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1 The Atlanta Astronomy Club Charlie Elliot Chapter Observing 101.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Atlanta Astronomy Club Charlie Elliot Chapter Observing 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Atlanta Astronomy Club Charlie Elliot Chapter Observing 101

2 2 Observing 101 - March Astro Events Featured Objects Target List Observing Techniques

3 3 Astro Events Tonight: Sunset at 6:43 PM Moon rises at 5:30 AM Venus sets at 7:51 PM

4 4 Astro Events Tonight: Mars transits at 9:24 PM Saturn rises at 7:15 PM

5 5 Astro Events This month ’ s events … Mar 16 - Moon near Venus Mar 20 - Vernal Equinox, Moon near Pleaides Mar 21 - Saturn at opposition Mar 23 - 1st Qtr Moon Mar 29 - Full Moon

6 6 Astro Events Next month ’ s events … Apr 7/8 - Mercury at highest altitude Apr 15 - Moon near Venus and Mars Apr 16 - Mars nearest Beehive Apr 17 - Next CE Meeting

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11 11 Featured Objects Orion - The Hunter –Several giant stars –Famous nebula of the same name –Trapezium discovered by Galileo –Most stars are fairly close to us

12 12 Featured Objects Orion - The Stars –Giant stars are common –Betelgeuse - a high mass, variable red giant, ready for supernova –Rigel - brightest, a blue supergiant –Bellatrix, Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka are also blue giant stars –Trapezium cluster

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16 16 Featured Objects Orion - The Clouds –Molecular Cloud Complex 1500 - 1600 ly away, 100 ’ s across Easily observable Region of active star formation –M42, M43, M78, Horse Head, Flame, Barnard ’ s Loop

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19 19 Table of Objects in Orion NameTypeMagDimensionsRADEC M 42Bright nebula490.0'x60.0'05h 35m 23.7s-05° 22' M 43Bright nebula920.0'x15.0'05h 35m 35.7s-05° 15' M 78Bright nebula88.0'x6.0'05h 46m 53.9s+00° 05' NGC 1973Bright nebula75.0'x5.0'05h 35m 11.7s-04° 43' NGC 1975Bright nebula710.0'x5.0'05h 35m 23.7s-04° 40' NGC 1977Bright nebula720.0'x10.0'05h 35m 23.7s-04° 50' NGC 2024Bright nebula30.0'x30.0'05h 41m 47.8s-01° 50' Target List

20 20 Web Links Wikipedia SEDS - Open Clusters Jerry Lodriguss Shadow and Substance

21 21 for Jon

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