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Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and safety in waste and recycling: delivering the solution together Judith Hackitt CBE FREng.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and safety in waste and recycling: delivering the solution together Judith Hackitt CBE FREng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and safety in waste and recycling: delivering the solution together Judith Hackitt CBE FREng Chair, Health and Safety Executive

2 HSWA – 40 th anniversary

3 Reviews of HSE Government has responded to the Triennial Review Review has re- affirmed much of what we do

4 Reviews of HSE Delivering on recommendations, including: Simplifying and consolidating regulations Tackling over-interpretation and misunderstanding Targeting inspections and interventions

5 Revised guidance

6 HSE changes New Chief Executive, Dr. Richard Judge Two new Board members

7 HSE strategy Maintain position as a world class, modern regulator. Three overarching themes to the new strategy: 1. Protect HSE’s regulatory capability 2. Make full use of HSE’s commercial potential 3. Recover more from those who create the risk

8 Commercialisation It is not privatisation It will maintain our position as a world class regulator If we fail to maintain our reputation there is no commercialisation Will provide a competitive advantage to British businesses operating in other countries Good business sense, developing opportunities where they contribute to health and safety improvements

9 Fee for intervention – an update Independent review complete and published Key conclusions: –Effective in terms of policy aims –Praise for professional implementation –Stakeholder fears largely unfounded –Greater consistency of enforcement decisions –FFI to remain in place

10 Waste and Recycling – enforcement notices

11 WISH – Industry guidance by the industry

12 Good practice – share and seek out CHARGE

13 Challenges, Innovation and Technology Don’t let rapid growth mask potential efficiency gains from innovation and technology; Improved, more efficient processes could also bring health and safety benefits.

14 Finally Please share your thoughts and ideas Much achieved but more still to do Tackle areas where progress has been slow Set challenging targets then meet them Thank you

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