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Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) Mental Health Implementation Project Update Presented October 9th and 16th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) Mental Health Implementation Project Update Presented October 9th and 16th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) Mental Health Implementation Project Update Presented October 9th and 16th, 2012

2 AGENDA Welcome, Housekeeping & DSHS Introductions Project Update
Options for implementing the new Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment Changes to Batch Submission process Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment Timeline Adult Uniform Assessment Timeline Next Steps for LMHAs/Providers Questions Demo the Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment Demo Client Profile, Diagnosis and Assessment Demo the batch correction process

3 CMBHS Project Update Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment – First production release published and communicated on September 26, 2012 Adult Uniform Assessment is in development. There are three options for implementing the new Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment: Choose to use CMBHS online LMHA/Provider will not need to modify their local application. If a LMHA/Provider chooses, they may utilize CMBHS’ web interface to fully calculate clients’ recommended Level of Care. To use this service, a client profile, diagnosis and assessment must be completed in CMBHS online. CMBHS will store the information, then calculate and return a recommended Level of Care. This option will require providers to manually enter the data into both their local system and CMBHS.

4 CMBHS Modify local application to include the new assessment and use a web service to calculate the LOC-R Providers may choose to utilize a web service provided by DSHS to calculate the LOC-R. Using this approach, providers should modify their local systems to collect the required data and submit them to DSHS for real time processing. DSHS will return the recommended Level of Care, which the provider should record and submit to DSHS as part of its regular batch data submission process. Modify local application to include the new assessment and the new LOC-R calculator Using this approach, providers should modify their local systems to collect the required data and calculate the Level of Care Recommended. The provider records the LOC-R and submits to DSHS as part of its regular batch data submission process.

5 CMBHS Changes to Batch Submission Process
In March 2012, DSHS and HHSC agreed that the Care Assignment and Registration (CARE) system will be the system of record (SOR) for Client Registration and Diagnosis in order to maintain integrity of data between DSHS and DADS. This agreement required a change in the vision the CMBHS project team had for the batch interface. Previously, the plan was for all batch providers to send their data to CMBHS instead of CARE. Since CARE is going to remain the SOR for Client Registration and Diagnosis data, it was decided the providers using batching will need to submit two files to the state. Providers will continue to send select (i.e. non-assessment) data to CARE and CARE will forward any appropriate information to CMBHS . Assessment data will be sent by provider directly to CMBHS. CMBHS will provide any required assessment data to CARE.



8 Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment Timeline
CMBHS Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment Timeline Milestone Activity Date Established by DSHS First production release of code, use case/business rules for Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment(CAUA) released to LMHAs September 26, 2012 LMHA provides schedule for implementing technology to support the use of the CAUA to DSHS. October 19, 2012 LMHAS begin modifications to local systems for CAUA October 19, 2012 (Recommended) LMHA begins testing CAUA batch data with DSHS March 1, 2013 (Required) LMHA complete testing CAUA batch data with DSHS April 30, 2013 (Required: Testing schedule must be established with DSHS) Attestation of Readiness for CAUA by LMHAs May 13, 2013 (Required) “Go Live” date September 1, 2013 (Required)

9 Adult Uniform Assessment Draft Timeline
CMBHS Adult Uniform Assessment Draft Timeline Milestone Activity Draft Date Established by DSHS First draft version of use case/business rules for Adult Uniform Assessment (AUA) to LMHAS September 17, 2012 First production release of code, use case/business rules for Adult Uniform Assessment (AUA) published by DSHS November 30, Bulleting sent to LMHAs announcing code release, including schedule of web demo/Q and A calls. (No date change: added note regarding bulletin and demos/Q and A calls.) LMHA provides schedule for modifications to local system to implement AUA to DSHS January 1, 2013 if AUA released by DSHS in November. If release is delayed, there is a day-for-day delay for schedule production and modification, however testing schedule should not change.. (No date change: clarified impact on delay of release.) LMHAs begin modifications to local systems for AUA January 1, 2013 (Recommended) (Date change to align with schedule submission.) LMHAs Begin testing AUA batch data with DSHS May 1, 2013 LMHAs completes testing AUA batch data with DSHS June 28, 2013 Attestation of Readiness for AUA July 15, 2013 (Required) “Go Live” date September 1, 2013 (Required)

10 Next Steps for LMHAs/Providers
CMBHS Next Steps for LMHAs/Providers Develop Schedule and complete the worksheet included in the broadcast communication and return to DSHS by October 19, 2012. If you will be batching, start modifications to your local system for the Child and Adolescent Uniform Assessment.

11 CMBHS Questions?

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