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 Stars, Stripes, and Students Preparing the Next Generation for Citizenship.

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Presentation on theme: " Stars, Stripes, and Students Preparing the Next Generation for Citizenship."— Presentation transcript:

1  Stars, Stripes, and Students Preparing the Next Generation for Citizenship

2  2015 CCSA Mobile Conference App To Download & Launch the App: Search “confservices” in the app store on your device Open the app and enter event code: 2015 Set Up Your Account: Once you’ve completed the steps above, select “My Account” button to log into the app Enter your email address and the password “2015” to complete this step Note: Directions are also listed on pg. 3 of the printed program. Share Your Experience | #CCSACon | #OMMV


4 OUR GOAL To inspire you to go back to your schools and move the lever on preparing students not only for college and career, but also for CITIZENSHIP.

5 OUR STRATEGY “In this interactive presentation, we will discuss what it means to prepare students for citizenship by grappling with some of the key issues educators face, including apathy. We will proffer a few solutions to this pervasive dilemma regarding our youth and the political life.”

6 OUR AGENDA 1. What Is Citizenship And Why Does It Matters To Educators? 2. Present State Of Political Affairs In California 3. Why The Disengagement? 4. Loss Of Civic Education In Our Schools 5. Turning The Tide: Proven Practices In Civic Learning

7 WHAT IS CITIZENSHIP? Aristotle describes the citizen as ‘one who has a share in both the ruling and being ruled’ where citizenship confers some form of status with rights and duties.

8 UNESCO Citizenship education has, therefore, three main objectives: 1. Educating people in citizenship and human rights through an understanding of the principles and institutions [which govern a state or nation]; 2. Learning to exercise one’s judgment and critical faculty; and 3. Acquiring a sense of individual and community responsibilities. ix.htm

9 Why Does Citizenship Matter To Educators?





14 Presidential Election Popular Votes 1940-2012


16 TOP 7 REASONS AMERICANS DON’T VOTE 1. They think their vote won’t count 2. Too busy 3. Registration Requirements 4. Apathy 5. Lines are too long 6. Don’t like the candidates 7. Can’t get to the polls




20 OUR YOUTH ARE JADED “Young people do care about politics: they just dislike it. Less than a third think that running for office is an honorable thing to do, according to research from Harvard University, while two-thirds think that politicians mostly go into public service for selfish reasons.”


22 RECENT CHALLENGES TO CIVIC LEARNING  Focus on STEM  Avoiding controversial issues (religion and politics)  Lack of assessments


24 CIVIC SCORECARD?  Do the students we educate vote regularly?  Do they volunteer with a civic organization?  Do they give to and advocate for their favorite causes?  Do they participate in their children’s schools?

25 LA County Office of Education

26 RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS SHARE 4 COMMON TRAITS 1. Informed and thoughtful 2. Participate in their communities 3. Act politically 4. Moral and civic virtues



29  2015 CCSA Mobile App Session Evaluations Share Your Experience | #CCSACon | #OMMV Provide your feedback on all CCSA breakout sessions directly from the app: Select SCHEDULE Button Tap the strand that corresponds to the session you want to evaluate Use the arrows on the top to make sure you’re on the correct date Scroll down until you find the session title When you are inside a session description, click on the “Complete Session Evaluation” link under the orange “Resources” header to complete a quick evaluation for that particular session. Note: Directions are listed on the logistics button of the app. Thank You!

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