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Genetic variability of important forest tree species in Southern Germany as revealed by isozyme and DNA- markers; consequences for a sustainable forest.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic variability of important forest tree species in Southern Germany as revealed by isozyme and DNA- markers; consequences for a sustainable forest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic variability of important forest tree species in Southern Germany as revealed by isozyme and DNA- markers; consequences for a sustainable forest management in view of climate change Dr. Monika Konnert Bavarian Institution for Forest Seeding and Planting (ASP) at Teisendorf, Germany Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

2 Since 1991 – isozyme analysis since 1998 – DNA – analysis over 25 different species; most important: Abies, Fagus, Picea, Acer, Quercus, Douglas fir Practical implications: - provenance recommandations - provenance control - gene conservation - genetically sustainable forest management Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

3 Why genetic studies on Abies alba ? -A. alba is an important component of mixed forests with high adaptability -By nature A. alba is the most important conifer in Bavaria. Today it has a small fraction of only 2 % of the growing stock -Its dramatic decrease has changed the genetic composition and reduced the genetic diversity -A. alba is considered one of the most important species under climate change So far more than 250 Abies populations have been analyzed – 18 isozyme loci, 10 nSSR loci, 3 cpSSR loci Species composition in Bavarian forests Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

4 Results - Geographic clines in allele frequency at several gene-loci 0,10 – 0,25 0,25 – 0,35 > 0,35 Frequencies of allele IDH-B3 in A. alba populations from Southern Germany - Clinal variation of diversity Genetic diversity (v gam ) of fir populations from Southern Germany Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

5 Distinct genetic groups throughout Bavaria Bavarian Alps. Northeast Bavaria Southeast Bavaria Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania Results

6 Frequencies of singular haplotypes in reference samples from Abies alba seed lots Singular haplotypes in seed lots from Bavarian stands Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania Results

7 Why genetic studies on Fagus sylvatica ? -F. sylvatica is the most common broadleaved tree species in Bavaria -In view of climate change F. sylvatica will be one of the most important tree species for future forest ecosystems in Bavaria -As far as possible F. sylvatica is regenerated naturally – influence of management practices -It is increasingly planted on conversion sites. The genetic composition of the plant material used is of great importance So far more than 300 beech populations have been analyzed – 20 isozyme loci, 7 nSSR loci Species composition in Bavarian forests Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

8 Genetic Parameters minmaxminmax Multiplicity (A/L)2,252,942,472,75 Diversity (n e )1,271,451,321,40 v gam 88307155275 Heterozygosity a 0,210,320,240,29 Differentiation between populations Managed stand Natural reserve (unmanaged) 5,0 %4,8 % Genetic variation of beech in managed and unmanaged stands from Bavaria Frequency of allele PGM-A2 in beech stand from different regions Results Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

9 Genetic diversity in 4 old beech stands (red) and their natural regeneration (green) in Bavaria Results Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

10 Why genetic studies on Picea abies ? - P. abies is one of the most important tree species in forest ecosystems from Bavaria. - P. abies consists largely of non-autochthonous (planted) material of unknown origin - P.abies is more and more damaged (bark beetle) and affected by storms. - Even under climate change P. abies will remain an important component of Alpine forest ecosystems. So far now more than 100 populations have been analyzed – 23 isozyme loci, 14 STS loci Species composition in Bavarian forests Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

11 Results Genetic variation in adult and juvenile populations from alpine transects Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

12 Results Genetic variation in 6 Norway spruce populations determined by isozyme and STS-markers Genetic distances determined by means of isozymes (above diagonal) and STS-markers (below diagonal). Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

13 Why genetic studies on Acer pseudoplatanus ? - A. pseudoplatanus is the most important noble hardwood from Bavaria. - A. pseudoplatanus is often harvested and planted for reforestation. - A. pseudoplatanus is favored under climate change. So far more than 40 populations have been analyzed – 14 isozyme loci, 7 nSSR loci, 8 cpSSR loci Species composition in Bavarian forests Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania - A. pseudoplatanus is an important species in mixed mountain forests and in subalpine spruce forests

14 Results Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania Frequencies of specific alleles in 3 mature stands and seed harvested in the stand

15 Results Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania Distribution of length variants of the chloroplast microsatellite marker ccmp10 in Bavaria

16 Why genetic studies on Douglas fir ? - Douglas fir is one of the most interesting non- autochtonous species in Bavaria from an ecological and economical point of view - Growth performance in Douglas fir is highly provenance dependent So far now more than 150 populations have been analyzed – 16 isozyme loci Species composition in Bavarian forests Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania - Under climate change Douglas fir is considered an adequate replacement for spruce, which is rather instable

17 „green“ Douglas fir (coastal type)„grey“ Douglas fir (inland type) Differentiation and identification of races of Douglas fir on the basis of allele frequencies at locus 6PGDH-A Results Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

18 Pollen dispersal distance 5 – 120m Number of effective pollen donors 12 to 26 Proportion fullsibs: 8,4% bzw. 3,9% Selfing: 1 % Gene flow a) Pollen flow (e.g. beech) b) Seed dispersal (e.g. fir ) Seed dispersal distance: 80 – 280 m No drift High seed dispersal even in closed stands. Cremer 2009 Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

19 Diversity of silver fir in „Plenter“ forests in comparison with evenaged forests Red = „Plenter“ forests, Yellow = evenaged forests blue = mean value Management regime - genetic diversity and heterozygosity lower in unevenaged stands - more rare alleles in „Plenter“ forests; better conservation of genetic multiplicity over a long time period Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

20 The local genetic information of the natural regeneration (NR) of beech, here illustrated as genetic structure at gene locus Genort PGM-A, is maintained in the seed and in the seedlings raised in open seedbeds (SO) and in the greenhouse (SG). Artificial regeneration – Influence of growing conditions on the genetic structure of beech seedlings Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

21 Provenance regions of silver fir in Germany Recommendations for provenance use – e.g. Silver fir Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

22 by legal regulations (Law on FRM) plausibility checks on documents ? Control of forest reproductive material New possibilities of control by means of molecular markers Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

23 Haplotypes in the seed lot G-138-E 12,5 % C-131-F40,0 % F-131-D12,5 % D-130-D 5,0 % D-136-F 2,5 % E-131-D 7,5 % E-132-F 5,0 % F-136-D 5,0 % X-136-F 10 % Proof of identity of seed lots through discrimination of cpDNA- microsatellite haplotypes in silver fir - 3 cpDNA- microsatellite loci; endosperm analysis - x seeds from the seed lot Only haplotypes from mother trees should be found! Control of forest reproductive material Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

24 Seed harvest Reference sample R1 mixture Reference sample R2 Single tree samples Mixture of seed harvests Refernce sample R4 Sample from the seed mixture Plant production Plant sample P Drawn in the forest, during harvest. Samples from seedlings are drawn when plants are delivered to the owner Comparison seed sample – (R1, R2,R4) - seedling sample by means of genetic markers ( DNA, isozymes) Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania Control of forest reproductive material

25 - recognize the importance of forest genetic diversity in mitigating the impacts of climate change - promote forest management practices that support the maintenance and increase of genetic diversity; - accelerate adaptation of forest trees through tree breeding and provenance transfer - adaptation strategies to climate change cannot rely only on self-regulation of ecosystems; human interference is necessary - conserve genetic resources – need for a common action plan Concluding remarks - based on knowledge on the genetic variation and funtioning of the genetic system of forest tree Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

26 Thank you for your attention ! Treebreedex – feb. 2010 Bucarest, Romania

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