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First Grade Common Core Social Studies, Writing and Reading Standards: 1. To learn academic vocabulary words like citizen, community and rules. 2. To know.

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Presentation on theme: "First Grade Common Core Social Studies, Writing and Reading Standards: 1. To learn academic vocabulary words like citizen, community and rules. 2. To know."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Grade Common Core Social Studies, Writing and Reading Standards: 1. To learn academic vocabulary words like citizen, community and rules. 2. To know how and why rules are made. 3. To understand the Golden Rule. 4. To understand how laws are made. 5. To write informational texts. 6. To ask and answer questions about the text.

2 First, let’s build our academic vocabulary! 1. What is a citizen? a. a ball b.a sweater c. a person who lives in a community. The answer is: c A citizen is a person who lives in a community.

3 2. What is a community? a.A hamburger b.A place where people live and work. c. A lego The answer is: b A community is a place where people live and work.

4 3. What is a rule? a.Instructions that tells you how to act. b.Chewing gum is fun. c.People are hard workers. The answer is: a An instruction that tells people how to act.

5 . 4. What is the Golden Rule? a.A rock b.An apple c.A rule that says to treat others the way you would like to be treated. The answer is: c.

6 Let’s hear your ideas! You and your partner will talk about rules at school, at home, and in our community. Remember: 1.When one person is talking the other partner is looking at the one talking and listening quietly. 2.Have fun, and remember to respect your partner’s ideas. 3.You will also need a piece of paper and pencil or a small whiteboard and marker.

7 Partner sharing! Tell your partner about a rule that you follow at school. Explain why that rule is important. Let’s write! 1. Write about a rule that you follow at school. 2. Read your sentence to your partner. 3. Does your sentence make sense? Did you use a capital letter to start your sentence and an ending punctuation mark to end your sentence?

8 It’s time to share with your partner! Tell your partner about a rule that you follow at home. Explain why that rule is important. Let’s write! 1. Write about a rule that you follow at home. 2. Read your sentence to your partner. 3. Does your sentence make sense? Did you use a capital letter to start your sentence and an ending punctuation mark to end your sentence?

9 Partner sharing! Tell your partner about a rule that you follow in your community. Explain why that rule is important. Let’s write! 1. Write about a rule that you follow at home. 2. Read your sentence to your partner. 3. Does your sentence make sense? Did you use a capital letter to start your sentence and an ending punctuation mark to end your sentence?

10 It’s almost time to go, but first let’s review what we have learned! Can you find the missing words below? 1. A ___________is a person who lives in a community. 2. A _____________ is a set of instructions that you follow. 3. The __________ ___________ means to treat people the way you would like to be treated. 4. A _________________ is a place where people live and work. Golden Rule community rule citizen

11 You can learn more about citizenship by visiting your school library or a library near your home. With the help of your family, the internet is another wonderful source of information! Have fun!

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