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2  Designed to provide secondary reinforcers (tokens) for appropriate behavior.  Can also be removed for inappropriate behavior.  Is often used in.

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2 2  Designed to provide secondary reinforcers (tokens) for appropriate behavior.  Can also be removed for inappropriate behavior.  Is often used in group homes, educational settings, and institutional settings.

3  Are behavior change systems  Three major components 1. Specified list of behaviors to reinforce 2. Tokens or points for emitting those behaviors 3. A menu of back-up reinforcers for which the learner can exchange tokens/points (Effectiveness of tokens as reinforcers depends upon the power of the back-up reinforcers)

4 4  Tokens can be anything  Stars  Coins  Cigarettes

5 5  Can use token economies for early grades to increase student performance  Stars

6 6  Business  Bonus Charts  Can increase work performance.  Medical  Weight reduction, food control for diabetes,  Flossing.

7  Identify target behaviors  Evaluate the behavior to be changed  Select tokens  Select menu of back-up reinforcers  Identify target behaviors/rules  Establish ratio exchange  Specify when/how tokens will be dispensed and exchanged  Field test

8  Select measurable/observable behaviors  Specify criteria for task completion  Start with a small number of behaviors  Ensure learners possess prerequisite skills  It is okay to individualize…rules don’t have to be the same for everybody

9  Need to establish a baseline  Need ongoing monitoring during the intervention  Need to see if your intervention was successful

10  Washers, checkers, coupons, poker chips, tally marks, holes punched in cards…  Considerations  Must be safe  Need to control counterfeiting and bootlegging  Must be durable  Accessible  Cheap  Token should not be a desirable object

11  Identify what the token can be exchanged for  Select a menu  Use naturally-occurring activities when possible  Privileges  Tangibles and edibles can be used as well  Follow ethical and legal rules

12  Establish a Ratio of Exchange  Initial ratio should be small  After that, adjust ratio for maintenance  Procedure for Dispensation  May need storage containers  Procedure for Exchange  Usually a “store” of some sort  Initially, have store open frequently  Over time, this can be more intermittent

13  Do before you implement the program  Tally tokens you would have given without actually giving them  Analyze data to determine if the system seems appropriate

14  Avoiding “Battles”  Be matter of fact when learners don’t earn tokens; don’t nag  Stay neutral; avoid confrontation about tokens  Response cost included?  Most interventions include response cost  Learners need to be aware of behaviors resulting in response cost/procedures  Make the cost fit the severity of behavior ▪ Avoid having learners go “in the hole”

15  Initial training  Describe the procedure to learners  Model the procedure for token delivery  Model the procedure for token exchange  Ongoing training  Booster sessions may be needed occasionally  Management issues  Teach students how/where to store tokens (secure location)  Discourage hoarding and encourage savings in some students  Chronic rule breakers deserve special consideration

16  Plan for maintenance and generalization  Pair tokens with social approval  Gradually increase number of responses required to earn tokens  Gradually decrease length of time it is in place  Gradually increase number of “natural” reinforcers and fade out use of contrived reinforcers  Systematically increase price of more desirable items  Fade physical evidence of token over time

17  Can be intrusive and difficult to implement  Can be cumbersome  Can be so rewarding to interventionist that he/she doesn’t want to remove it  Ensure it doesn’t run counter to agency or Federal mandates

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