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Character Trait Award Criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Character Trait Award Criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Trait Award Criteria

2 A person who demonstrates RESPONSIBILITY
does what needs to be done stops and thinks before he or she acts accepts the consequences for their actions

3 A person who demonstrates RESPECT
uses polite words and actions listens to what other people have to say has an open mind when meeting new people

4 A person who demonstrates CITIZENSHIP
does their share to make their school a better place takes responsibility for what goes on around them participates in community service projects does what they can to take care of the environment obeys school and classroom rules

5 A person who demonstrates KINDNESS and EMPATHY
tries to help people in need is sensitive to other people’s feelings thinks about how their actions will affect others shows compassion for others

6 A person who demonstrates PERSEVERANCE
puts forth their best effort consistently, or all the time keeps trying even if the task is challenging, or hard works hard when challenged makes the most of every opportunity

7 A person who demonstrates SELF-DISCIPLINE and EMPOWERMENT
sets and pursues goals makes good choices gives others an opportunity to be in a leadership role advocates for herself or himself

8 A person who demonstrates DIVERSITY and TOLERANCE
values and appreciates individual differences of all people accepts others for who they are tries to understand people different from themselves

9 A person who demonstrates COOPERATION
works well with others listens to suggestions from others helps others when they need it participates in class and group work

10 A person who demonstrates HONESTY and FAIRNESS
is truthful takes responsibility for her or his actions takes turns plays by the rules listens to people with an open mind works and plays with everyone

11 A person who demonstrates PRIDE
shows care and appreciation for self, others, community and environment is happy with who he or she is acknowledges her or his accomplishments

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