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Writing a Position Paper. Position Paper Definition: –An essay that focuses on a controversial issue while advocating one opinion and denouncing the rest.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Position Paper. Position Paper Definition: –An essay that focuses on a controversial issue while advocating one opinion and denouncing the rest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Position Paper

2 Position Paper Definition: –An essay that focuses on a controversial issue while advocating one opinion and denouncing the rest Goal: –To convince the audience your opinion is valid and worth listening to

3 Research Research before you decide which position to support As you read, list the pros and cons Include supporting evidence for both sides: –Factual knowledge –Statistics –Informed Opinion

4 Organization Title Introduction –Lead up to a thesis that organizes the paper Claims and Counterclaims Conclusion –Restate your thesis Works Cited

5 Sample Outline I. Introduction –Introduce the topic –Provide background –Give your thesis II. Counter Argument –Summarize 2 or more counterclaims –Show support for –Show points against –Give evidence against III. Your argument –Give at least 3 main supporting points Include your opinion and supporting evidence for each IV. Conclusion –Restate your thesis –Summarize your opinion and opposition –Closing statement

6 The Assignment 3-4 pages on the cause of the Terminal Cretaceous Extinction (fall of the dinos) 2 possible causes: –Impact Theory –Volcano Theory An “A” paper will: –Take one side of the argument and persuade the audience you have a deep knowledge of your opinion and why it is correct and how the opposition’s opinion is flawed

7 Who do I write to? Your audience is your peers – fellow scientists already educated on the basics Feel free to use scientific terms Do not explain every detail, especially if it was covered in class Do not write unnecessary explanations for length

8 Sources Impact Theory: –MINIMUM—must use the textbook then choose either #2 or #3 –1. Textbook pg. 433-437 “The Terminal Cretaceous Extinction” and “Death from Outer Space” –2. What Happened 65 Million Years Ago?What Happened 65 Million Years Ago? –3. The Day the Dinosaurs DiedThe Day the Dinosaurs Died Volcano Theory: –MINIMUM– Use #1 and #2 (choose either 2a or 2b) –1. The Volcanism- Greenhouse Dinosaur Extinction TheoryThe Volcanism- Greenhouse Dinosaur Extinction Theory –2a. Doubts on DinosaursDoubts on Dinosaurs –2b. Dino Extinction TheoryDino Extinction Theory

9 More Sources Want to use another source not on the list? –Cannot substitute, must be in addition to. Only one extra website allowed –But no limit to reputable scholarly documents –Example: GeoRef (Milner Online)

10 Important Dates Rough draft due for peer review (Exchange day) –Monday, April 14 Bring draft and peer review sheet back to class with comments –Wednesday, April 16 Final draft due –Monday, April 21

11 Peer Review Monday, April 14 - exchange rough drafts Make necessary marks on their paper Also write ½ - 1 page on 3 questions: 1.What part of the writing did you like? Why? 2.What part(s) were difficult to read? Why? 3.If this were your paper, what would you change? Why? Responses must be typed Wed., April 16 – bring both back to class

12 Final Draft Due Monday, April 21 3 parts: 1.Final draft 2.Your rough draft with peer review marks 3.Your peer review on classmate’s paper #2 and #3 are worth 15% of your grade See class website for link to grading rubric that includes point distribution

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