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Expanding Global Access Your Logo Here CAIP Meeting September 22, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding Global Access Your Logo Here CAIP Meeting September 22, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding Global Access Your Logo Here CAIP Meeting September 22, 2000

2 Mission Statement Provide to its members and to the worldwide scientific community a comprehensive collection, in any medium, of high-quality information products and services that advance the practice of the chemical and related sciences.

3 International Goals Provide the highest quality research from the global research community Increase worldwide distribution of content Increase global usage Increase number of global licenses

4 Global Factors Global collaboration among scientists Global market for scientific information Global recognition and appeal of ACS publications Web technology driving change Country-wide licenses for electronic journals

5 ACS International Scope International editors and offices increasing 55.35% of manuscripts are published by corresponding authors outside the U.S. Highest cited and most heavily used publications in chemistry SPARC Projects increasing global awareness (OL, CGD)

6 The Web Environment Publishing at the “Speed of Science” Building global community Improving cycle times Increasing usage of ACS Web Editions (ca. 10% per month) Digitizing backfile Examining Preprints vs. Prepublication

7 Preprint Servers Extensive discussions with ACS journal editors 1999 survey of ACS members (organic, analytical, physical, polymers/materials, biochemistry, pharmaceutical, applied energy) produced mixed reviews, serious concerns Other scientific disciplines (e.g. physics) have a tradition with preprints

8 Preprint Servers (Cont.) ACS is monitoring the development of and the response to preprint servers in chemistry

9 Prepublication Examples ACS Articles ASAP delivers fully-edited and peer-reviewed articles two weeks to three months ahead of print ORGANIC LETTERS receipt to publication: 7 weeks JBC peer-reviewed unedited articles posted in advance

10 Global Presence ACS has three account managers in North America ACS has two international representatives based in the U.K and Latin America Established global exhibit presence (e.g. London Online, Global SLA, Frankfurt Book Fair) International authors campaign

11 Global Access International consortia (e.g. Australia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Israel, Taiwan) Global usage is increasing Exclusive agent in Japan

12 Developing Country Initiatives History of donating subscriptions to developing countries (e.g. over 800 subscriptions to Science Journals Donation Program in 1997 and 1998). Participate in Project Bookshare ACS has announced FREE Articles ASAP for SPARC endorsed ORGANIC LETTERS

13 Developing Country Initiatives (Cont.) Working with ACS governance and other divisions to develop solutions

14 Questions for Future Initiatives What criteria distinguish potential subscribers from gratis access users? Will expanded usage degrade performance? What safeguards are needed to prevent unauthorized redistribution?

15 2000 and Beyond Expand international presence Increase global corporate & consortial licenses For developing countries, continue to look at ways to collaborate and encourage global cooperation. Test new models

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