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Welcome to Curriculum Night Kindergarten Mrs. Vincenzo, Mrs. Torti, Miss McGraw, Mrs. McKinney, and Miss L’Huillier.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night Kindergarten Mrs. Vincenzo, Mrs. Torti, Miss McGraw, Mrs. McKinney, and Miss L’Huillier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night Kindergarten Mrs. Vincenzo, Mrs. Torti, Miss McGraw, Mrs. McKinney, and Miss L’Huillier


3 Our Daily Schedule 7:45-7:55 Morning Routine Announcements 7:55 – 10:15 LA/SS or Math/Science 10:15 – 10:45 LA/SS or Math/Science in your homeroom 10:45-11:15 Lunch 11:15-11:30 DEAR time 11:30-12:30 LA/SS or Math/Science with switch teacher 12:30 – 1:00Recess 1:00-2:00 Specials 2:00–2:45 **cont. LA/SS or Math/Science in your homeroom 2:45-3:00 Class Meeting 3:00 Dismissal ** We are very excited to announce that Kindergarten is continuing to departmentalize this year. This means your child will have 2 teachers. One teacher will teach LA/SS and the other will teach Math/Science.

4 Schedule for Specials K1: Monday – Music Tuesday – PE Wednesday – Art Thursday – PE/Library Friday – Move and Groove K2: Monday – Art Tuesday – PE Wednesday – Music Thursday – PE/Library Friday – Move and Groove K3: Monday – PE Tuesday – Music Wednesday – PE Thursday – Art/Library Friday – Move and Groove K4: Monday – PE Tuesday – Art Wednesday – PE Thursday – Music/Library Friday – Move and Groove

5 Standards-Based Report Cards Coppell Independent School District | Standards-Based Report CardsCoppell Independent School District | Standards-Based Report Cards

6 Volunteering Field Trips Community Garden Classroom Helpers Small Groups Guest Reader Holiday Parties Special Events **If you volunteer in kindergarten, we ask that you please do not bring younger children with you to Town Center. Also, you must fill out a background check a week in advance of any volunteering. Thank you!!

7 Procedures Birthdays/Snacks Absences Coming In Late Texan of the week!!! Lunch/Water Bottles Take Home Folders

8 Communication Weekly Newsletter sent home on Fridays via E-mail. Also, don’t forget to check out your teacher on twitter!! Daily Behavior Chart Take-Home Folder (please check and sign each night) Teacher Webpages E-mails: K1: K2: K3: K4:

9 Texan Town Post Office Texan Treats General Store

10 Drop off time: Begins at 7:30am Teachers will not be on duty until 7:30. Students will need to wait quietly in the hallway if arriving before 7:30 and then go to the cafeteria or to the gym. School doors do not open until 7:20. School time: Begins at 7:50am We would like for your child to be here no later than 7:40am. This is the time that we will pick up your child from the gym or cafeteria. We ask that you do not walk your child down to their classroom. Tardy: Anytime after 7:50am Students will need to go in and get a tardy slip from the office. You should have received the attendance/tardy letter this week. Please do not walk your child down to the room if they are tardy. They need to go to the office and get their slip and then they can walk to their classroom. We value instruction time and we start each day of learning at 7:50am.

11 Thank you for coming tonight!!! It’s going to be a FABULOUS Year!

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