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Help solve school issues effectively. When talking to your child about a school issue…  If your child is upset or not making progress, and you think.

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Presentation on theme: "Help solve school issues effectively. When talking to your child about a school issue…  If your child is upset or not making progress, and you think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Help solve school issues effectively

2 When talking to your child about a school issue…  If your child is upset or not making progress, and you think this is outside the normal range of ups and downs of childhood, take some action.  Speak positively using a ‘can do’ tone of voice.  Let your child know you care and that you are going to deal with the issue calmly.  Say that you will work with the school to solve the problem, and there is no need to be worried.

3 Talking with your child’s teacher…  Ask for an appointment outside class time. Teachers are extremely busy in the morning and at pick-up time.  Let the teacher know in advance what you would like to discuss.  Show that you value the meeting and wear appropriate clothing.

4 How to ask for more help for your child  After you introduce yourself, look around the room and comment positively on something that catches your eye. Then tell the teacher your concern using a friendly tone of voice, beginning, “I’ve noticed… Is this a cause for concern?”  Ask how the teacher or school usually deals with this issue. There may already be an individual plan for your child, or there may be a school policy document on the topic that you can ask about.  Let the teacher speak without interruption as far as possible, and listen carefully. Let him know that you are willing to help at home, or maybe even at school, with his guidance.

5 Talking with the school principal…  If the problem persists, make an appointment with the principal.  Begin the meeting by saying something positive about the school, for example, the great overall tone (or appearance) of the school environment, a colourful art display in the reception area, something you liked or learned in the newsletter, something your child enjoys. If you have a suggestion that might help to build the school community, share it.  Explain the issue and, if possible, commend the teacher’s efforts so far to resolve it.

6 Getting further support  Schools have the ability to access specialist support from, for example, a child psychologist, occupational therapist or speech therapist.  Ask the principal if he thinks it would be helpful for your child to have some extra intervention, if this has not already occurred.

7 Homework  Homework provides a good opportunity for you to spot any difficulties and do something about them.  Offer help, but don’t do your child’s homework for him. If your explanations don’t seem to be helping, ask him to stop until you’ve had a chance to talk with the teacher. Follow through and make an appointment.  Check your child’s work and privately note any areas that still seem to be causing difficulty. Say something positive to your child about some aspect that he’s done well with.  Write “Independent work”, “Needed a little help with…” or “We’ve left this as it’s well above his level” and sign it.

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