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Knowledge is Empowerment UNITED STATES UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Tutorial 42. Introduction to how to find articles from USU databases.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge is Empowerment UNITED STATES UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Tutorial 42. Introduction to how to find articles from USU databases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge is Empowerment UNITED STATES UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Tutorial 42. Introduction to how to find articles from USU databases

2 Knowledge is Empowerment Welcome to USU electronic resources. Suppose the instructor tells you to search USU databases and read “A New Model for Health Care Delivery” by Kepros and Opreanu (2009). Volume 9, Special Section, p. 1 – 5.” Readings can be found at a number of USU databases such as Academic Search Premier, Medline, Cinahl, Business Source Elite, Eric, PsycArticles, Proquest, and Jstor.

3 Knowledge is Empowerment First, let’s learn the steps to access USU databases: please go to our site and select Library (1). Click on Full Text Database Nursing or any College (2). Select Academic Search Premier EBSCO(3) and register (4). Ask the USU librarian for ID & Password. From your USU email to 1 2 3 4

4 Knowledge is Empowerment Second, After selecting “Choose databases” select the databases related to our information need by clicking on each box. You can search EBSCO databases simultaneously, all in one search. Please click Choose databases The above example is for searches related to Nursing and Health Science: CINAHL, PSYCARTICLES, ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER and MEDLINE. If the search is related to history, art, literature, science, select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, it is multidisciplinary and one of the best database in EBSCO. If the search is related to education, select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, ERIC (education database) and PSYCARTICLES If the search is related to business, select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, BUSINESS SOURCE ELITE, PSYCARTICLES & REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS If the search is related to business in healthcare, select all.

5 Knowledge is Empowerment Write or copy paste the title of the article and select search. See the article you requested and more data related to your subject To open the article, please click on PDF Full text. Select your options: print or save it Click e-mail to send it or “cite” for reference citation Need help? please click the Help icon

6 Knowledge is Empowerment If you need similar literature from other sources, go back to College of Nursing: Full Text Database(1). Scroll down to select Proquest Nursing & Allied health Source (2) and register (3). 1 Ask the USU librarian for ID & Password. From your USU email to 3 4 1 2

7 Knowledge is Empowerment Proquest Nursing & Allied health Source See more literature. Do you need Theses? 3. Email, print or request the citation 2. Select your articles 1. Click full text

8 Knowledge is Empowerment Now go back to College of Nursing: Full Text Database. Scroll down to select JSTOR & Language & Literature- Arts & Sciences(1) Log in (2) and Search (3). 1 2 3 Ask the USU librarian for ID & Password. From your USU email to To find the article cited in your reading, you need to search either EBSCO, PROQUEST or JSTOR. Sometimes the citation does not tell you from what database the article was retrieved, then you need to search all of them.

9 Knowledge is Empowerment JSTOR is a multidisciplinary database and a great source if you are searching for articles in history, anthropology, language, literature, art or science. More than 150 journals full text are indexed. Things to remember: – Ask for JSTOR access – Register first (log in) – Search only terms, nouns, keywords, dates, authors – Check “Only content I can access – The citation is not in APA format To save Citations, Journals Alerts, Search Alerts, please register in My for my JSTOR To e-mail citations, first select the articles and then click the e-mail icon

10 Knowledge is Empowerment If the article is not in our databases, nor in Google Scholar, please call or e-mail me, I am always available, The Librarian

11 Knowledge is Empowerment Where to find the Librarian: M.L.S Catalina Lopez Monday to Friday 9:00 to 6:00pm (619) 477 6310 ext. 2017

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