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Clustering ASAS Applications ASAS-TN2 First Workshop, Malmö 26 to 28 September 2005 Fraser McGibbon BAE Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Clustering ASAS Applications ASAS-TN2 First Workshop, Malmö 26 to 28 September 2005 Fraser McGibbon BAE Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clustering ASAS Applications ASAS-TN2 First Workshop, Malmö 26 to 28 September 2005 Fraser McGibbon BAE Systems

2 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 2 Contents Objectives of ASAS clustering Background to ASAS clustering Characteristics and Requirements of ASAS applications Definition of ASAS Clusters Clustering Table Examples of how the Clustering Table can be used

3 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 3 Objectives of ASAS Clustering To group ASAS applications by similar characteristics, for example: –Operational goal –Operational procedures for controllers and flight crew –Requirements on aircraft systems supporting ASAS –Requirements on ATC systems –Who are the decision makers –Who benefits ASAS clusters will form homogeneous sets of applications which will enable the structuring of development and deployment plans to support ASAS-TN2 WP3 (ASAS Application Maturity) Additionally, Clustering ASAS applications can also provide a useful decision making tool to allow airlines, ANSPs or airports to answer the following questions: –What can I do with …? –What do I need to do if I want to …?

4 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 4 Background PO-ASAS * defines the following packages of airborne applications: –Package 1: Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSA) Airborne Spacing (ASPA) –Package 2: Airborne Separation (ASEP) –Package 3: Airborne Self-separation (SSEP) Ground surveillance (ADS-B) applications have been included in Package 1 Runway Incursion Alerting applications have been included in Package 2/3 Airspace users through JAFTI (Joint User Requirements Group [JURG] ADS-B Fast Track Initiative) consider Package 1 applications as the first “building block” which will be the basis for further Packages, enabling high benefits. This position has been endorsed by EUROCONTROL, FAA and ICAO. * Principles of Operation for the Use of Airborne Separation Assurance Systems (PO-ASAS), version 7.1, FAA / EUROCONTROL, 19 June 2001

5 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 5 Characteristics and Requirements of ASAS Applications Airborne Equipment ADS-B in ADS-B out CDTI Pilot Guidance Safety Criticality Ground Infrastructure Modified Ground Display Controller Tools ADS-B Receiver TIS-B Transmitter Progress e.g. Concepts, Standards, Simulations, Trials By whom? Near Term Benefit e.g. Safety, Economic, Efficiency, Capacity, Situational Awareness In which airspace region? Decision Makers i.e. Airline, Regulator, Airport or ANSP Single or Multiple Training i.e. Pilots or ATCos Who invests e.g. Airline, ANSP, Airport Competing or Complementary Solutions Role and Implications ASAS

6 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 6 ASAS Clustering – Package 1 Applications Airborne Spacing (ASPA) Enhanced Crossing and Passing Operations (ASPA-C&P) Enhanced Sequencing and Merging Operations (ASPA-S&M) Ground Surveillance ATC Surveillance on the Airport Surface (ADS-B-APT) ATC Surveillance in Radar Airspace (ADS-B-RAD) ATC Surveillance in Non-Radar Airspace (ADS-B-NRA) Aircraft Derived Data for Ground Tools (ADS-B-ADD) Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSA) Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness during Flight Operations (ATSA-AIRB) Traffic Situational Awareness on the Airport Surface (ATSA-SURF) In-Trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace (ATSA-ITP) Enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA) All currently being defined by the RFG…

7 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 7 ASAS Clustering – Package 2 and 3 Applications Self Separation (SSEP) Self-Separation in an Organised Track System (SSEP-OTS) Self-Separation in Segregated Free Flight Airspace (SSEP-FFAS) Self-Separation in Managed Airspace (SSEP-MAS) Airborne Separation (ASEP) Lateral Crossing and Passing (ASEP-LC&P) Vertical Crossing and Passing (ASEP-VC&P) In-Trail Follow (ASEP-ITF) Flight Level Change (ASEP-FLC) Alerting for Runway Incursion Airborne Tool Ground Tool Currently being investigated in ASSTAR, NUP II and other programmes

8 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 8 Clustering Spreadsheet

9 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 9 Clustering Spreadsheet (ASPA-S&M Example)

10 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 10 Using the Table What can I do with …?

11 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 11 CDTI Ground Display / ATCo Tools Pilot Guidance ATSA-AIRB ATSA-ITP ASPA-C&P ASPA-S&M ASEP-LC&P ASEP-VC&P ASEP-ITF ASEP-FLC SSEP-MAS Package 1 Package 2/3 ATSA-VSA Note: ADS-B / TIS-B assumed SSEP-FFAS SSEP-OTS ASAS Clustering – Airborne Applications ATSA-SURF Surface Map Runway Incursion

12 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 12 ASAS Clustering – Ground Perspective Modified Ground Display ATCo Tools ADS-B Receiver Package 1 Package 2/3 Note: ADS-B out assumed ADS-B-APT ADS-B-RAD ADS-B-NRA ADS-B-ADD Runway Incursion

13 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 13 Using the Table What do I need to do if I want to …?

14 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 14 What do I need to do if I want to … ? ANSP “I am an ANSP who provides the ATC service for a busy hub airport with a dominant carrier. What do I need to do to improve efficiency and increase capacity of my terminal airspace?” Airport “I am an airport operator who manages an airport frequently affected by fog. What do I need to do to improve safety and efficiency during low visibility conditions?” Airline “I am an airline who is often not able to fly the most efficient flight profile in oceanic airspace. What do I need to do to increase flight efficiency and reduce my operating costs?”

15 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 15 Airline (Increase efficiency and reduce operating costs in oceanic airspace)

16 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 16 ANSP (Improve efficiency and increase capacity for hub operations)

17 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 17 Airport (Improve safety and efficiency of low visibility ground operations)

18 ASAS-TN2, First Workshop, Malmo, 26 to 28 September 2005Slide 18 Conclusions ASAS Clustering proposed: –Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness –Airborne Spacing –Ground Surveillance –Airborne Separation –Alerting for Runway Incursion –Self Separation These clusters will be used in ASAS-TN2 WP3 (ASAS Application Maturity) The clustering table can also be used as a decision making tool

19 Thank you

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