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Citizenship & Duties of United States Citizens. What is an immigrant? What comes to mind when you hear the term “immigrant”? An immigrant is someone who.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizenship & Duties of United States Citizens. What is an immigrant? What comes to mind when you hear the term “immigrant”? An immigrant is someone who."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizenship & Duties of United States Citizens

2 What is an immigrant? What comes to mind when you hear the term “immigrant”? An immigrant is someone who chooses to move to a new country

3 Immigrants have brought unique contributions to the United States from homelands all over the world. The United States is sometimes called a “melting pot” or “patchwork quilt” to illustrate how U.S. society combines aspects of many cultures

4 Would this journal from an immigrant that came to Ellis Island be a primary or secondary source? Why?

5 Why do so many immigrants come to the United States? People immigrate to the United States to escape persecution, war, and natural; disaster; for employment, religious freedoms and educational opportunities. (push/pull factors)

6 Responsibilities of citizenship Citizenship – the combination of duties and rights of a citizen. Good citizenship means U.S. Citizens rights come with responsibilities…we call these responsibilities, “civic duties.”

7 Make a graphic organizer in your journal like the one below… Civic Duties

8 1. Pay Taxes Pay for the benefits and services that citizens receive from the government (income tax, social security tax, property tax, medicare tax, etc.)

9 2. Cast an Informed Vote Citizens should learn about candidates and issues to make informed decisions when they vote.

10 3. Serve on Juries Serve on juries to decide court cases (jury duty)

11 4. Serve in the Military May need to serve in defense of your country

12 5. Volunteer for Activities that Promote the Common Good Work to protect the environment, support communities, and help the underprivileged.

13 6. Obey Laws Live within the laws

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