annual or semi-annual meetings between committees 68 th IETF in Prague

17 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 17 Standards Development  Standards Body Process –Secretariat Administers day-to-day operations Publishes standards Collects fees –Open participation –Company and individual membership May or may not have membership dues

18 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 18 Standards Applications  Why use a standard?  Advantages –Time to market –Reduced development time/costs –Consumer confidence –Leverage existing technologies –Take advantage of established ecosystem –Legal requirement –Contractual requirement

19 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 19 Standards Applications  Why use a standard?  Disadvantages –May not suit all you needs Not enough features Too many features –Fees –Obfuscation

20 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 20 Standards Compliance  Interoperability Events –PlugFest –Strong AngelStrong Angel  Certification –Self certification –Notified Body –Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)  Compliance Officer

21 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 21 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

22 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 22 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

23 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 23 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

24 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 24 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

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