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TAXONOMY Unit 4 – Microbiology. H ANDS - ON O RGANIZING PASTA (10-12 MIN ) 6 pieces of pasta Devise a scheme to group them based on their shared characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "TAXONOMY Unit 4 – Microbiology. H ANDS - ON O RGANIZING PASTA (10-12 MIN ) 6 pieces of pasta Devise a scheme to group them based on their shared characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAXONOMY Unit 4 – Microbiology

2 H ANDS - ON O RGANIZING PASTA (10-12 MIN ) 6 pieces of pasta Devise a scheme to group them based on their shared characteristics At each criteria, offer only 2 options to further split the group of pasta (see exemplar)

3 D ICHOTOMOUS K EY A step-by-step guide to help identify an organism Follows a series of YES/NO questions that will lead you to the organism’s name How many branches at each Yes/No question? Just 2


5 D ICHOTOMOUS KEY EXAMPLES ibis heron spoonbill cardinal eagle

6 HOW D O W E O RGANIZE L IVING T HINGS ? We name all organisms using many names: K ingdom King P hylum Phillip C lass Cried O rder Out F amily“ For G enus Goodness S pecies Sakes!” Come up with your own memory trick! Each level is called a “ taxa ” specificspecific

7 S IX K INGDOMS Unicellular  single-cell Multicellular  many cells Prokaryotic  no nucleus present in cells Eukaryotic  nucleus present in cells


9 All Living Things Domain Bacteria Kingdom Bacteria Domain Archaea Kingdom Archaea Domain Eukarya Kingdom ProtistaKingdom Fungi Kingdom PlantaeKingdom Animalia Three Domains and Six Kingdoms Classification System


11 C LADOGRAMS Cladogram  the family tree for all living things that describes phylogenetic (evolutionary) relationships How do we figure out how organisms are related? Look for homologies (common characteristics)! Dichotomous keys: Classifying based on presence/absence of traits (yes/no questions)

12 Traditional Taxonomic Systems Binomial nomenclature (Two-part name) G enus species Genus name capitalized; species in lower case always italicized if typed, or underlined if handwritten Carolus Linnaeus (Li-nay-us)(1707- 1778), a Swedish naturalist created rules for classification based on organism shared characteristics:

13 The Binomial System Black bear Ursus Americanus Grizzly bear Ursus horribilis What can be said about 2 species having the same genus? The same genus name indicates that these two species are closely related in anatomy, embryology and evolutionary ancestry.

14 Taxonomic Classification of Grey Wolf- an example Becoming more specific

15 Modern taxonomy and Phylogeny Phylogeny = the study of the evolutionary relatedness between and among species Family Tree Phylogenetic tree (also cladogram) Common ancestor Going back in time

16 1. Which organisms in the above cladogram have hard shelled eggs? 2. Which organisms in the cladogram have a backbone? 3. Which shared a common ancestor most recently – a bird and a crocodile or bird and a monkey? HOW TO BUILD A CLADOGRAM ams/Open-This-File.swf

17 17 D O P RACTICE F OR DICHOTOMOUS KEY Use a dichotomous key to identify creatures on planet Pamishan

18 Review 1. Which group is more specific, order or class? Order 2. What is meant by binomial nomenclature? A two name system (Genus species) 3. List the 6 kingdoms in order from primitive to advanced Bacteria, Archaea, protista, fungi, plants, and animals

19 Review 4. Which of the following pairs is MOST closely related? Acer rubrum & Acer saccharum Acer rubrum & Chenopodium rubrum 5. The science of classification is called _____________ Taxonomy

20 R ECAP : T AXONOMY K EY W ORDS Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Taxon (plural: taxa) Unicellular, multicellular Prokaryotic, eukaryotic Taxonomy Cladogram Phylogeny / phylogenetic Homology / homologies / homologous Dichotomous key

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