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Stundent name 1.Devarshi Pandya 2.Karan Patel 3.Manank Patel Enrollment number 130460106040 130460106056 130460106059.

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2 Stundent name 1.Devarshi Pandya 2.Karan Patel 3.Manank Patel Enrollment number 130460106040 130460106056 130460106059


4  Moment of inertia is the mass property of a rigid body that determines the torque needed for a desired angular acceleration about an axis of rotation.

5  Moment of inertia may also be called mass moment of inertia, rotational inertia, polar moment of inertia, or the angular mass.

6  Moment of inertia depends on the shape of the body and may be different around different axes of rotation.

7  Consider a lamina of area A shown in figure  Let lamina split up to an infinite number of small elements each of area da.  Let Are the distance of small elements from OY  Let are the distance of small elements from OX

8  Taking second moment about x- axis. A=area of lamina

9  Taking second moment about y-axis.

10  Second moment  Second moment of area is called Moment of Inertia.  Unit of moment of inertia is or.

11  Moment of inertia on which body will roll down to the floor or solid.  This formula is For disk.




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