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Cell Reproduction Chapter 8.

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1 Cell Reproduction Chapter 8

2 8-1 Chromosomes Cell Reproduction 8-2 Cell Division 8-3 Meiosis

3 DNA: Chromosomes DNA: Centromere Nucleotides Genes
Forms In Eukaryotes: Chromosome Coiled DNA Histone proteins Nonhistone proteins Centromere Chromatin DNA plus protein Loose storage Prokaryotes Single circular molecule Chromatid Copy Chromatid Chromosome

4 **Revisiting DNA** Structure
Nucleic Acid Nucleotide

5 Chromosome Structure & Numbers

6 DNA Structure Eukaryotic Prokaryotic
Structure of DNA while not replicating  chromatin

7 Types & Organization of Chromosomes
Sex Chromosomes: 2 chromosomes Determines gender XX= female XY= male Carry genes Autosomes: 44 chromosomes All other chromosomes Homologous Chromosomes Pairs carrying genes for same trait Karyotype: 22 pairs homologous autosomes 2 sex chromosomes

8 **Karyotype** What type of organism is this?
What sex is this organism? Does this organism have any chromosomal abnormalities?

9 Cells & Chromosomes Diploid (2N) Both chromosomes in homologous pair
All cells except reproductive cells Human: 46 chrom.= 22 autosome pairs+2 sex chrom Haploid (1N) One set of chromosomes from pair Reproductive Cells: sperm & egg= gametes Sperm + Egg = zygote (2N) Human 23 chrom= 22 autosomes + 1 sex chrom

10 # of Chromosomes in Various Organisms
ee Diploid Haploid

11 Karyotype Analysis 1. Identify this organism? Identify the gender?
Determine if this is a normal karyotype?

12 II. **Cell Division: Prokaryotes **
Binary Fission: 2 new genetically identical offspring 3 stages Chromosome copies itself Cell wall forms between chromosomes Cell splits

13 Cell Division: Eukaryotes
2 Types: Mitosis: genetically identical, 2N Meiosis: genetically different gametes, 1N Cell Cycle Interphase = prep!!! G1 (Gap 1) Phase S Phase – SYNTHESIS OF DNA G2 Phase Or G0 Phase: after G1, exit cell cycle, no division Mitosis (M phase) Cytokinesis (C phase)

14 **Cell Cycle**

15 **Mitosis Phases** Prophase Chromosomes form
Nucleolus & nuclear envelope disappear Centrosomes (contain centrioles) separate to opposite poles of cell Spindle fibers make mitotic spindle Kinetochore fibers attach to kinetochore in chromosome Polar fibers

16 Mitosis Phases Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis:
Chromosomes line up on midline Anaphase Chromatids separate “chromosomes” Telophase Spindle fibers disappear Chromosomes chromatin Nucleolus and nuclear envelope reforms Cytokinesis: Cytoplasm divides in telophase Cleavage furrow in cell membrane Cell plate: plant cells

17 Mitosis. Diagram http://en. wikipedia

18 **Cytokinesis: Cleavage Furrow & Cell Plate

19 **Meiosis**: Reproductive Cells Only
Forms gametes (1N) from diploid cells (2N) 4 genetically different haploid cells Meiosis I: haploid cells form by end Prophase I Synapsis tetrad **Crossing over** genetic recombination Metaphase I Anaphase I Independent assortment Telophase I Meiosis II: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase II

20 **Meiosis I**

21 **Meiosis II (con)**

22 Spermatogenesis In testes
Produces 4 genetically different haploid spermatids Spermatids mature into sperm

23 Oogenesis In ovaries Produces 1 Egg 3 Polar Bodies Unequal Cytoplasm

24 Spermatogenesis vs Oogenesis

25 **Mitosis vs Meiosis**

26 Asexual & Sexual Reproduction
Offspring from 1 parent Unicellular mitosis or budding Multicellular budding Always genetically identical to parent Sexual Offspring results from union of gametes= zygote Offspring genetically different from parents due to meiosis recombining genes Allows species to adapt more quickly

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