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Literature Surveys Source : : Keshav P. Dahal (Bradford University) : Prof Jiang, Prof McClachey.

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Presentation on theme: "Literature Surveys Source : : Keshav P. Dahal (Bradford University) : Prof Jiang, Prof McClachey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literature Surveys Source : : Keshav P. Dahal (Bradford University) : Prof Jiang, Prof McClachey

2 Research literature survey Many operations involved  Finding literature  Reading reading  Writing reviews of papers and tracking papers  Discussing ideas  Having brilliant ideas and discovering which ones are worth bothering with

3 The hierarchy of information. Information Primary sourcesSecondary sources ExperimentsInterviewsQuestionnairesConversations PublicationsLectures

4 Why survey the literature?  Discover the state-of-the-art  Identify gaps in the body of knowledgeIdentify gaps in the body of knowledge  Identify relevant work  Find useful expertise  Keep abreast of developments

5 Doubts about the Topic  Happens all the time! …others still interested? - it is probably worthwhile!  Look at future work section of papers and other dissertations, Masters and PhDs.  Rightsize your dissertation problem.

6 The world of literature. Textbooks. Learned Journals. Conference proceedings. World wide web. Trade papers. Newspapers.

7 Types of academic publication Original paper Review of a research topic Bibliography Thesis Dissertation Technical Report

8 The project context What related work is being undertaken? What is the motivation for the work? How does it help me? Why am I studying this aspect of the problem?

9 The area of investigation.  What techniques are in use?  What are the findings of other people?  What are the views of other people?  How do they compare with my views? Literature surveys are a critical appraisal rather than a simple list of papers.

10 A literature survey demonstrates :  an awareness of anadequate body of knowledge  the ability to applythat knowledge to the project

11 Where to find Journals and conferences in your field Where to find Journals and conferences in your field Ask the faculty members at your universityWhere have you found papers? Become a member of any associations that interest you Go to the websites of the conferences in which you are interested Register for the mailing lists in your area of research. Most of conferences announcements are mailed to the mailing lists.

12 Conference for networking Standard paper presentation conference sessions – informative but passive Attend professional development workshops and social events Meet other PhD students and high profile faculty Explore opportunities for : – greater insight into the field – collaborators for co-authorship – critical reviewing of your research – Becoming member

13 Guidance for finding materials Have a particular conference in mind – Look through the proceedings for the past two years Authors’ web site for technical report and not-quite-yetpublished papers Papers cited by the papers from recent proceedings – do not assume their comments are an accurate reflection of the cited paper Use citeseer to find more recent papers that cite the proceedings' – find the even more recent papers that cite those papers Search for relevant papers written by the program committee in past instances

14 Guidance for finding materials google, yahoo type search engines are too general may not be enough – Paper before 1997 may not be posted in web – Cannot be found if different terminology than the authors Review request by colleagues – but not enough, may not be in public domain Search the digital libraries of, IEEE, and any other professional societies relevant to your field – Membership of some organisation is free for students Library may have online search capabilities

15 Online search CMU Library

16 Guidance for literature review Do not cite from a cite - go to the source Read the whole papers that you cite Do not be shy about contacting authors Citing papers more than 3-4 years old – OK for seminal work (journal) but – not appropriate when comparing your results – citeseer for more recent papers citing those papers. journal citation is usually preferable Use specialised citation formats Use standard terminology Do not over cite your own previous work Do not assume anything about concepts and work done in others’ paper

17 Reading papers Be selective in what you read – find appropriate conferences – quiz your supervisor or academic staff member – scan before reading, read abstract and conclusions first – if it still looks interesting, read and read again – summarise the ideas in journal/work notes – its normal to be overwhelmed

18 Evaluating Papers Did the ideas described really work? Cut through the jargon, are there any interesting ideas underneath at all ? What motivated the authors ? What choices were open to the authors ? Validity of assumptions ? What was their result ? Any future directions ?

19 The purpose of publication. Expand the body of knowledge. Prevent replication of effort. Enable independent checks on results. Disseminate opinions. Provoke discussion. Gain wider recognition for our work.

20 How to submit a paper to a journal or conference? Submission processes varies Decide upon the appropriate outlet for your paper Visit website for scope/topics covered Find submission guidelines Most journals/conferences publish their submission requirements Follow guidelines precisely - papers not following the format may be rejected Two stage submission process in some cases

21 Chances of acceptance - journal acceptance rates for journals vary depend the journal's prestige, quality/rigor of the content. top tier journals less than 10% - first submission reviewers almost always require at least one revision Revise taking considering every comments – write separately why you can not address any. acceptance rate for revisions is generally around 50% most peer-reviewed journals are reviewed blindly the scope, quality of work and format are important

22 Chances of acceptance - conference acceptance rates for conference also vary depend the conference's prestige and associations tend to be much higher than for journals – 30% typically usually decision is made in one review most prominent conferences use blind, peerreviews Usually the same high quality feedback is received the scope, quality of work and format are important

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